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"Good morning beautiful and happy birthday." Ben smiled.

"Good morning and Thank you baby." Miranda smiled getting off her bed.

"I'm sorry I couldn't get the day off." Ben told her sadly.

"It's okay. I know you would be here if you could." Miranda informed after brushing her teeth.

"What do you have planned today?" Ben asked watching her wash her face.

"I pushed a surgery back to 11, after the surgery lunch with Callie, Arizona and Teddy. Then more work. When I get off, dinner with everyone and then I'm coming home and calling you."

Miranda took her hair down and found a outfit to wear today. Settling on a purple dress. She did her hair.

"You look amazing."

"You bought this one." She laughed.

"I know and I knew you would look this good."

Miranda heard the doorbell ring so she walked out of her room to the front door.

"Skillet capitol hill." Miranda gasped at the big bag of food.

"Thank you." She told the delivery man after he informed her that he had already been tipped.

"Ben." Miranda chanted looking back at her phone. "You bought me food from my favorite breakfast restaurant." She awed.

"Yeah birthday breakfast."

"I love you." Miranda stated blowing him a kiss then pulling out the contents of the bag.

After eating breakfast and talking to Ben. Miranda was full and content.

"Ben when is your next day off?" Miranda asked sipping her cranberry juice.

"Thursday. Why?"

"Maybe when I get off on Wednesday. I could fly to you and just fly back in the morning." Miranda suggested.

"It's my turn to come, so if you want me to fly in on Wednesday night. I will be waiting for you when you get off." Ben said.
"I just miss you so much." Miranda sulked.

Their schedules could never seem to coincide. She was tired of the one day visits, but it was the only thing keeping her sane. Some days she considered just packing up and moving to California. That's how she knew she loved him. She actually considered changing her world to be with him.

"I miss you too." He expressed. Ben checked his phone and smiled.

"I have a surprise for you though." He announced.

"You do?" Miranda stated curiously.

"Yes. A huge birthday gift. It's outside."

"Okay let me put some shoes on." She said excitedly standing up.

"Grab your wallet too. You need your License for ID."

Miranda grabbed her slippers, keys, wallet, and phone walking out the door. She made it downstairs and looked around.

"Baby I don't see anything."

"You can't miss it. It's white with a red bow."

"The lobby is empty." She said confused.

"It can't fit in the lobby go outside." Ben chuckled.

Miranda walked outside and screamed.

"Benjaminnnnn you didn't." She shouted bringing the phone to her face so she could see him.

"I did." He nodded smiling.

"A Mercedes-Benz suv." Miranda stated teary eyed. Looking at the white suv with a huge red bow.

"Yes the title and everything is in the glove compartment."

"Oh my Goodness." She yelled running over to it. The man handed her an manila envelope with the keys and other paperwork after she showed her ID.

Miranda opened the front door and squealed looking around at the interior. She slid inside and shut the door.

"How much did this cost?" Miranda asked sternly holding her phone up.

"Does it matter?"

"It does Ben. It's expensive and I didn't want you to spend thousands on me."

"Miranda I would spend millions on you."

"I know, I just. This is the best birthday gift ever.  I don't know what the hell I’m going to get you now."

"I already know what I want." Ben stated licking his lips.

"And what is that?"

"You naked spread out across my bed."

"That's it?"

"That's it."

"Honey. I can make your wish come true early." Miranda spoke sensually.

"Is that so?" He laughed.

"Mm-hmm." She smiled widely.  "When you get here on Wednesday I want to show you just how thankful I am for my car." Miranda stared looking at him lustfully.

"Miranda don't start anything. I need to go to work and I don't want to be there uncomfortable.

" Okay last thing then I'm done...I want to ride you Ben in my Benz." She purred purposefully.

"Shit Miranda." Ben groaned shifting in his chair.

Miranda laughed and took pictures of her car to show her friends later that day. She talked to Ben all the way to work before they hung up.

A few weeks later Miranda and Ben were currently in the middle of their virtual lunch date and she sat blinking at the screen confused as hell. A woman just wrapped her arms around Ben HER BEN hugging him from behind.

And she tried not to jump to conclusions. Really, she tried, but that's sort of hard to do when some girl is hugging her boyfriend and he's not doing anything to stop her.

Miranda was not the jealous type, not at all. Ben is his own person and he can hug whoever he wants, she doesn't dictate his life. She should be fine with this girl hugging Ben, and she would be, if the girl wasn't draped all over him looking cozy.

Then it dawned on Miranda that two important things just happened 1 Ben didn't move from his seat, there was no knock or door bell that had occurred and 2 she walked straight in. So she either has a key or just feels comfortable enough to just walk in.

