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Miranda woke up a little early today. Just to take extra time to look good.

She felt really good and she guessed she could credit her mood to last night with Ben. It felt good to talk to him. He was so attentive and actually showed interest in getting to know her. They talked about each others childhood and future goals that they have for themselves.

Ben seemed to be just as relaxed in the conversation as she did. He talked about exciting and interesting cases he had been on and Miranda talked about ones that she did. It was fun talking to a man that was on her level and understood what she was talking about.

Rolling out of bed she opened the curtains and the door to the patio and walked outside standing. She looked around and then spotted him. Dr. Warren was jogging shirtless in black shorts. He looked absolutely sexy. This man was walking sex. She thought to her self. She absentmindedly licked her lips as she stared.

He must have been finished because he was head back toward the resort hotel rooms. She could see the sweat dripping down his body as she was thanking God for the creation. It made everything more appealing.

Ben finished his 4-mile jog and oddly he felt someone watching him. He looked around but didn't see anyone. Looking up he saw her. She had on a short black nightgown and he appreciated the few of her thighs from where he was walking.

"Good morning." Ben spoke catching her attention.

Miranda jumped at his words. Dammit she got caught gawking at him.

"Good morning Ben." Miranda acknowledged.

"How did you sleep?" He asked pausing staring up at her.

"I slept great, what about you?"

"Great, just got up to workout and do a 30 minute jog."

"I can see that." Miranda responded biting her lips.

"Will I be seeing you at breakfast?" Ben asked hopeful.

"Of course, save me a seat." Miranda insisted.

"Okay see you in about 30 minutes." Ben nodded walking away.

Miranda walked back into her room and pulled out a blue sundress and white sandals. She decided against make up and did her hair in a half up and half down style.

Walking out Miranda made her way to the lobby and looked for the room that the breakfast would be in.

She smiled seeing an empty seat by Ben. He stood up and pulled out the chair as she walked over.

"Good morning and thank you." She smiled sitting down.

"A good morning it is and your welcome. " Ben chimed.

"Why is it a Good morning." Miranda countered curious.

"Because once again I'm in the presence of the most beautiful woman I have ever seen." He whispered in her ear, so no one else could hear.

"Stop." Miranda blushed and hit his shoulder playfully.

"What it's true." He smiled.

"You are so sweet Dr. Warren."

"I ordered you a mimosa and the young woman will be back to take your order."

Miranda nodded.

"Good morning Miranda." Morgan sung happily on the other side of the table across from her and Ben.

"Good morning Bride to be."

"How was last night." She asked with a twinkle in her eye.

"It was wonderful." Miranda responded winking letting her cousin know she would tell her everything later.

The waitress came back and Miranda ordered French toast, fresh fruit, bacon and eggs.

Ben's food came to the table and Miranda looked over at it.

"You don't have to wait for my food to come, go ahead an eat." Miranda told him placing her hand on his thigh.

"It's the polite thing to do." He informed. "Especially because these waffles are to die for." He added.

"Let me be the judge of that." Miranda requested turning to face him.

Ben cut her a piece off and she poked her fork in it swirling it in the syrup on his plate.

Miranda stuck the fork to her mouth and ate his waffle chewing slowly. She moaned softly pleased with the taste.

Ben looked over as she ate and he shook his head. "She was good at everything, even eating. " he chuckled to himself he was definitely smitten.

"Mmmm I don't know if it taste all that good let me have another piece."

"I know what your doing and it's not going to work.

"Bennn." Miranda whined softly.

"Mirandaaa." He said drawing out the syllables in her name causing her stomach to tingle.

"Ben." Lauren said interrupting him and Miranda's conversation. Miranda looked up and studied the woman "Lauren" Her cousins best friend who was also one of her bridesmaids that she met last night.

She watched as Ben politely waved.

"You didn't call me." Lauren pouted.

"I didn't know I was supposed to." Ben stated confused. Lauren had a thing for him. He lost count of how many times he turned her down. No matter what he did or said she was still throwing herself at him.

Miranda took her knife and fork and cut into his waffle on his plate while he talked to Lauren. She once again swirled his waffle into the syrup holding it up to her mouth to chew it. Ben reached out and grabbed her wrist before she could get it in her mouth causing her to gasp then pout. She thought he wasn't paying attention.

"Miranda you can either put it down or feed it to me, but your not eating my waffle."

"Fine you big baby. Open up." Miranda said rolling her eyes.

