Chapter 1

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Although I raced down the stairs I wasn't trying to make it to class, I was trying to reach Aster before he went into chemistry. Aster is a senior just like me and Lucinda. When I was running down the stairs I crashed into something, while I wish it was my Prince Charming it wasn't.
"Jamie you know better than to run on the stairs" my father bellowed.
My dad is the principal of Royal High, he's the only reason my step sister Star and I are here. He's also the only reason I'm not failing.
"Er sorry dad." By the time I said that he had already stormed off.
I was late to chemistry and I had missed Aster so I decided just to skip class. I was headed back to my dorm when I ran into Star. Both of us had skipped class.
"Heyyy gay boy!" For some reason Star thought I was gay even though I'm straight
"I don't have the energy to argue right now." Star is just a freshman. I walked into my dorm and locked the door. I silently thanked my dad for getting me a private dorm.
After chemistry was lunch so I made my way to the dinning hall. I sat down at a table with Star and Sage. Sage is also a freshman. The bell rang for lunch and people came running out of classrooms.
Ann and Lucinda sat down at the table. Ann isn't Royal she got a scholarship to be here. Lucinda is princess of the dark fairies and she really embraces it. Those two have been friends for a while. No one really knows how they became friends or how Ann joined our friend group. Ann is a light fairy but I've never seen her use her wings.
Most of the crowd had made its way to lunch except one person. I looked over at the stairs and saw Aster. He ran his hand through his brown hair and messed it up. We meet eyes and I looked into his greenish blue orbs. Then our contact was broken when Aster tripped and fell down the stairs. He really is the main character.
Aster sat down at the table and I felt like I barely said two words to him when the bell rang.

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