10- homesick

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Third person POV:

It was a Sunday evening, it was raining and cloudy, the sky was grey. (Y/N) laid in her bed staring at the ceiling. Her curtains let in the small streaks of light from outside.

It was quiet, other than the rain outside, there wasn't much going on at the moment. Aizawa mentioned something about a meeting, so (Y/N) was home alone.

(Y/N) didn't even bother to turn on the ringer on her phone. It was on silent and faced down, she felt less anxious that way. Every notification she'd get would steal her attention from the ceiling, which filled her head with nothing.

She didn't know what to think about. It was like a static T.V. had replaced her brain.

I miss my family.

Well there's a thought.

(Y/N) played anxiously with her bracelet, the last thing she had from her parents. It was silver with a family crest charm dangling on the side.

I wonder what mom is doing.

(Y/N) turned on her side, getting into a fetal position and hugged her knees.

My life has been turned upside down.

She looked around her room, her new room. She started to feel like a stranger in it.

(Y/N) hugged herself a bit tighter.

I want my mom.


(Y/N) forced herself to sleep, that was until she heard the front door opening.

"(Y/N)! I brought some food!" She heard Aizawa yell from downstairs.

She didn't bother to reply back, she just closed her eyes again, hoping to fall asleep and lose consciousness for a while. (Y/N) sighed when she heard Aizawa's footsteps get closer, she just wanted to be alone right now.

"(Y/N), can I come in?" Aizawa knocked.

A few seconds of silence (Y/N) replied, "Sure."

Aizawa slowly opened the door, "I brought some food, come downstairs when you're ready."

(Y/N) nodded.

She didn't go downstairs.

Only curled herself back into her bed and drifted back to sleep.


The following morning was dreadful. It was still raining and worst of all, (Y/N) had go to school.

She got ready in silence, with no music playing or some random YouTube video Mina usually sends her playing in the background. (Y/N) didn't brush her hair, she barely managed to brush her teeth and put on her uniform.

She had no appetite for the stack of waffles Aizawa had made her, (Y/N) just sat on the couch looking at her shoes until the man was done eating so they could make their way to school.

He didn't want to intervene, but he also couldn't make her do something she didn't want to do. If that meant skipping breakfast, then fine. He saved them for later.

Every time Aizawa asked her what was wrong, (Y/N) would shrug, "Nothing."

She wore a hoodie on top of her uniform today. It was a bit oversized, but very comfy. Now it was just her and Aizawa in the empty classroom early in the morning, as always.

(Y/N) put her head down, hoodie covering her face. It hid her from those annoying bright classroom lights. She sighed hearing the door open and open again.

Students were starting to fill the classroom. Some gave Aizawa a look, What's up with her?

The usually talkative (Y/N) had her head down and face hidden from everyone.

He shrugged at them, letting you be for now.

Mina had tried to take your hoodie off, to which you quickly put a stop to.

"Mina take your seat please." Aizawa said.

"But she's-"

"Now." Aizawa eyes turned red. "Let's start today's lesson."


(Y/N) didn't go to lunch, she had spent it on the roof of UA. It had stopped raining during the day, she wanted to see the sky turn back to it's blue hue.

She didn't want to go back to class.

(Y/N) looked at the clouds, how they slowly moved from her perspective. What if she had been born a butterfly instead of an alien whose family is dead?

That would be amazing.

But no, here she was.

(Y/N) groaned hearing the class bell ring. Her alone time was over.


The class noticed the complete 180 on (Y/N). It was a quiet lesson, there wasn't any bickering from her or Bakugo or small talk from her and her other class 1-A friends.

Did something happen between them?

(Y/N) just blankly stared at Aizawa, no pencil or paper out. She went back to putting her head down.

When it came down to hero course training for class 1-A, (Y/N) just didn't try.

It was combat practice, (Y/N) was paired with Todoroki. When it came down to fighting him in front of everyone, the alien girl just simply took what the other threw at her.

Todoroki had used his ice to completely freeze his opponent, however, when he noticed she wasn't going to fight back he turned to Aizawa, disappointed as he was looking forward to fighting with her.

The teacher sighed, "(Y/N), step out for the day."


"Oi, what the hell is wrong with you." Bakugo caught up to (Y/N) as she walked to class, and harshly grabbed her arm. "If this is about our-"

"Don't." (Y/N) pulled her arm back and glared at him.

"Oh, so now you can talk."

(Y/N) rolled her eyes and kept on walking, "It has absolutely nothing to do with you, so how about you leave me alone." She was annoyed at the world at the moment.

"Tch, whatever." The blonde watched as (Y/N) walked away, he tightened his fists. If she was dealing with something that didn't include him then he couldn't show her that he cared. "Stupid alien girl." He whispered to himself.

(Y/N) walked home alone after class as Aizawa got caught up with paperwork. She looked down and noticed how her legs would stride, her feet taking turns going in front of each other to move her body forward. She could just fly home, she knew that, but the walk home was enjoyable.  Then she stopped in her tracks and looked up at the sky, the sun was about to set, it was painted like a beautiful assortment of watercolors on a canvas.

(Y/N) wondered what was going on light years away on her planet as she stared into the sky, or what was left of it.

"Jeez, is the sky that pretty."

(Y/N) turned to the voice that spoke next to her, "Huh?" She held up her hand to wipe the singular tear that was rolling down her cheek. "Oh, yeah, it is."

It was a UA student as well, something (Y/N) observed as she looked at his attire. He was tall with eye bags and purple hair. "Well, get home safely then." He nodded and kept on walking.

You watched his figure get smaller as he got farther away from you.

Once you were in your room you plopped on the bed, wishing you could nap forever. You thought back to your entire day. It went by quickly, something you were grateful for.

Finally, you drifted back to sleep.


Looks like y/n is a bit depressed🙊

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