Eventually she realized that none of them have said anything yet, and the other woman is still holding onto Ben as if he belonged to her, and Miranda figured that she should probably say something before she snapped off.

"Umm, hello," she said with an attitude laced in her voice, eyes flicking back and forth between Ben and the tall, curly head woman that still looks overly smug.

"Hey" the woman said in a sickly sweet voice.  "I'm Stephanie, Benjamin's really good friend." Miranda didn't like the way she emphasized the word "really", but she didn't point it out.

"Ohh," she said confused as to why she was even speaking to her.

She paused and stared for a moment before speaking "I'm Miranda," she told the girl. "Ben's girlfriend."

Stephanie sent her a confused look, and Miranda noted every little thing she did.

"Really? He's never mentioned you," Stephanie commented. "In fact, he never mentioned having a girlfriend at all."

Miranda eyes flashed up to Ben and Her breath hitched. Ben looked horrified, but the look worsened in an instant. "Ben, after everything we've done, you should have told me about your girlfriend at least once." She shot Miranda a poisonous look. "She could have joined us."

"Everything yall have done?" Miranda countered flaming.

Ben's eyes flashed over to hers. "Miranda —"

Miranda looked at him before hitting the end on her phone.

She stood up and started pacing the floor fuming. If she didn't live a thousand miles away she would walk into his apartment and smack both of them.

"Stephanie why in the hell did you do that?" Ben shouted sternly looking at her.

"Do what?" She asked coyly.

"Using words like REALLY good friends or all we have done. Why would you try to imply something that's not there. You know about Miranda because I've told you and told you multiple times."

"I was just joking Ben."

"Okay just joke on the outside of my apartment door. Leave." Ben said firmly.


"And don't walk into my apartment without knocking again."

“Ben you invited me." She expressed crossing her arms.

"Yes I invited you to finish working on Anesthetic Management of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm. That doesn't mean you just enter someone’s house without knocking. So like I said leave. We can finish at work."

Ben watched as Stephanie left and he called Miranda. After her phone went straight to voice mail he left a message.

"Miranda, please call me back. I love you."

Ben tried Miranda a few more times before giving up.

"Hey Miranda. What are you doing here?" Callie asked looking at Miranda as she had bags full of bottles.

"I need a drink let's drink." Miranda responded pushing pass Callie walking to her kitchen.

"Good timing Teddy's on her way here too."

"What? Were yall going to have a girl's night with out me?" Miranda asked hurt.

"Miranda every time we extend the invitation you are flying out of town or staying at home talking to your boyfriend."

"Soon to be Ex boyfriend.” Miranda stated with her pointer finger.

"What!? What happened?" Callie asked handing Miranda a shot glass from the cabinet.

"So I'm talking to Ben on face time for lunch. He was at his apartment and we were both using our iPads so we could sit them up while we were eating..." Miranda said before pausing to take a shot of Whiskey.

"In the middle of our conversation in walks this woman.  She comes up and wraps her arms around him squeezing him tightly."

"Wait so she just walked in or was she already there?" Callie countered.

The question pegged Miranda's mind. She hadn't even considered that an option. She quickly examined the structure of his apartment in her mind and groaned she came up on the right of him and Ben looked that way, but what if she came around the island so she could be on the right of him.

"What else happened?" Callie questioned eagerly.

"Sorry I was thinking." Miranda stated before pouring margarita mix in the blender.

"The two of them were pausing in front of the screen like I wasn't there. I quickly interrupted them before I snapped and it was taking everything in me not to do so. Then she introduced herself saying that her name was Stephanie and she was his REALLY good  friend. "

"What did I miss?" Arizona asked walking in with her wet hair in a bun and pajamas on.

Callie quickly filled her in up to really good friends.

"She put emphasis on really like that?" She asked.

"Yes." Miranda huffed rolling her eyes. "It gets worst. Then Stephanie proceeds to say that he never mentioned me not even once after everything that they have done... What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

"Miranda honestly. I think she was just trying to make you upset." Callie expressed.

"Well mission accomplished."

"What did Ben say about it ?" Arizona asked.

"He knew I was upset so he was trying to say something, but I just hung up. I was pissed." Miranda said shrugging.

Callie and Arizona both laughed picturing Miranda's face and her hanging up abruptly.

"Miranda call him back and see what he has to say." Callie encouraged.

"No." Miranda said sternly as the front door opened up. "Maybe we need space, we've been in a relationship since we met.

"Bailey you live in two different states. That's all the space you need." Arizona stated.

"What happened?" Teddy asked in her pajamas as well.

"Damn I'm the only one with out pajamas." Miranda pouted. "Callie let me take a shower and borrow some. Yall can fill Teddy in on what happened."

"You know where they are." Callie informed and Miranda nodded grabbing her phone and walking to her room.

