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"No because I'm going out of town this weekend." Miranda voiced to her ex husband.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Tucker asked.

"I don’t have to clear anything with you. This is your week and weekend with Tuck."

"Miranda it's not like I’m leaving to go have fun like you are doing. I have to work."

"I understand that you have to work, but today is Wednesday I'm sure you knew already and you are just now telling me."

Tucker paused because she was right and Miranda huffed." Just bring him home Tucker Jones."

"I will be there at 7." He responded.

"Alright." She said hanging up.

Miranda rolled her eyes laying on her bed. Ben called and she wasn't in the mood to talk right now.  She was going to have to tell him that she couldn't come.

Tucker dropped off Tuck and she made a quick dinner before getting him ready for Bed. She packed his snacks for daycare and then got herself together for bed.

Miranda put her phone on charge and looked at the notifications 1 missed call Ben 💕
Text Ben 💕 Hey Miranda I guess you will see this in the morning. Have a goodnight, love you and call me tomorrow.

Miranda swiped his contact and hit ft. Waiting for his face to appear.

"Hey." Ben smiled.

"Hey." Miranda said softly.

"What's wrong with you Miranda?"

"Nothing." She responded unconvincingly

"Miranda it is. What's bothering you.

"Tucker has to work this weekend so I have tuck, but I was looking forward to seeing you." She pouted.

"Miranda you can bring Tuck. He's your son. He is important to you, so he is important to me. I would love to meet him in person. Instead of talking to him on the phone or face timing him when he's with you. Whatever your comfortable with."

Miranda paused thinking.

"And if you're not comfortable,  it's not the end of the world if you don't come. You have a child. I know who I picked and who I'm dating."

"I love you." She said wistfully.

"I love you too."

"I think it's time that you meet Tuck and this is better because this way I can leave you both in the living room to talk about car-robots and dinosaurs instead of hogging my phone." Miranda expressed.

"Car robots? Miranda they are called transformers." Ben laughed.

"What ever." She shrugged.

"How was your day?" He asked sliding down in his bed.

"It's better now. I did a lot of surgical consults today and not enough surgeries."

"You are a surgical junkie." Ben stated before laughing.

"I am. I need at least two surgeries or one good one to relax. It relaxes me."

"Let me relax you." Ben said licking his lips causing Miranda to bite hers.

"I would love for you to relax and distress me, but your not here."

"I know it and I want to be."

"How was your day?"

It was good. I went to work did a short shift, went to the gym, cooked dinner and now I’m talking to my favorite girl. " Ben smiled.

"What did you make for dinner?" Miranda questioned.

"Mash potatoes, ribs and green beans."

"That's a big meal for a Wednesday night and I hope you are cooking like that this weekend."

"A mans got to eat and anything you want."

"Anything I want."


Miranda called Ben the next day after she got off work and got Tuck home and situated.

"Babe what are you doing?" Miranda asked hearing his shuffling.

"I'm getting one of my guest rooms ready for Tuck for tomorrow. I bought two bed sets which one do you think he will like?"

Miranda looked at the pictures on her phone and smiled. He was going all out for no reason.

"Ben you didn't have to do all of this. He would have been fine in a regular bedding."

"I know, but I want him to have his own space and to be comfortable. Plus I already bought him all the dinosaurs that he didn't have. So then I ended up putting a room together.

Oh and are you sleeping with me this weekend or are you staying in the other guest room. I know you don't want Tuck to get any ideas or see something like PDA." Ben rambled.

Miranda rolled her eyes she was pissed with Tucker. She wanted PDA and a lot of it. She couldn't imagine going to Ben's house and not sleeping in the same bed.

"I'm sleeping with you."

"I know that, but are you laying with me at night."

"Uh." Miranda laughed. "We won't be doing any of that this weekend so get your mind right now."

Miranda text Ben and let him know that Tuck and her were boarding the plane. The flight was short and a good ride. She grabbed their bags out of the overhead bin before grabbing Tuck's hand tightly.

She exited the plane and looked around for Ben. Spotting him she stared. He looked good.

"Hey Ben." Miranda smiled.
Ben turned and looked her over quickly. She had on a black sundress with sunflowers on it. She looked absolutely amazing and he wanted nothing more than to take her in his arms and kiss her senseless, but he refrained.

Miranda walked closer and hugged him. The two rocked back and forth for a while, before reluctantly letting go.

"Tuck this is mommies friend-- Miranda started the introduction, but was interrupted by her son

"Ben." Tuck smiled happily.

"Hey Tuck." Ben greeted smiling. "It's nice meeting you in person."

"Nice meeting you."

"Too." Miranda added.

"Too." Tuck finished. 

"Let me get your bag's." Ben said reaching for them.

