14- visiting you

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"She has to be in the sports festival it'll be no fun without her!"

"What if we break her out."

"I can turn off the security cameras or something with my quirk!"

"I'll take down the security guards!"


Bakugo slammed a fist down on the cafeteria table startling his friends and some students around them. After leaving Tartarus, Present Mic drove Bakugo back to UA where the entire class bombarded the blonde with questions. Even Todoroki, who wasn't happy to hear you weren't allowed in the sports festival, because he hoped to go against you.

"They want proof, like solid proof that it wasn't (Y/N). They have a video, her bracelet, and pictures of her supposedly destroying buildings." Bakugo tapped on the surface of the cafeteria table, thinking.

"Oh yikes, they have all that?" Kaminari winced back, and flinched when Bakugo looked at him with a deadly glare. "Does no one believe that it wasn't her?"

"I'm with (Y/N)!" Mina raised her hand. "She's my best friend I'll always believe her."

Kirishima and Sero nodded in agreement, "She's super nice and although when it comes to sparring she's like a she-Hulk, but other than that, she wouldn't hurt a fly." The red head said.

"How are we supposed to help with nothing in our hands?" Mina asked. "It'll be like talking to a wall they won't listen to us."

"I know that." Bakugo groaned throwing his head back.

"You sure do care a lot about (Y/N), huh?" Kaminari wiggled his eyebrows, teasing the blonde.

"Shut up dunce face."


Your eyes were shut. You weren't sleeping or tired, but that was all you could do with your body strapped down and hands locked with heavy cuffs. It made you feel like a monster even though you haven't done anything wrong.

You couldn't tell how much time has passed since they had detained you. Maybe a week? There was so many questions running around in your head, and you were surely going crazy because none of them were going to get answered soon.

All you've been doing for the past days is counting the amount of dust particles that floated in your field of vision. It was also quiet, you'd move around just to drown out the sound of your own heartbeat, that was uncomfortable to hear.

Then the sound of the large metal door from the other side of the glass opening had you blinking your eyes open. Through the thick glass you could see him.


Said boy ran up to the glass, pity and anger evident in his eyes after seeing your state.

Aizawa stood beside him looking just as angry as Bakugo. "Is all that necessary?"

"Guys..." You croaked, throat dry. "You're here...what's going to happen to me?"

Bakugo and Aizawa looked at each other with a worried look. I guess that answered your question.


"Can you just...let them know I want like a glass of water or something." You sighed.

"I'll let them know." Aizawa nodded walking out of the room. Now it was just you and Bakugo with a wall of thick glass between you two.

"I would've come to visit earlier, but they said you weren't allowed any visitors. It took a lot of convincing, even All Might chimed in to help."

"Tomorrow's the sports festival, right?" You asked through the glass.

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