Manhunter Mayhem

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November 16, 01:12 PST

"The girl killed the imbecile. I trust you will not make that same mistake?"

"No, master."

"Good, begin the preparations immediately, Trentallus. The convergence will soon be upon us, and I will finally be free. I will abide no delays."

The winged being removed his hood and revealed his face. His unruly brown hair complemented his already visible chocolate eyes as he bowed his head.

"As you wish... But... my lord, she hasn't been talking to me as much as she used to. I feel that... she may know of our plan."

"IMPOSSIBLE!" There was a rumble of lightning from inside the red cloud. "The only reason she would not be communicating with you is if you weren't doing your job right! I gave you a chance, Trentallus! I could have picked any other youngling, but I chose you! DO NOT FAIL ME!"

"I will not fail you," Trent whispered with his head still down. How could he fail? Out of everyone, he had been chosen, he was his master's champion, and he would succeed in giving rise to his master's return.

No matter what it took.



November 24, 15:30 EST

Claire sat in the last period of the day. Her leg bounced, her head laid in her hands, and she drowned out the algebra teacher's lecture in favor of worrying about the lecture she had the pleasure of getting only a few days prior.

"You will be required to abandon everything."

"Your friends."

"Your family."

"...Your love..."

Every time she gave thought to what Mar Novu revealed to her, the only thing that came to mind was, "why me?"

Why did it have to be her to have to sacrifice her entire life to fight a war? Why did it have to be her being hunted by things she didn't even truly understand?

She knew it was selfish; from what Novu told her, what she was doing was to save 'creation.' Her fighting this war would save everyone she cared about from dying, her friends, her family, the world. But at what cost?

Would they still care about her after she was gone?



"Claire Bowen!"

The blonde's head snapped up.

"Yes, Mrs. Andalv?" She asked. The short teacher smiled at her sickly sweet. "Would you mind telling me the answer to equation 'x?'"

Claire stared at the board for a moment before Trent, who sat in front of her, held up four fingers behind his chair.

"Four, ma'am."

Andalv's smile seemed forced as she nodded and wrote the answer on the board. "Thank you, Ms. Bowen, but I would appreciate it more if Trent allowed you to answer for yourself."

The brunette nodded and apologized before turning around and giving Claire two thumbs up.

'Thank you,' She mouthed, and he dismissed her with a 'don't even worry about it gesture.'

She slumped back in her chair, and then there was Trent. She hadn't thought about it at first, but now she wondered. Why hadn't he been in the constellations? He was her friend, after all.

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