Miranda checked her text messages and read the different text that Ben sent. He apologized and asked for a chance for him to explain.

She exhaled softly putting her phone down she grabbed a pair of pajamas, wash cloth and towel going into the bathroom.

After her shower Miranda walked to the kitchen and sat down beside Teddy.

Callie was cooking and Arizona was standing drinking her margarita.

"We have all came to an executive decision you need to call him back and hear what he has to say."

"I'm not doing that." Miranda sneered. "I don't want to talk to him right now."

"You love him Miranda."

"I do." She whined.

"So are you really going to throw it all away after something that you don’t even know. This is petty."

"You wouldn't be mad?" Miranda asked shocked. "Was this really petty?"

"I don't know, I would be pissed." Teddy stated.

"Right like. This woman literally walked into his apartment and was all over him. What friends are that close?"

"Maybe she is an ex?"

"Oh that makes me feel 100% better." Miranda responded sarcastically reaching for her drink.

"I believe it's nothing." Arizona stated.

"How are you going to break up with him without hearing him out. He just bought you a brand new Benz are you going to give it back."  Callie asked laughing.

"Hell no. It's mine and in my name. I should probably get my own insurance though. "

"Wait so he bought you the car paid in full and he's paying the car insurance?" Teddy stammered.

"Yes, he said since it's a gift anything that comes with it he's paying for. He also hires some company to come wash it for me 2 times a month.

"Well damn, does he have a brother?" Teddy asked.

"He does, but he is not interested in women." Miranda giggled.

"Oh. Maybe you should go and talk to him in person."

"I can't do that." Miranda replied shaking her head thinking.

"Why not?"

"There won't be much talking." She admitted. "I can't even think straight when we're together. So I know I sure as hell can't stay mad at him."

"You got it bad."

"Yep." She replied nodding her head.

"How do you have that much sex?

"What do you mean?" Miranda laughed curiously.

"Every time you see each other. You mawl each other." Teddy responded.

"It's not as much sex as you think. We go almost a month sometimes two. So naturally when we see each other our bodies want to reconnect."

"Ok and all the other time were you just get on the plane to have sex and you come back in the morning." Callie stated raising an eyebrow.

"Those times are just important days. If he needs me or I need him. And we don't just go for sex all the time. Sometimes it's for a date, dinner or just to lay in the bed and watch movies." Miranda explained.

"Well I think you should hear him out."

"Well I think you should finish cooking because we starving."

Ben tried Miranda again repeatedly for two days straight and she still didn't answer. Getting frustrated he laid back on his bed and cut the tv on so he could think of something else.

He sat up to find the remote to his tv. Opening his nightstand drawer he saw the note he wrote asking her to be his girlfriend. He forgot when he came home that night he put it in the drawer.

Getting an idea Ben grabbed the paper and got up.

A few days later Miranda grabbed the package and other mail before walking upstairs to her apartment. She open the box and grabbed another rectangle box that was in side covered in bubble wrap. Removing the bubble wrap she tore off the brown paper in was wrapped in as well.

Miranda glanced over the black picture frame and her eyes watered. It was a big frame with Ben's note asking her to be his girlfriend and open space and then a picture of them. She took out the card that was inside and read it.

Dear Miranda, I meant what I said when I told you that I love you all these months ago. There is no one else and no one else for me. Please call me.

Miranda found her phone and dialed his number. She waited for him to pick up.

"Hey." Miranda said softly.

"Hey." Ben greeted softly as well.

The two were silent for a moment not knowing what to say. Ben clicked the button to switch to face time.

He smiled softly when her face appeared.

"I'm sorry for ignoring you. I was just upset and should have let you explain." Miranda stated looking at him.

"I know I'm sorry that it even happened. She is an anesthesiologist and my coworker. She stays in the same building as me." Ben explained.

"Have you two dated before?" Miranda asked quickly

"No. Never."

"She seemed comfortable." She said pursing her lips

"Honestly Miranda I don't know why she just walked into my apartment or hugged me."

"Why did you just sit there?"

"I was in shocked and confused as to why she was doing that." Ben answered genuinely. "I checked her on it and she is no longer welcome in my apartment. She knew about you too. Everyone I know and work with knows I'm dating thee Dr. Miranda Bailey."

Miranda smiled at that. "One more thing what the hell did she mean by everything we've done?" She asked creating quotations with her hand.

"Miranda we have been working on Anesthetic Management of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm. That's it. I swear."

"Okay." Miranda said in a tone that let him know that she sort of believed him.

" I missed you." Ben informed. "It's been a tough week."

"I missed you too. A lot actually." Miranda admitted.

"Don't ever stop talking to me." Ben told her seriously.

"I promise I won't. Well within reasonable limits." Miranda smiled softly.

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