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Ever since your arrival at the glade, questions raced on and out of your head. So many unanswered riddles. So many solutions to be discovered. The biggest issue was who can provide the answers?

As everyone knew that you and gally were a thing, you seemed to be getting teased all the time.
You were determined to show them you weren't embarrassed by being with him.
As soon as you found him at breakfast the next day( he was with newt, Thomas, teresa and chuck), you sat on his lap in the straddling position, and connected you lips to his. He was shocked at first butbsoon melted into the kiss. His hands roamed your back, and yours his hair- many people began to wolf whistle but you ignored them, if anything it made you kiss gally with even more passion. He responded in kind. His hands soon found their way under the back of your top, and you gasped at the feeling of his cold hands, and took the moment to slip his tongue into your mouth.
"ok lovebugs, we're trying to eat!"newt said.
You had gotten so lost in the moment that you forgot they were there!
However you didn't move.
You merely responded with "then eat and look away".
Gally smirked and reconnected his lips to yours.
Neither of you got much work done that day, as galjy constantly feigned injury to see you in the medjack hut, where you both made out until you were caught!

I will update soon...I'm really sorry!

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