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Been soo so so busy lately so apologies for the wait and apologies  if there's any major errors in this part. It'll be edited at a later date.



Her voice calms me.

I feel like floating in its waves. But her breathing is my favourite sound because it's still going, the soft lull that makes me feel like home is still there.

Time heals everything, I've learned. A genetic coping statement I guess. but what could possibly heal her? A matter of minutes could make this whole thing go away? She'll suddenly spring up from her bed and tell me how she feels so much better.

I wish.

It's going to hurt like hell, so much that I've tried to convince myself to hate her. But I don't. It's stupid to even think of such a thing, selfish too. Everything in my body was telling me to run once I felt a certain feeling with her. It felt as if the whole universe was telling me to go into a different direction from her too.

But the way I was pulled towards her conquered everything. My brain was telling me to run but my heart told me to stay, clasping onto her so we remain hand in hand, together after everything.

Turning down a corner shook away my thoughts, as well as the increasing noise of chattering in the distance. It's busy again. It always is at this time and now I'm dreading how long the line will be for the cafe. I decided to get Korra something to drink whilst she gets ready, I'm due for one anyway.

She was reluctant to let me go at first, eyes asking me to talk about us. I only pressed a kiss to her cheek and whispered 'later' into her ear. Only so it could give me just enough time for myself to wrap my head around this. So she watched me leave and I admired her from the other side of the door, through the window. Even from there I could still see the glossiness in her eyes. I know she's not sad because the wide grin told me other wise. The whole universe gets caught in her eyes for just a moment. Yet the stars belong in the sky and not warm skin to touch.

"Asami!" A voice calls my name, breathless like they've just ran a marathon. When I turn around, just a few steps away from joining the back of a line, a woman doubles over in front of me.

"Uh? Can I help you?" I ask, not recognising who it is. Yet something about her attire is familiar. Full leather with a helmet on her head. She finally catches her breath and straightens up, sliding the helmet off her head and gives her dark hair a bit of a flip. "Kuvira? are you okay?"

"Yes, sorry the car park was packed so I had to peg it down the road to get here." she says and traps her helmet by her waist. "There was a limo outside too, no wonder this place is packed."

"Really?" I ask. What's that all about? "Anyway, what are you doing here?"

"I was just here to ask if Korra is alright."

"Oh right. She's awake in her room right now so you're welcome to see her."

Kuvira shuffles awkwardly and I raise a brow. "Ha.. the funny thing is.. I just.." She says and her eyes advert to something behind me. "I just.. uh.."

That something bumps into me from behind and then tugs me on the shoulders. "Have I lost them?"

Wait a minute. I know that voice. With eyes wide open, I spin myself around to the person tugging on my shoulder. And there she is, hand covering her half face and dressed in an expensive dress and heels. "Ginger? What are you doing here? I though you were coming tomorrow?" I wrap her into a hug immediately like I've forgotten what it's like to do so. It's been so long.

I'll learn to dance in the rain [korrasami]Where stories live. Discover now