17- leaving

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Bakugo stood in front of you, his sharp red eyes piercing down your own green orbs.

"What?." You scoffed at the blonde boy, not fully understanding why he gets so agitated at the smallest things.

The two of you were given some time alone before you had to be sent away for the second time, but this time as a 'free' woman with a new identity at a different school all because of your sadistic sister. Everything's been so hectic. You just wished that all your problems could disappear so you could live a "normal life".

Going to school everyday, hanging out with friends, and having those cheesy dates you've seen on Netflix sounded like a dream.

Bakugo leaned against the wall, staring down at the ground, he was avoiding eye contact. "Look I'm-I'm sorry, okay? I got you back and then something huge happens and you keep me out of your idea. I could help."

"You're very strong, but-"

"But?" He frowned.

"But my sister doesn't compare to the villains on this planet." You quickly inputted before he got the wrong idea.

"You said she's stronger than you."

"If you would've let me explain in the first place, I could've told you what I had in mind." You replied, getting irritated yourself. He stood quiet after you finished, implying that you continued. "The Jewel of Charta can give me the power to increase my strength and power, my mother gave it to me. It'll make me stronger than Blackfire, that's my plan."

"You're going to take her on yourself?"

You nodded as confidently as you could. "I know her fighting style: reckless, power over anything else."

Bakugo's 'irritated' demeanor seemed to be going away. "What's yours?" He asked.

"I don't know." You quietly replied.

"I would say you fight smart with emotion." You fought a grin. Bakugo let out a tired sigh lifting his head, gazing lazily to the ceiling this time. "Do you know when you're leaving?"

You thought back to your conversation with Kazuo and Aizawa, "I'm not sure, I give it two more days I guess? There's a lot of stuff they need to prepare before I leave."

Bakugo grabbed your hand, "Let's go." He dragged you out of the empty hallway to the door where Aizawa and Kazuo were standing guard.

"Where do you think you're going?" Kazuo stood in the way, covering your path with his intimidating large figure.

Unbothered, Bakugo replied, "Out of here. We're leaving. She was held here for something she didn't do, so the least we could do is grab some food."

Your eyes lit up, they were literally glowing green. "Can we get burgers? The really big ones with a milkshake."

"You can't go out in public yet, kid." Kazuo leaned down. "It's not safe."

You turned to look at Aizawa, you clasped your hands together and pleaded, "Please....".

The tired man internally sighed.


There were six burger wrappers bunched together into a big ball by your side. You happily munched on your seventh burger and sipped on your third milkshake.

Bakugo had finished his meal a while ago and sat on his couch, his body spread comfortably as he watched you eat happily on the kitchen table. "Still hungry?"

You wiped the edge of your lip that was stained with ketchup and shook your head. "I'll manage. This will do for now." You used a napkin to clean your hands thoroughly before picking up your trash and throwing it away. Feeling content, you skipped towards the living room and sat down next to Bakugo.

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