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Deku leaves Japan when he is around 10 years old. He comes back 7 years later hoping to meet Bakugo. Seems like Deku is sick? Will the sickness be an obstacle for both of them? Is Bakugo even single? W...
Guys this is a chapter for those who didn't read the NSFW!!! I just give them the review of what happened !!! If you read the NSFW you might as well skip this chapter because I'm just reviewing the same thing that happened the two chapters before this one!!! So go on ahead and you can skip to the next chapters if you read NSFW. If you didn't then I need you to stick around for a minute or two.
In the chapters Bakugo reveals that he isn't single . And that he is actually dating kirishima ! But he does not tell Deku that because he makes him self believe that all this doesn't mean anything to him and that all of this is just a play for him. As Deku approaches him and tries to kiss him again (after the business they did) Bakugo hears someone approaching them so he pushes Deku on the ground and steps on his face with his shoes. He than explains that he doesn't want to to this and that he did all this just because he didn't want the person that was approaching to see this thought he says all this in his thoughts so he doesn't say this at loud. The the person that came was actually Kirishima . He got kind of angry at bakugo for fighting with Deku . He says that its his first day and that he shouldn't fight. Deku remains on the ground with no clue what he did wrong and eventually cries.
That is how I'm pretty sure how the chapter ends!!! I hope I gave a good preview , if you still didn't get it or your confused please let me know in the comments and ill try to go into details . I just want you guys to get the right picture . Thank you so so much see you in the next chapter bestiessss !!!!!
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