Chapter Twenty - The Gatehouse Roof

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As a tyro, my days were completely packed with chores and training and stuff, so, to get any time on my own, I had to get up earlier than everyone else. And I just needed that bit of time... even if it did mean sacrificing precious sleep!

The morning air was chilly as I crept down the rickety wooden staircase from the dormitory but the sun was already up and the day ahead promised to be warm. My muscles grumbled as I started to jog slowly round the quad in the early morning light. As I jogged, my mind wandered back over the last couple of days which had passed in a bit of a blur.

I'd been out on the nags a couple more times and, with each flight, I'd got a bit more control and Zalibar had let me go a bit further. Last time out, I'd managed a complete circuit of the island under Geraint's careful supervision.

Then there was the training with broadsword and dagger and, from the second morning, I'd basically been living in a padded helmet and a cuirass - the heavy, metal breast- and back-plate setup. My mind still pretty much exploded with excitement every time I got a sword in my hand but, with a bit of practice... and some not particularly gentle encouragement from Zalibar... I could now more or less stop it from leaking out!

I'd also got to know a few of his runs. With Psion's help, I'd managed to avoid coming last in any of them but on one, a particularly horrible obstacle course thing in full kit with high walls to climb and muddy tunnels to crawl through, it had been desperately close.

When I wasn't training, there were the never-ending chores. I'd been down to the village a couple of times to collect meat and, every time, I'd managed to smuggle something to Psion.

I guess I wasn't quite as stiff this morning... maybe last night's run hadn't been quite as tough as the others... or maybe I was just getting used to them. I mean... yesterday, I'd managed to get away from the little group at the back and so I avoided most of Zalibar's attention.

On my second lap of the quad, I noticed a narrow stairway leading up to the roof of the gatehouse and so, once my muscles had warmed up, I climbed up there and found myself standing on a flat roof with a beautiful view up to the mountain and out over the coastline.

I was just enjoying the view when I felt the faintest brush of a mind on mine and, before I could even think, I'd already thrown up my defensive shield.

"Good morning, Young Mistress." Psion's cheerful voice was suddenly in my head. "I do apologise. I had not intended to startle you."

"That's quite alright," I answered, lowering my defences. "I just wasn't expecting anybody. Where are you, by the way?"

"I have moved to the base of the cliff. There is a cave down here where I can conceal myself should anyone approach too closely."

"Can you fly again then?"

"I have recovered the ability to flutter for short distances so the journey up is less burdensome than hitherto."

"That sounds particularly elegant!"

"I would prefer to avoid discussing the matter!"

I said nothing but grinned.

"I take it there's no danger of us being overheard," I said as I started my stretching exercises.

"There should be no danger as long as we keep our conversation quiet," Psion answered. "Whilst a couple of the more skilled operators in the Edifice may be able to eavesdrop on us, they are extraordinarily unlikely to attempt to do so with one of Zalibar's noviate tyros.

We were quiet for a bit as I carried on with my stretches.

"How are you finding it?" he asked when I took a bit of a pause.

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