Miranda put her fork to his mouth and he ate his waffle. Getting syrup on his lips. Her hand gently snaked up and she took her thumb and wiped his lips.

"How do you two know each other?" Lauren asked with a scowl crossing her arms.

"I could ask you both the same." Miranda responded matching her attitude.

"Well we are friends." Lauren shot back

"Ohh friends." Miranda sneered " mmmm" she added nonchalantly eyeing the girl.

Miranda rolled her eyes and ate a strawberry off of Ben's plate. She knew the woman was still waiting for her to answer her place in Ben's life and she wasn't going to.

"You know each other well?" Miranda questioned quietly facing Ben.

"Every time Johnathan and Morgan host something she's there. I wouldn't say I know her. Acquaintances... sounds better." Ben clarified.

"You don't like her?" Miranda asked.

"No, she is not my type." Ben said firmly

"What is your type?" She inquired curiously.

"You really want to know." He mused staring into her pretty brown eyes.

"I wouldn't have asked." Miranda jeered.

"You. You are my type."

"Me, I’m your type." Miranda stated unconvinced

"Yes, I mean look at you. How could you not be my type." Ben answered honestly.

"Look at her. how could she not be your type. " Miranda said nodding her head towards Lauren.

"Because she-" Ben started.

"Daddy." Miranda squealed looking up towards the door before standing to her feet. It took a long while for their relationship to get back on track after her divorce, but now that it was, she couldn't have been more excited to see him.

Miranda walked over quickly and William wrapped his arms around her tightly kissing her forehead.

"Hey baby girl." William greeted. "How are you doing?"

"I’m doing great. Where's mom?" Miranda asked looking around.

"She's out there talking to your Aunt Courtney."
"Oh okay. I know that's going to take a while."

"You know your mother well." Her dad laughed. "I’m going to go sit over there with your uncle Tony."

Miranda nodded and walked to go sit back down just as her food came.

Later in Ben's room he was getting dressed putting on his cargo shorts. When his phone rung.

"Hey I was just calling to see if you were still coming with me and the guys golfing." Johnathan asked.

"Yeah I'm getting-" Ben started.

"Okay babe I'm going down to the spa." Ben heard Morgan say in the background.

"Why do you have that bottle of sunscreen?" Johnathan asked.

"Oh Miranda needed the sunscreen she's down at the pool." She answered.

Ben heard Miranda, sunscreen, and pool and he suddenly wasn't interested in golfing anymore.

"Anyway you still going?" Johnathan asked.

" uh no I think I'm going to sit this one out. We can go tomorrow morning. You probably need something to take your mind off things then anyway." Ben expressed.

"Okay deal tomorrow at noon." Johnathan stated.

Ben quickly changed and threw on some dark blue swim short. He rubbed on some sunscreen and walked down to the pool.

He scanned the area and groaned. Miranda was laid on her stomach on a beach chair. He looked at her thick thighs and her ass in the bathing suit. Orange was definitely her color it went well with her coco skin.

He walked over swiftly and stood in front of her chair enjoying the view.

"Hey move you’re blocking the sun." Miranda turned to see a smiling Ben.  "Jesus." Ben mumbled looking at her breast that was barely contained in the swimsuit.

"Jesus." She mumbled looking at his bare chest up close. She eyed him under her sun glasses a dozen of times. Licking her lips. His muscles were defined and glistening. She knew he put sunscreen on.

"Are you going to keep standing here blocking my sun or are you going to get in the water." Miranda asked. She desperately wanted to see this man wet and in the pool so she suggested it in a discrete way.

"I’m going to get in, but I want you to get in with me." Ben said.

"No because I can't swim." Miranda informed him pushing her shades over top her head.

"Miranda get in the water and stand in the 3ft then or sit on the stairs."

"Uh uh Ben like I said I can't swim and if I go under that's a lot of water to swallow." She said seriously and Ben started laughing.

"I would never let you drown."

"Promise ?" Miranda asked with pouty lips

" I promise. Please sit on the stairs at least and talk to me." Ben pleaded.

"Okay." Miranda said standing up walking with him.

Ben what are you doing?" Miranda asked as he crouched down with his back facing her.

"Get on my back." Ben told her seriously.

"I am not doing that." Miranda quaked.

Miranda rolled her eyes and climbed on top of him wrapping her legs around his waist. Ben stood grabbing her thighs walking further into the water.

He relished in Miranda's soft body around him.

Miranda looked at the numbers and water rising.

