"Hail, Janenas!" I called as I guided Rhiandu down towards the Jane lair. "I would parlay."
"Hail, Rhiannon," Janenas responded. The elderly, bronze dragon stepped cautiously out onto his lair's veranda. I could tell he didn't want to fight but he was as prepared as he could be if I didn't give him any choice. I mean... he had combat shields protecting his mind but he'd thrown them up in a hurry and they were pitifully inadequate.
"Alight in peace," he said to me, formally. Psion swept down and landed on his veranda.
"I was informed of your intended visit," he said. "What, pray, do you wish to discuss?"
"I intend to take your servant, Janedoc."
"What could possibly possess you to do that?" he exploded... But it was more shock than anger.
"I can see strengths in him far beyond those you recognise."
"But the boy is bound to me by a mind lock."
"I am well aware of that. Indeed, it was so clumsily emplaced that it massively hampered his effective training. If the damage you caused when you inserted it had not been corrected, he would not have survived to be promoted to the status of transitor that he now enjoys.
I paused for a moment then added, "Not, of course, that I'd ever admit to having anything to do with the mind lock of somebody else's servant."
Janenas thought for a moment.
"Whilst he is all but worthless, he is, nonetheless, my final servant. Were you to take him from me, it would be beyond my powers to save the ancient Family of Jane. You put me in a position where I have no choice but to fight you."
"I have been appraised as to your situation. Would it make your decision easier if I were to offer Jane the formal protection of the House of Rhian?"
Janenas thought about my offer for a moment. "Though I find it personally degrading to be forced to accept such vassalage, the advantages of such an arrangement for my Family are beyond question. It would provide a continuity and stability we have not enjoyed since the Year of Flame and Sword."
"I can't have made myself clear," I said. "I am not looking for a vassal. I would like to join your Family to my House with bonds of mutual trust and understanding."
"But I have nothing to offer in such an arrangement," Janenas exploded, astonished at how generous the offer was.
"You have your name and your honour and, with my support, you will be able to restore your Family to its former prestige and beyond. But make no mistake." My mind suddenly grasped his and, for a moment, I let him catch a glimpse of my ambition. "Though I do not demand Jane's vassalage, I am placing my trust in your Family and, if you ever breach that trust without the customary quarter year notice of termination, I will personally destroy the Family of Jane as utterly as if it had been declared anathema."
Janenas was quiet for a long time as he thought about what I'd just said.
"Were you to accept my offer, I may be able to provide you with a much more competent neck guard. This neck guard would ride without the encumbrance of an implanted node and be bound to us both by ties of personal loyalty."
"Such a neck guard would, beyond doubt, greatly enhance the puissance of my Family, but I was not aware that Rhian possessed such resources."
"The rider I have in mind goes by the name of 'Jenko'."
Shining sparkles flashed across the elderly dragon's mind.
"You know, of course, that there is no realistic option open to me but to accept," he replied once he had managed to sort himself out. "The brazen insolence of the offer, however, goes some way towards placating me. You will fly high, Young Lady."
Rhiannon - Dragonrider
FantasíaOn a school holiday in the Scotish Highlands, Katie discovers she has an unusual talent which draws her towards a mysterious island that nobody else can see. There she finds herself in a much more primitive world, a world of flame and sword, with mu...