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I didn't realise how many people actually showed up until the end of it all. Where everyone piled out of the theatre and into the pouring rain. It was quite funny watching it from our seat. Since Asami and I were high up, when the show finished, it was like some Mexican wave occurred before the play erupted into applause.

Ginger was great, almost like a different person but I suppose that's some qualities of a great actor. An incredible actor in fact.

Asami tugs at my hand, reminding me of my new whereabouts right now. We've found ourselves at the bar, only a glass of water between us though. It's not that I can't drink alcohol, it's just that I don't want to. The new sessions coming up, the last thing I want is to have extreme side effects afterwards. Yet, no matter how many times I told asami it was okay for her to have a drink, she suddenly turns into the most stubborn person I've ever met.

"If you're not drinking, then neither am I." She told me.

It's lucky that the tap water here is pretty good.

"Will Ginger staying for a few days?" I ask her.

Asami shrugs. "It depends if her father wants her back in the country. She's getting bigger and bigger in the film industry now."

"Coming here has helped her?" I ask.

"Apparently so." She replies, pausing to take a sip of her water. "It's done the job though, she's getting looked at by the British movie stars here."

I raise a brow at her. "How do you know this?"

Asami shows me her phone, an article about Gigner is already there. "It says it here."

"Oh." and yes, there's reviews about her. Very good ones.

She checks the time at the top of her screen and sighs. "I should check how she's doing. Do you want to come with?"

I shake my head, feeling as if I should probably leave those two to have a proper reunion. "No it's okay. I'll stay right here."

She finishes her water and then slides off the stool after giving my forearm a squeeze. "I'll be right back okay?"

"Sure." I reply and watch her walk away, into the crowd and out of my sight. God, there's so much to that woman that I don't know and I'd like to know.

Time spent, hours wasted. Holding my breath watching time crawl across my window sill and into my room at night. When I fall asleep I'm only woken up by being unable to breathe, physically and mentally by the reality of it all.

There's a voice in the back of my head asking me, what am I waiting for? I don't have an answer to that because I simply don't know. Maybe I'm just waiting for all of this to wash over and be done with, for something to go right. But right now, I think I'm just waiting for the final wrong.

Then I hear it, that god awful sound behind me. "Holy shit, Korra?"

Already by the sound of that voice, angry thoughts and words linger like a second person. "Tahno." I say. Our argument from the very first day is still fresh in my mind- the raw words, the screams, the tears. Blocking these images out of my train of thought, I muster up the courage to look at him. He hasn't changed and I suppose his attitude hasn't either.

Yet, he surprisingly pulls me into a hug. "Oh my god." He whispers and I can smell the alcohol already on his clothes. "It's so good to see you!"

I wish I could say the same. "Um.. sure?"

He pulls back from the hug, still keeping one hand on my shoulder since the other one has a bottle in it. "Wow you look really nice! And well too, I'm guessing you kicked that cancers ass?"

I'll learn to dance in the rain [korrasami]Where stories live. Discover now