Chapter 3

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Arden point of view

By the age of five is where I first discovered that I have magical power to manipulate fires as well as being too smart for my age whereas other people are still trying to figure out who they are when I already know who I am from such a young age.

I had always felt like the prominent nature is calling out to me with heaps of trees, the winds , and grass alongside a rural place where it is located, into a forestry area of our most famously also alluring wooden place. I always go there to completely ignore other people as well as listen to my thoughts, therefore I do not always overreact like everyone else who says that to me for the one thousand times.

"I cannot believe that my father said that he is going to set me up with one of his stupid friends son at his workplace" i ranted to myself out loud.

All because of his flipping dumb reputation like does my dad not even care about his own daughter happiness at all, family should matter more than his vanity to be in a opposition of power even just thinking about it sickening me to the core where i am just an nearby object to him which he can give me away to another family as if i do not mean anything to him.

"Are you okay because I heard you ranting proffence about your dad?" asked a worried Devine.

I snapped my finger to have a quick wardrobe change of an outfit when sitting in my bed staring at the window so hopelessly as if i do not know what do except keeping trying to gains access of my brother where about including to keep trying to find a way to get into contacted with the royal family of Altus Creeks then i decide to write a letter asking them for help which is so unlike me to write a letter anyways, it could not to write one to the king and queen when my fate should be consider to be in their hands furthermore, i am still shivering at the thought of not getting marry for love.

"At this point, I just do not know anymore to be honest with you"I stressed out to Devine.

In this moments my mind has already deleted a memories of my dad in my brain as long as i could remember my whole only consist of my mum, brother , grandma ophelia and my friends in my life, my entire moods has done a three hundred and sixty on me while i decide i do not want to waste a perfectly good day dredging about my unsolvable situation, in the meantime i can spend some time with Devi who is trying to get over the rejection of her crush hence the reason why she will be tagging alongside me today to stop by my mum house afterwards, to see how she is coping due to the huge fight she had with my sperm donor.

"Listen, we will all have your back and I am not going anywhere"assured Devine.

We are walking downstairs to the lovely smell of my grandma homemade lemon drizzles muffins in addition to this, sprinkles poppies seed inside of it as well as a topping to it when she just about to take out her delicious homemade treats out of her oven to let them cool first by using a white chopping board to fan over it until it is not piping hot anymore even though, she usually tell me to wait for me to give one of my favourite muffins she always makes to tries to cheer me up.

"Oh, my sweet precious granddaughter is now awake!"exclaimed my very happy grandma.

My grandma slide a pineapple smoothie to me as i caught it at the end of her dining table while bring up a really tasty pineapple smoothie to my mouth for me to chug down my throat, next I am just going to help my grandma washes the dishes without using magic because i am pretty sure that it might burn the plates in her kitchen sinks and other than that I think she would never let me hear the end of it her relentless nagging too,

"Good Morning grandma, is that what I think it is?"I happily asked my grandma.

I knew exactly what it was that was sitting there on the oven trays smelling like a fresh baked muffins for all those reasons why I decided to wake up early to eat one muffin as I quickly got a couple of muffins to fill out my container for my brother to eat some because let just say that he is oblivious missing out on grandma cooking since she only bakes good sweets treats once a fortnight.

"Yeah, I might had made your favourite muffins to help cheer you up"said my grandma kindly.

"Thank you for trying to raise my spirit up, it is very nice of you, but the only thing that could killed this awful mood of mine is my father actually started acting a dad rather than a grumpy old dictator towards his family in fact I do not want to think about downgrading of his words to me" I said truthfully to my grandmother.

Folding my arms crossed trying to think of something else in my mind to move on from or change the topic of our conversation about an interesting topic for once, my grandma looks into my eyes knowing it hurts me to admit that I use to think the world of both of my parents until now when growing up sucks that is when her expression morphed into an disheartening at my situation at hand.

"Put your head up high, don't always wear your heart on your sleeves and go show the world what my beautiful granddaughter is made of!"cheered my grandma.

My friend and I are both walking out the door now to start riding in style now in her words not mine which none of that matters when our carriage comes to a stop as it is indicating it has already reached its destination to see where my brother even is now.

"I have got you covered now"I whispered to Devine.

We are both walking into our favourite cafe when we see the boys sitting down in a booth while we begin to start walking towards them, it was like my brother has spidery senses since,slightly turned his head around as his eyes spotted us next, he quietly explains to his friends what we were doing here before they all notions us to come over here to where they are sitting down.

"What if he does show up at this place?"asked Devine quietly.

Sadly, my friend had already gotten her heart crush by her actual crush herself two months ago when she got sick and tired of waiting patiently for anything to happen, nonetheless she will always have me to be there for her whenever she need me to be. I will be there to fight whoever hurt her because she is an eleven out of ten even though she does not seem to know it herself.

"To do what?, nothing ,but to cause chaos!"I said honestly to Devine.

One day she will find a lucky man to sweep her off her feet instead of keeping failing for a boy who thinks he is a bad boy , although he is just a very irresponsible ,and also irritating boy to me.

"Yeah, you are probably right,"agreed Devine.

We are both heading towards my brother both in not , but full with confidence hoping Jake would never show up in which I forgot to not manifest the boy who I met ,yesterday not to show up here.

"Oh, saint! Why can't I just go one more day without seeing his blooming face?"I muttered under my breath to myself.

Unfortunately, he is one of my brother friends as I saw him and my brother giving each other a broshake like they have both known of each other for years now nevertheless, I could not even stand to be in the same room as him henceforth, I am just going to try avoiding him for the whole entire time we are both here to prevent one of us from causing a scene in this cafes.

The end of the day, we are all going to Angel to avoid seeing my dad who I am not on a good track with anymore due to my own father's vanity and pride to build alliances among his tribes too.

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