23- mall skirts

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Thank you to those who have been supporting this book so far.

And a big thank you to those that vote and comment, it's great motivation and y'all are really funny.

Ghost readers...I see you and I love you🙈


There was one person out there that knew about your hot make out sesh with Bakugo. You were walking right next to him, poor Midoriya was trembling at the sight of Bakugo glaring at him.

The two of you decided it was best not to tell anyone about your "thing" with Bakugo, but anyone with eyes can see he did not want to stay away from you for too long.

You couldn't help but think if you were too impulsive as you were caught up in a moment.

You wanted to get into Bakugo's head to hear what he was thinking. There was no way someone as stubborn as him would declare his love for you without doubting their feelings.

Who knows him the best? You wondered.

You internally threw yourself off a cliff, It has to be Midoriya.

"Stop." You hissed at Bakugo slapping his shoulder when you noticed he was still glaring at the green haired boy.

Bakugo grumbled something under his breath and continued walking forward.

Your classmates stopped near a water fountain, more people from class 1-A had joined.

"Why don't we meet back here in an hour?" Mina suggested. "(Y/N) let's go together." She exclaimed clinging to your shoulder.

"Actually I was thinking of going with Midoriya today!" You said.

Everyone froze and side eyed you and then Bakugo.

Bakugo scowled, "With him?"

"Yes, with him." You strutted next to the green haired boy and slapped his back playfully. "We're friends, aren't we?" You smiled.

"Of course!" Midoriya said.

Midoriya turned red seeing all the attention was now on him. He cowardly clammed his hands together. "But, is this really a good idea (Y/N)?"

"Yes let's go." You grabbed the boys hand and practically dragged him across the mall.

Your classmates were dumbfounded by your actions.

They wondered if you and Bakugo were fighting again seeing as a vein on his frontal lobe was threatening to physically pop out.

"(Y/N) I promise I didn't tell anyone anything." Midoriya stumbled behind you. "Oh wow, you're strong. Wait!"

You continued walking, ignoring his pleases. The both of you received weird stares throughout your little "stroll".

Finally, you walked into a random store to quietly talk with Midoriya.

You stopped in your tracks causing the other to run into your back. Midoriya breathed out a sigh of relief, rubbing his nose, "I thought you were going to snap my hand off for a moment there."

"Does Bakugo like me?" You blurted out.

"Huh?" Midoriya had a blank face.

"You know him the best right? Do you think he'll ask me out or is there signs he'll ask me to be his girlfriend?"

"(Y/N), this might be a question for someone like Mina." Midoriya scratched his head.

"I'm acting crazy aren't I?"

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