"Ben if you get to that 5ft and it swallows me. I'm suing you from heaven. "

"Miranda Bailey I got you." Ben said sternly gripping her thigh. Miranda peered down at him and bit her lip. She was definitely turned on by his tone of voice and action.

"I'm trusting you don't make me regret it." Miranda said casually rubbing his chest.

"How come you never learned to swim?" Ben asked.

"Well because my mom was so overprotective that I really couldn't do anything." Miranda answered seriously.

"But you would think if she was over protective that she would have let you learn so you wouldn't drown." Ben said confused.

"My point exactly, but no I couldn't learn to swim because I could possibly drown learning. I don't know how to roller skate either. I don't think I ever got the chance to be a real kid. I just read books all day as an escape." She replied honestly.

Ben shifted her body in a circle so she was facing him and his hands were holding her up by her back side. Miranda gasped at the movement which scared her half to death and the feeling of his hands on her ass.

"Sorry. I just wanted to see you better." Ben said sheepishly.

"Sure you did." Miranda stated unconvinced. "You like where your hands are." She teased.

"That's a plus." He laughed rubbing her.

"If you were a child again what would you want to do or change?"

"Umm I wouldn't change much because my upbringing ultimately got me here today, but I would probably change instead of reading a lot of sci-fi books I would throw in a few romance novels."

"Romance novels?"

"Yeah I was so naive and one dimensional. I got married and didn't know the first thing about relationships only what I saw from my parents and that was sunshine and rainbows. Relationships are not that way all the time by far." Miranda laughed.

"No Relationships are not. They take an extreme amount of work, love, patience, communication and great sex."

Miranda rolled her eyes at sex. Sex in her marriage was not all it was hyped up to be.

"Why do you look like that?" Ben asked looking at her face.

"Nothing." Miranda lied she didn't want to get on to the topic of sex with him.

"Okay so what else Miranda I know there are other things.

"Um I said roller skating. So laser tag, carnivals, amusement parks, water parks, a boat ride or cruise. I have always wanted to go to a concert too."

"I think we should do those things together. I would love to do those things with you." Ben said softly.

Miranda paused for a moment as she thought about what he was saying or really asking.

"Are you asking me on a date or dates." Miranda asked raising an eyebrow.

"I guess I would be. So Miranda Bailey will you go on dates with me?" Ben chuckled hopeful.

"Ben you live here and I live in Washington. I don't want to do a long distance relationship. It will be too hard."

"Miranda every relationship takes a lot of work like I said earlier. But we have to work hard at it. Yes it will require more time and effort because we are 1000 miles apart, but I think we can do it. We just have to be determined to make it work and I will be determine to make it work.

"Why don't you have any concerns that we will end up just friends?" She questioned.

"Because that's not what I’m looking for. I have enough friends." Ben stated seriously.

"Ben I can't really give you an answer right now." Miranda said truthfully.

"And that's okay. I would never pressure you."

"Thank you. Now tell me about your college days." Miranda changed the subject kicking her feet in the water behind him.

Miranda was beyond tired. Who the hell told her cousin to pack this many events into one day. She had just got back from the rehearsal dinner. She wanted to call it a night, but what kind of maid of honor would she be if she didn't go to the Bachelorette party. Sucking it up she changed into a black halter dress with silver heels.

Miranda walked down to her cousins room and knocked. She came out in a short white dress with a veil and sash reading bride to be.

"You look so cute. I still can't believe you're getting married." Miranda acknowledged.

"Me either." Morgan laughed.

"Where is Johnathan? He's letting you out dressed like this." Miranda mused looking her up and down.

"Girl Ben came and got him ten minutes ago to take him to the venue for his bachelor party."
Miranda smiled thinking about Ben. She literally thought about the man every day since she got here.

"What's that smile for Ms. Bailey?"

"What smile Morg?" Miranda asked quickly masking it.

"That Benjamin smile. What's going on between you two?"

"Nothing is going on." She stated.

"Your lying. You and Ben have undeniable chemistry. You have been spending more time with him than me and your my maid of honor."

"That is not true and leave it to your bestie Lauren she is your maid of honor." Miranda gestured with quotation hands.

"She is just very assertive." Morgan laughed defending her friend.

"Well she can assert herself in a corner." Miranda argued.

"Okay so we are just going to ignore the pool?" Her cousin asked raising an eyebrow.

"What about the pool?" Miranda said nervously.

"I was leaving the spa and just happened to walk by the pool and lo and behold you had your legs wrapped around his waist, hands around his neck, and his hands were on your ass." Morgan laughed before hitting Miranda's butt causing her to yelp.

