04- quirk test and some brusies

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It was the day after and Aizawa announced that the class will be starting off where they previously left off, the quirk assessment test, he announced this while he gave you the side eye, something that didn't go unnoticed from a few students, who tried to hold in their chuckles. You turned away from his gaze with embarrassment.

"Put on the UA training uniforms and report outside."


"(Y/N)." Aizawa called out to you. "I'll let you have the honor of going first." He said tossing you a ball.

You caught it easily and made your way to the middle of a giant circle where Aizawa had instructed you to stand. "Throw the ball with your quirk. Anything goes just stay inside the circle."

"She's probably strong."

"Doesn't matter I'll beat her."

Ignoring the chatter coming from your classmates, you took a deep breathe pulling your arm back, then with force, threw the ball as hard and fast as you could. Small strands of hair flew into your face from the momentum, you opened your eyes and turned to your teacher who seemed to be hiding a smile.

He held up a phone that read ∞.


"Did you see how far that went!"

"No, it's gone."

"This looks like fun!"

"Fun? You think the next three years here training to be pros will be fun? Wake up, from here on out, I'll be working you out until you guys are ready to call it quits. This course isn't like any other class." Aizawa glared at everyone, his tone was a bit rude, but held authority. This quickly made everyone shut up.

Pfft what a buzzkill you thought.

"Bakugo you're up next." Your teacher called towards the blonde who smirked looking your way.

He stretched his arms out and cracked his neck squeezing the ball in hands before throwing it and yelling, "DIE!"

The other students flinched at the giant explosion that had come from the blonde, but nevertheless, were impressed. As the air cleared up from the dirt everyone looked towards Aizawa waiting to see what his score would be.

It was merely 705 meters, this of course didn't please Bakugo. He walked off the circle pissed off throwing daggers at you.

You shrugged with a grin looking back at Aizawa who was explaining the rest of the portions of the quirk assessment test.

All throughout the test you had managed to singlehandedly excel above the rest. Everyone gushed over you when your name came out on top. Everyone except for a few students, one of them being Bakugo who had placed fourth in the class.

"(Y/N) you're amazing!" Mina shook you by the shoulders with enthusiasm.

"I bet she can take everyone here." Kirishima grinned.

"Not me, I don't care how many quirks alien bitch has, she'll never beat me." Bakugo said as he walked by the group.

"He does seem strong." You thought out loud. "Alright! I'll fight you."

"Huh!" Your friends looked each other worriedly.

Bakugo stopped in his tracks, still facing away from the group. "What did you say alien bitch?" He took his hands out of his pockets and made his way towards you with an open fist showing off his explosions.

"Whoa Bakugo! She's just joking around." Kirishima jumped in front of you shielding you with his arms.

"It doesn't look like she is." The blonde pointed out glaring at you.

"I'm not." You shook your head. "I don't like how he looks at me."


Kirishima stood in front of the angry blonde, "How about we go get some water." He nervously offered.

"You bitch. I'll take you on right here." Bakugo spat at you, ignoring his friend.

"What's going on here, get to class." Aizawa stepped in looking towards you, Kirishima, and Bakugo. He could tell what was going on, he didn't need this right now.

"I want to fight Bakugo." You said.

Mina sweat dropped, "She's just kidding." She said pushing you by the shoulders.

"Consider it a combat exercise." Bakugo smirked.

Aizawa thought for a moment looking at everyone's faces. "Combat exercise you say." He rolled his eyes before saying. "We only have fifteen minutes, so make it quick. I'll interfere if it escalates."

"I'll be done in five." You cracked your knuckles.

"Really?" Some of the students sweat dropped, but were honestly curious themselves to see how it'll play out.

"In positions." Aizawa said tiredly.

You stood ten feet away from Bakugo, he was smirking like he had already won the fight, you just wanted to wipe off his eat shitting grin off.

You stood in a fighting position imitating his expression, you knew one thing for certain; you were strong. As strong as your sister and as strong as the respected warriors in your planet. With one final breathe you looked over to Aizawa, implying you were ready to begin.

"Bakugo." You said. "If I win you have to treat me to ice cream and chicken."

Say yes my wallet was crying from the number of ramen she had. You heard Aizawa whisper under his breathe.

"Tsk, fine, but only because I'll win. And when I do you have to buy me spicy food for a week."

"It's settled then." You replied.

I don't even have money. You thought before hearing Aizawa start the match.

"Go!" Aizawa yelled starting his stop watch. Bakugo instantly ran forward, his arm was ready for a right hook. Seeing this you gripped his arm, while ignoring the burning pain from his quirk, and threw his body up in the air then down to the ground with a hard slam.

Bakugo choked on his breathe taking in the impact, only a few seconds later he got up to see your feet not touching the floor, you were floating above the ground, a sign you were being cautious. He tsked knowing you had him beat in mobility.

Your hands glowed green building up a giant energy orb, which you threw at the blonde. Bakugo reacted quickly and jumped out of the way now making his way towards you with his explosions to help him go faster. He quickly went in for a hard kick straight to your stomach.

You gasped as you felt yourself falling to the ground with a hard thud. Before you could get the chance to regain yourself, Bakugo had pinned your hands down kneeling on your stomachs.

You grit your teeth, your eyes glowed green. You fired your eye beams towards his chest and in an instant Bakugo's body was flying over the training grounds and once again landed on his back.

You quickly flew over to the blonde and shot another round of starblasts, further injuring the boy some more. You gripped his shirt by the collar and held him above you.

You formed a fist and punched him square in the jaw sending him to the floor. You once again picked him up above the ground by the collar staring into his eyes. He was gritting his teeth in pain and grabbing onto your hands with as much force as he could so you could let go.

"A-Al-lien b-bitch." He groaned out.

"Mr. Aizawa I think you should step in." Mina whispered.

"You're right." Aizawa sighed. "Alright (Y/N) that's enough." He yelled towards you.

Your eyes were still glowing green scanning Bakugo as if you were analyzing him.

Seeing as you weren't turning off your quirk Aizawa used his erasing quirk on you, but nothing happened.

"Huh?" He was taken aback, "(Y/N) it's over you won. Stop now."

"That's it?." You dropped Bakugo to the floor, "Well that was fun Bakugo, thanks!"

Aizawa clicked his stopwatch.


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