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Miranda walked into the hospital and found the nurses station. “Hi I’m looking for Benjamin Warren.” She said to the nurse who was typing on the keyboard.
“Are you related?”

“Yes I’m his—Miranda started but turned when she heard her name.

“You must be Miranda.” The nurse said.

“Nurse Atkins?” Miranda questioned.

“Yes. Come with me. I’ll show you to his room.” She said sweetly. Miranda figured she was a younger woman over the phone, but she was actually probably in her late forties.

Miranda grabbed her bags and followed her to his room. She gasped and walked into his room silently and looked at him in the bed. Sitting her bags down. She made her way to the side of his bed. She examined his body and face. He had bruises and tiny cuts on his face probably from the glass breaking. His leg was in a cast.

“What did they say happened?” Miranda asked tears falling out her eyes looking up at Cheryl who was checking his vitals.

“The police said that he got into a taxi leaving the airport and a car ran a red light and crashed into the right of it. His leg was pinned.”

“Oh God, has he been awake at all?” She questioned.

“He was in and out of consciousness on arrival, but he has been heavily sedated most of the time because when he does wake up he’s in a lot of pain and moving which was doing more damage than good.”

Miranda wiped her eyes and walked over to the front of the bed and grabbed his chart reading over it.

“You can’t—”

“I’m a doctor. Dr. Miranda Bailey Chief of General surgery.” Miranda informed silencing the nurse.

She read he had bruises ribs and a non-displaced supracondylar fractures of the femur. She also read the muscles and tissue swelling in the abdomen which cause it to be distended. He had no internal bleeding or no need for surgery.

“He should be waking up again soon. They gave him the sedative last night intravenously. “ she informed her.

Miranda nodded her head and looked around the room. “Where do you keep patients scans?” Miranda asked.

“I’ll have someone bring them two you and page the physician on-call to let her know that you are here.”

Miranda nodded. All of this that she was doing was illegal and hopefully Ben wouldn’t mind or still be mad when he woke up.

Miranda grabbed his phone out the clear bag with his wallet and saw the 16 missed calls just from her self alone. She also saw missed Calls from Curt.

Miranda called Curt from Ben’s phone and explained what happened to Ben. Curt was currently out of town for work, but was getting a flight in the morning.

After hanging up Miranda went through and deleted all the voice-mails she sent where she was pissed off leaving the sweet one’s were she was only apologizing.

She eventually scooted her chair closer to the bed and held his hand rubbing her thumb back and forth.

Ben opened his eyes slightly wincing from the light that was on over his bed. After adjusting to the light his eyes fell on Miranda asleep with her face laying on his hand. He knew she had to be extremely uncomfortable, but he was glad she was here.

Moving his left hand he caressed her face moving her hair out the way.

Miranda opened her eyes from the movement and sat up.

“Ben you’re awake.” Miranda said softly her eyes immediately watering. These damn hormones she mumbled to her self.

“I’m sorry Ben. This is all my fault. If I wouldn’t have—”

“Hey hey shh. It’s not your fault at all. Please don’t blame yourself.” Ben said softly after clearing his throat.

Miranda stood up wiping her eyes and got him some water. She held the straw to his mouth as he drunk.

“I’m sorry Ben.” Miranda announced this time in full blown tears.

“I should have told you he was staying with me.  I was sick most of the time that he was there, but I still should have said something. I’m sorry. Then I let you leave when I should have asked you to stay. I wanted you to stay. I didn’t think you would leave, but then you did and that made me sicker. The possibility of us being over made me sick to my stomach because I’m in love with you. I love you too much.” She rambled.

Ben tried to sit up, but groaned in pain. Miranda quickly moved to help him grabbing the remote she moved the bed up some and put a pillow under his back.

“Is that better?”

“Yes thank you. Miranda I love you too much too. I could never not be in love with you. I was just angry. “

“I know and I’m sorry again.”

