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Inspired by the lyrics of 'Dress' by Taylor Swift.

"Our secret moments in a crowded room

They've got no idea about me and you.."

" Honey..." She sighs. "The flour, sugar, baking powder and salt comes first and then you pour in milk, egg and oil."

"Right right the flour. The flour...the flour... Wait which one is it again." Lisa blinks at her mother through her Mac book holding up two bowls on each hand. One with flour and the other with baking powder.

"Hubby.." The manoban mother once again sighs and looks toward her husband Marco Manoban who is sitting across the tea table reading his newspaper. "Is it too late to disown her?" She asks genuinely from being sick of her daughter.

Marco chuckles. "No."

"Heyyyyy.." Lisa yells from her kitchen in South Korea, so loud that her parents could possibly hear her all the way in Thailand even without the screen between them. "You two are being mean." She sulks.

"I still don't understand how you've survived in that foreign country for about 10 years without even knowing how to make pancakes. You truly are a rare gem." Her mom looks at her genuinely impressed.

Lisa flicks back the collar of her shirt raising her chest and straightening her neck, looking all mighty and proud "I didn't have to. I get to eat YG  delicacies. Not gonna lie some times it tastes better than yours." She winks at her dad who is now standing behind her mom leaning towards the computer screen to get a closer look at his daughter.

He chuckles at her and winks back trying to be discrete so as to not be caught by his wife.

Her mom huffs at the father-daughter pair and glares at her husband. "You're lucky you know how to cook if not you'd have to depend on me for food.  And I wouldn't mind letting you eat plain salads for the rest of your life." She sneers at her husband.

"That's right dear." Marco looks at his daughter "You better learn how to cook, who knows one day Jungkook might refuse to feed you as well." He says trying to sound worried.

"Jungkook isn't like that." She replies curtly and looks behind the Mac book at the love of her life who's currently playing with Lego— who turns out to be the only one that approves of Jungkook. Not that the other four cats don't like him. It's just that after his arrival in Lisa's life their mommy's love which was first divided between 4 has now been divided into 5 and as if that wasn't a reason enough the larger portion of her love was also given to him.

And with Lego's appearance it got even worse. That little fluff of orange—yellow almost took their mommy away for himself. So it would be fair to say that both Jungkook and Lego are the outcasts. With Jungkook being the major target to be loathed. The reason being— Lego is one of their own species and you never go against your own family. When there is a cat apocalypse you need all hands on deck so they didn't want to risk it.

"You'll never know. People change." Her dad grumbled while giving a side eye to his wife.

"Oh. I didn't mean it like that. Jungkook is just as bad as me when it comes to cooking." She paused for a second to rethink and then corrected " Okay maybe not to my level. But still bad. So it's not possible for him to boss over me when it comes to food."

"I heard that!" came Jungkook's loud voice from the living room.

Lisa just rolled her eyes.

"Oh. Is that Jungkook. Is he there?" her mom asked surprised.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2022 ⏰

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