Chapter 12: Celebrations

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Demi's pov:

Nick had a surprise for me tonight, he was taking me out to celebrate my new job but I didn't know where. The suspense was slowly killing me. I stepped out the shower and began to dry and straighten my hair. I was just in my towel, I was beginning to feel more confident with my body now that it was healing. I knew the scars would be there for longer, and some probably wouldn't go so I decided I'd show them off. After all, I figured that I'd always be able to look at them and realise how lucky I was for getting out and how much stronger I am coming out of it. In the midst of my thought Nick appeared from around the corner, "Can you help me with my tie please?" He said blushing. "Your tie? Are we dressing really fancy, because I don't have a dress.." I was worried. "Don't worry, here" he said handing me a black bag.

I was starstruck, I looked in side cautiously and looked up at him smiling. "You're the best!" I said in a smile to him and leaned up to give him a quick kiss. I pulled it out the back, it was a beautiful two price black dress, with black heels and a white pearl necklace. It was all so pretty, I'm so lucks I said smiling. "Do you like them?" He asked sounding nervous. "I ran out to get them while you were in the bathroom." He said running his hand through his hair. "I love them, but you really didn't have to go to this much trouble for me!" I said trying not to sound too ungrateful. "Of course I did! I want tonight to be special, and about you. You deserve o wear beautiful clothes." He said, blushing. "Thank you" I said as he pulled me by my waist, connecting our lips. I pulled away and said "I need to get ready babe" and turned to face the mirror.

The dress was beautiful and fit perfectly, I loved it even more because Nick got it me. I smiled at my reflection for the first time in a long time, I felt happy and proud. "Ready, princess?" He asked appearing from around the corner. "Ready" I said walking towards him, sliding my hand into his as we walked down the corridor and to his car. My stomach was full of butterflies and it intensified with each step.

Nicks pov:

She is so flawless, I kept thinking to myself. Looking over at her, smiling more and more at each glance. I'm so lucky. "You hungry?" I asked sounding nervous. I hope she didn't notice I was nervous. To me it was blatantly obvious, maybe I wasn't easy to read, I smiled confidently. "Why are you so nervous?" She asked, putting her hand on my leg, interrupting my thoughts. "Huh? Oh I'm not nervous" I tried to play it off.

The restaurant we were going to wasn't too far away, I had reservations for 7pm and it was now 6:57pm. I half expected Demi to make us late, she was always doing that when we were younger.

Parking outside the restaurant , I told Demi to stay there while I got out. I came around and helped her out. She kind of had a reputation for falling on her ass in heels. I held her hand all the way to the table, pulling the chair out for her and then sitting down opposite her. Our table was in the back of the room, it was quiet and dimly lit. The water came to take our order, he was tall, had blonde hair and blue eyes. He was gawking at Demi, but she dismissed his presence and proceeded to tell me what she wanted. Once he had taken out order he stood there. "Thank you..?" Demi said giggling to herself. "Y..yes" he stuttered and turned on his heel to walk away. I just laughed and shook my head looking into the menu.

Our food came and we got to talking, just about nothing really. We talked about the baby and when her next appointment was. We talked about her new job, and what her first impressions were of the few staff working. She talked about wanting her own place, big enough for the two of them. But how she also wanted it to be close to me. I just got lost in her eyes and the sound of her voice, she was so beautiful and she didn't even have to try.

Suddenly, in a flash her demeanour changed, she grew tense and clenched the table cloth in her hands. I could see tears gathering in her eyes. I sat up and turned facing the man, the monster who broke her.

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