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The pen moves on its own, sketching onto the paper, lines and shapes that somehow match her appearance. I sit with my back pressed against the pillows, paper with a clipboard underneath laid on my lap whilst the Tv blasts throughout the room. At ten o'clock in the morning, I'm wondering where she is. I woke up early to save her the trouble of waking me up but she's not even here and I know that Asami isn't the person to be late to things.

She probably got caught up with something, Kya must've pulled her to the side and asked for help with the patient a few doors down. I heard he's having a little trouble with movement nowadays.. yeah, it's probably that. With a shrug, I place the drawing of her to the side and reach for the remote. 'The walking dead' was never a show that I could see myself watching, but once you're cooped in a place where a zombie apoloclypse could occur, I couldn't help myself.

On season seven, I'm even more lost than I was before and now I'm thinking I should've kept a diary on who's alive and who isn't. If that was the case, I would cross Sasha off the list right now. She's taken a poison pill and died during a two-hour ride to Alexandria. In the words of Negan, "Holy god damn!" He opens the door and zombie Sasha leaps out. If zombies could talk, I'm sure Sasha would have said "surprise mother fucker." And for the first time, I feel like laughing in my room. Not one of those fake laughs, a full hearted one that bubbles up in my chest. I turn the Tv down a little as all hell breaks loose, gun shots and fire, the last thing I want is a nurse coming in here to ask if I'm okay.

Now I'm wondering if that did happen, maybe I should act like one of the zombies, perhaps they'd leave me alone then- or maybe they'd sedate me and check if my brain is still functioning normally. Just thinking about that, imaging it has already brought back memories.

When I woke up all time ago on what I thought would be an ordinary Monday. But nothing was normal. I felt as if knives were mercilessly carving their way through my insides. Waves of nausea left me convulsing and desperate for relief. I tried to take step out onto the field but I collasped into a screaming hump on the floor.

I blink and I picture being rushed to the emergency room where I hoped I could find some relief and help. It would be five excruciatingly horrible and exhausting days before I'd find it either. I never knew how impossible it could feel to live another hour much less another day. I never knew how painful even sixty seconds could be. I never desperately desired death before as my only option for relief.

But lying in the crititcal care unit- an abdomen distending more and more with each passing hour, tubes running in and out of a body refusing to function, and a pain pump set to deliver the highest doses but still not reliving the pain- will make death look quite appealing.

I shake myself back to reality, watching how the dead walk after these people. I'm too focused on the Tv to notice that my door has opened and I'm only aware of that when something touches my shoulder. I shift quickly and look at the person that's entered my room. Pale face and dark rings under her eyes, I thought that one of the zombies had somehow managed to crawl its way out of the screen to touch my shoulder. "What the fuck!" The pillow I'm resting on becomes my weapon and on instinct I smack the intruder in the face with it.

"Ow! Korra, it's me."

I remove the pillow with caution and in fact it's not a zombie but a laughing Kuvira. "What the hell is wrong with you, you scared me you idiot!"

"I'm sorry but I did knock, twice actually." She says, calming herself down as she puts her helmet in its usual spot. "Where's Mr and Mrs blue eyes?"

I pause the tv and gesture over to my window, it's bare. "They've gone to buy some more plants to refresh my windowsill."

"Of course..." She says and wanders over, swiping her hand across the sill before turning around. Then the paper at my side seems to catch her attention. "You should've gone to art school or something, you have the skill to open up your own gallery."

I'll learn to dance in the rain [korrasami]Where stories live. Discover now