Chapter 6: Just Like Old Times

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Demi's pov:

I woke up the next morning to the sound of the rain hammering on the bedroom window. To my surprise Nick wasn't here, I stretched and made my way to the bathroom. I grimaced at the sight of my legs in the mirror, still I proceeded as though I hadn't noticed. I couldn't help but smile to myself thinking about the night before, this rarely happened and I was so happy that I was able to spend the night in his arms.

I made my way to the kitchen, where Nick was standing; he was making breakfast, my heart began to pound. I wasn't hungry. "Morning Demi" Nick sang, "You hungry? You've not really eaten.." He said, sounding concerned. "Yeah, I must have just lost my appetite" I muttered. "Well don't worry because I've made you a little something, it's okay if you can't finish it because I more than likely will" he said smiling to himself. "Thanks Nick.." I whispered. "What's wrong Demi?! Are you okay? Did I upset you last night?" Nick was rambling. He was so cute when he did that. I decided to stop him with a kiss, I crashed my lips onto his and he pulled me in delicately. When we parted he only had one word.."wow.." I then proceeded to sit at the dining table watching him with adoration.

I finished the French toast because I did feel a little hungry, and I was determined to not let the thoughts get the better of me. It was still raining when Nick suggested we go for a walk. "But it's raining, I reasoned.." "What, are you scared of the rain?" He teased, mocking me. With that I shot up and went to get ready. I met Nick in the bedroom, both of us ready we made our way to the elevator.

We began to walk out of Nicks apartment building, the streets were rather busy for a Sunday afternoon. We walked for what seemed like hours, we talked about back when we were younger, and what has happened. Nick opened up about his past, probably in an attempt to get me to open up about mine but I didn't want to ruin this beautiful day.

Nicks pov:

"I really wish Demi would realise that it would help her a lot if she were to open up and let me in. She needs help and support and all I want is to be the one to help her." I thought to myself. "What'cha thinking about handsome?" Demi angelically sang. "Nothing.." I brushed off my thoughts. "Well it's obviously something..tell me?? Pleasseee.." She pursed her lips. "I.." "Go on.." Demi said while taking ahold of my hand. "I just want you to tell me about you, and how you got yourself into that mess, all I want is to have a better understanding so that I will be able to help you more with your everyday life." I quietened down toward the end of my speech. I looked at Demi and she had soft tears running down her face, I tried to wipe them away but with that she cowered and turned to walk away. "Demi, wait please! I'm not going to hurt you, I just want to help you!!" I shouted as she walked further away. Suddenly she stopped and allowed me to catch up. Neither of us said anything, until we got further along the path.

"Th..there was this guy, he was a couple years older than us back in high school. Well he and I started dating when I was 17 and from there on we were in love. Well what I believe to have been love, I was so young and easily led. After a year and a half of being together he proposed, and I said yes. We got married in the summer of 2010 in Cabo, that was when it all chanced. Getting back home, I didn't feel comfortable, I felt like something was off. I convinced myself that it was just a phase and that I would get over it, so I stayed. About a week after our marriage was when he hit me for the first time. I guess I should have just left there and then, but he had been through so much with me and I couldn't bring myself to walk out on someone who was obviously sick. I stayed, he apologised every time and I always deserved it, I deserved everything I got.." I saw Nicks demeanour change, and I stopped. "Are you okay?" I hesitantly asked. "Yeah, just angry at that ass hole. Carry on" he encouraged, taking my hand in his.

"Well for the first two years of our marriage he was never sexually abusive." I felt Nicks hold tighten but I carried on. "Then he began drinking more, going to the bar with his friends, coming home and then taking advantage of me and I was helpless, I would just lay there and let him as it was less painful than fighting back." I could feel tears brimming in my eyes and Nick pulled me into a tight hug. I couldn't hold them back any longer, his shirt was stained with my tears.

Nicks pov:

"I'm sorry I forced her to open up, she wasn't ready. I did this, I have made her so upset." I thought to myself as I tightened my hold around her. She pulled away and I could just about make out a "Thank you" roll off her younger. She lay her chin on my chest and I gently kissed her forehead, held her hand and continued walking along the path.

Our conversations all flowed I could sense pure serenity, the skies had now cleared and she sun was shining. When we got back to the apartment we got changed, I gave Demi an old tee and some joggers, we quickly changed and went into the living room with blankets. We put on a movie, Demi insisted on a scary on, I compromised and put on a not so scary one; Friday 13th. Once I was comfortable Demi cuddled into my side and sighed a big sigh. I placed a delicate kiss on the top of her head and turned to watch the film.

I must have dosed off as I awoke to a retching sound coming from the bathroom. I was startled and quickly made my way to the bathroom, I knocked on the door, "Demi..? You decent?" I called in. "Yeah.." She answered before her head was back in the toilet. I proceeded to walk in and I sat behind her, placing my hand on her back. I leaned back on the wall and she turned to lay on my torso. When I saw she was asleep I carried her into her room and put her to bed before climbing in next to her and pulling her close.

This is really long 😅 I'm not going to name her 'ex' I don't think. Unless someone can suggest who it can be? Let me know what you think!
Twitter: @ddlbitxh

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