"I don't recall." Miranda laughed.

"You do recall because from the looks of it things were about to get heated especially when he put your back up against the pool wall."

"How long were you watching us?" Miranda inquired shocked. She and Ben were laughing and talking and he pushed her up against the wall turning her on.

"Long enough."

"Come on before we are late to your own Bachelorette party."

After the third round of drinks Miranda was tapping out. The whole bridal party was going to be hungover the day of the wedding.
They played so many games, but now it was time for the main event pole dancing. Morgan wanted to learned some things for later on in her marriage..

"I am not getting on that pole."

"Come on Miranda." Morgan cheered she had one too many drinks.

"She probably can't do it." Lauren mumbled.

Miranda turned in her direction and glared. She could do it and do it better than them. She was trying to save them the embarrassment. Her, Callie, Arizona, and Teddy did it a girl's night before and then several times after. She knew routines and different performances.

She stood on her feet and grabbed a shot of tequila downing it. She walked over to the stage she wish she would have known they were doing this earlier she would have worn shorts instead of a dress.  She was glad she had on black silk panties, so she didn't feel totally exposed.

"Start the music." Miranda giggled. She listened as The song Earned it began to play.

Sinuously, Miranda turn her body to lean her back against the pole, her hips writhing and grinding to the beat of the blaring music.

Miranda slithered up the pole efficiently and almost effortlessly. She twirled around it having fun. Reaching the top as Miranda spun she saw him standing with his mouth gaped open in the back of the room. Damn this man was everywhere. She had forgot that the men's venue for the bachelor party was directly next door.

Ben watched her intently and she stared into his eyes. Feeling bold Miranda held onto the pole with one arm making sure her foot hooked the pole firmly. Miranda stretched out her arm, her fingers gently curling into a 'come here' invitation. She seen his eyes widen in surprise. Ben worked his way closer shocked.

Miranda pointed to a chair and Ben quickly caught on. Grabbing a discarded chair he moved it to the center of the room and sat down.

Miranda looked around at everyone's surprised face and especially Lauren. Smirking Miranda slid down the pole landing into a split.

"Damn." She heard Ben call out clear as day.
Miranda figured today would be the day she used everything she learned. Callie would be proud.

Rolling onto her knees Miranda Crawled sensually stopping at his feet. She pushed his open legs further apart standing in between them. Miranda threw her legs up placing her heel clad foot on the side of him. Moving into a split she straddled him.

"Good evening Dr. Warren." Miranda purred rocking against him.

"Dr.Bailey." Ben acknowledged.

"What are you thinking about?" Miranda asked wrapping her arms around his neck.

"We can get a pole installed in our bedroom." Ben stated lustfully grabbing her ass.

"Don't touch the dancer and you have big dreams." Miranda kissed his neck softly.

"I do." Ben laughed. "I know we are going to be together." Ben said confidently.

"Yeah, well where are the ones." Miranda joked whispering in his ear changing positions. Miranda sat on him with her back against his chest. She grounded her backside against his lap harder than before. She threw head back, letting her hair fall over his shoulder. She grazed her cheek against his. She continued to rock her hips to the music.

"I have some ones." Ben grinned.

She held the side of his face in her hand. She turned her face to his. Her lips mere centimeters from his. The song ended.

"You are crazy." Miranda laughed beginning to stand as everyone clapped. Ben pulled her back down onto his lap.

"I didn't get to thank the dancer." He whispered sending chills up Miranda's spine.

"She knows your grateful. She can feel it." She stated feeling his erection.

"If you would stop all this moving. He might could chill out." Ben laughed.

"Hey I tried to stand up and leave already, you pulled me back down." Miranda defended.

"Yeah because you were getting ready to expose what you caused."

"Well I think we both would have been disappointed if that didn't happen."

"You're right."

Miranda stood slowly and pulled Ben up with her. She took his hands and wrapped them around her waist so they would be close together.

Walking to the group Miranda smiled.

"Damn girl, you have to show me that." Morgan slurred.

"Come on. You need to lay down and get some sleep tomorrow is the big day." Miranda replied rubbing her cousins head.

Ben let go of her waist as she helped her cousin grab her things so they could go.

Walking to the exit Miranda turned to see Ben leaving out.

"Hey Ben." Miranda called out nervously.

"Yes Miranda."

"Do you want to come back to my room? We can talk or watch movies." Miranda asked fidgeting with her hands.

"Of course. I'll see you in about an hour." He smiled checking his watch.

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