“You don’t have to keep apologizing.” Ben insisted. “That is in the past now. I love you Miranda so much that it hurts. It hurt to even walk away from you.”

“Benjamin it hurt 10 times more letting you.” She informed. “And then to hear you were hurt I just—”

“How did you?...”

“The nurse saw me calling everyday and figured I was your wife. I went with it to get in here and access to your charts and scans.” Miranda said sheepishly.

“Were married?” Ben asked looking at her laughing.

“As far as they are concerned, but I don’t know spending forever with you sounds good.” Miranda teased.

“I want too.” Ben thought he said in his head.

“You do?” Miranda questioned peering at him. She already knew this but hearing him say it made butterflies swarm her stomach.

“Of course, I told you on day one you were the best woman for me.”

“Well Benjamin. I think your kind of stuck with me forever already.”

“How so?” Ben asked confused.

Miranda stood up and walked over to her bag. She found her blue envelope and handed it to him.

Ben opened the envelope and pulled out the sonogram pictures. He glanced over them looking between the photos and Miranda.

“You’re pregnant?” Ben asked smiling.

“Yes. I’m 12 weeks.” She smiled softly.

Ben smile increased and it was huge. “Miranda I really want to hop up, kiss you and spin you around.” He smiled pouting a little.

“I think I’ll settle for just a kiss.” Miranda said leaning over him pressing their lips together.

Miranda felt a spark flow through her body as she caressed her lips with his. Ben dipped his tongue into her mouth eagerly and Miranda moaned as her tongue collided with his. Miranda needed this and so did Ben. It made her feel like balanced was restored and everything was right in the world.

Breaking apart they stared at each other. Ben put his hand on her stomach and caressed it. Miranda was surprised when he moved to the hem of her shirt and pulled it up slightly.

She never even thought to look a her belly earlier today. Ben admired it and he noticed that it was firmer than the last time he touched it 12 weeks ago.

“I love you.” Ben confessed again.

“I love you too.”

“This is why you were sick?” Ben asked but more so stated.

“Last week I thought I was coming down with a cold. Then for the past 3 days I thought I was sick because of us.”

“When did you find out?” He questioned curiously.

“A few hours ago.” She smiled and Ben grabbed her hand.

“Will you marry me Miranda?” Ben asked looking up into her eyes.

Miranda eyes widened she didn’t expect him to propose today or tomorrow. She figured it would pop up again after he got out of the hospital.

She looked back down at his face and saw that he was nervous.

“Yes I will marry you Benjamin Warren.” Miranda said excitedly bending down to kiss his lips multiple times squealing.

Ben smiled and kissed her back. “I had planned to do this differently and way better with a ring.” Ben confessed.

“I don’t care about any of those things I like this proposal no ring and all.” She told him seriously.

“I don’t even know where the ring is.” Ben stated honestly rubbing his hand across his beard.

“It’s okay.” Miranda laughed sitting back in the chair.

“When you get discharge I want you to come home with me, so I can take care of you.”

“Miranda I—” Ben started.

“If you don’t want to. I can take a leave and stay out here.” She said sheepishly.

“Miranda I was going to say that I put in a application to transfer to Seattle last week. I got the job at Seattle grace. I was going to tell you Saturday.”

“Oh my God everything is just falling into place.” Miranda smiled happily and Ben looked confused.

“We are getting married, having a baby, living in the same state,  and now working together.” She explained.

Ben patted the bed beside him and Miranda shook her head no.

“No Ben you are hurt. Your stomach and leg.”

“Yes, but you can lay on this side of me.” He assured.

“Are your sure?” Miranda asked hesitantly.

“Miranda you are not sleeping in that chair tonight. Get up here with me and that’s an order.” Ben said sternly.

“Yes sir.” Miranda replied licking her lips. She walked around the bed and slid carefully on. Cuddling up to him.

Ben pulled the blanket back and threw it over her.

“I love you the future Mrs. Warren.” He smiled pecking her lips.

“I love you too , so much

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