06‚ a job ²

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chapter six : a job ².

It was the next day after me and my girls stole a car and got away with it

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It was the next day after me and my girls stole a car and got away with it. Now, I stood here with my baby daddy as we waited for our son to come downstairs.

"So, how's it going?" Cole asked as he awkwardly stood beside the door with Carla's carseat in his hand.

"Quit the small talk. Matter of fact, stop with talking altogether, you're here to pick up our son, not butt into my life." I crossed my arms as I leaned against the staircase, looking up every once in a while for Blake.

Cole sighs, "You're right, I'm sorry."

I decide to sit on the stairs, glancing at Cole who sucked his lips into his mouth and tightly connected his hands. "Look, if you ever need anything you can just call or...or text. You know that right."

"Shut the hell up, Cole," I ran my hands through my hair in frustration. "Every week is the same stuff with you, why can't you just let it go."

He walked over with Carla still in his hand, he sat down next to me but make sure to keep his distance before sitting Carla down in front of us. I didn't look his way, I just looked down at my chubby daughter in front of me who chewed on her toy.

"I'm sorry, okay. Maybe this is my way of making this whole thing up to you. I screwed up, I screwed up badly. I'm sorry, Val, why can't you understand that." He turned his whole body to me and I did the same.

I could feel my face heat up by how upset I was.

"You cheated. I was in the hospital giving birth, while you were showing off you new fucking engagement. I needed you and you weren't there for me." I gave him a tense smile with my eyes blurry with tears that I somehow managed to hold back as I remembered delivering Clara, wishing that he was in the room with me.

Cole Scooted closer to me but I held up a hand. "No, I really don't need your sympathy right now, Cole."

He nodded, "Okay."

"I'm ready!" I heard Blake's footsteps running from behind and I quickly stand up, wiping my eyes before turning around and giving him the best smile that I could master.

"Hey, baby." I ruffled his hair and bent down to kiss his cheeks. "Have fun, okay? And listen to daddy." Cole stood to his full height, picking up Carla's car seat and walking our way.

"Okay! Bye, mommy." Blake ran to the door and threw it open, wasting no time to run outside to Cole's car.

"Cole." I nodded.

"Valerie," Cole gives me a small smile. "Stay safe."

"Yup," I walked behind him, waving at Clara when her eyes met mine. She gives me a smile, a dimple showing up on her cheek. "Bye, baby girl." I muttered.

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