Miranda handed him the suitcases and her small bag. They walked to his car and Miranda looked at his Lexus.

"How many cars do you have?"

"Two." Ben answered.

Ben opened the trunk and put the bags in. While Miranda opened the back door and was shocked seeing a booster seat.  Miranda eyes instantly started getting misty. This man was everything.

She buckled Tuck up and handed him his tablet.

"Oh Ben this is so beautiful." Miranda awed looking at the room he set up for Tuck. The bedspread had dinosaurs, trees, and volcanos. There were toy chest filled with different toys. The nightstand had a globe shaped lamp with a w and a T. The shelves had children's books and storage bins.

"Thank you." Ben responded sheepishly.

"No thank you. You really out did yourself and went out of your way." Miranda praised.

"Why is there an empty fish tank?" She asked curiously.

"Because we have to go get some fish."

Miranda turned to look at him.

"What?" Ben asked sheepishly.

"I told you not to go all out." Miranda laughed.

"Miranda I couldn't help it." Ben responded grabbing her waist and pulling her against him but then he quickly let go thinking about Tuck.

Miranda knew that her son was going to be spoiled this weekend.

"Are you both ready to go to the pet store?" Ben asked and Tuck nodded excitedly while Miranda pursed her lips. She didn't do animals.

Miranda grabbed Tuck's bag with his snacks, wet wipes, etc.

Arriving at the pet store. The three walked in and Miranda put her hand over her nose.

"Hi, what can I do for you all today?" The young woman asked.

"We are buying fish for a 10 gallon tank." Ben informed.

"Okay do you know what kind of fish you are looking for?

"No, but something vibrant and colorful to keep him entertained." He stated.

"Okay a few betas then." She suggested.

"The most aggressive fish?" Miranda asked raising an eyebrow. "So you want my son to wake up tomorrow morning and all of the fish be dead for fighting in the middle of the night. " Miranda countered getting upset.

"Sorry I meant to say guppies. They are your best bet. They come in different colors and mixed colors. Their life span is 3 years, but you can easily switch them out. The only thing is they breed fast so you need to stick with one sex in a tank or you will have 100 babies. "

Miranda and Ben nodded listening to the woman.

The woman stopped in front of the tank and Ben picked Tuck up so he could see. His eyes were big as he was watching them swim.

"Okay Tuck pick one." Miranda encouraged

Tucked looked for a moment before pointing at a blue one with a orange and black tiger striped tail.

"Aww he's cute. I like that one." Miranda smiled.

"But mommy he needs a friend." Tuck said sadly.

"Yeah Miranda. We at least have to get two or three." Ben agreed.

"4." Tuck suggested but held up 3 fingers. Miranda grabbed his hand and added a finger repeating 4 so he understood.

"You two are something else. Okay Benjamin don't complain to me about having to clean this tank often."

"Alright Tuck pick 3 more." Ben smiled.

Tuck looked once again. He picked an all white one, a red, orange, and yellow one.

"Pick the pink, purple, and black one for mommy." Miranda voiced excitedly and Tuck agreed.

The woman got the four out putting them in bags.

Ben bought lots of fish food, tank cleaning products and accessories for the tank. Before carrying the fish and things to the car.

Miranda cut the ac on so it wouldn't get so hot while Ben buckled Tuck in.

"Have you thought of any names for the fish?" Miranda asked turning to look at her son.

"Yes." He nodded excitedly.

"What are they?"

"Tiger, ice, fire, and girl." He said counting on his fingers making sure he didn't miss one.

Miranda took in the names and tried her best to hold in her laugh. The pink one was named girl.  "Girl" of all names.

"Those are great names." She praised and Ben agreed.

The three got home and Ben and Tuck walked to his room with the fish. So they could set the lights and other accessories up. Miranda was sitting on the bed watching them and she kept dosing off.

"Babe you can go take a nap I got Tuck. We will set this up then probably watch tv or play games.

"Are you sure?" She asked looking up at him yawning.

"I’m positive. " he smiled.

"Okay he can watch any kids shows except SpongeBob."

"He can't watch SpongeBob?

No, SpongeBob is a bad influence. He is a hard headed grown man who acts like a child and him nor Patrick can follow directions. They throw tantrums and SpongeBob is being exploited by his boss. He models a lot of behavior I wouldn't allow in my house."

Ben nodded he never really thought about it like that to him it was just a silly show, but he guessed when you have children you look at things a lot differently.

"Okay no SpongeBob." Ben confirmed.

"Okay." Miranda said kissing him on his cheek leaving out.

Ben finished setting up the fish tank with Tuck. Walking to the kitchen he got out paper and art supplies deciding against the tv because he wanted to look them up and see what was in them first.

Several pictures later Miranda emerged from the bedroom looking well rested.

"Mommy." Tuck smiled looking up at her.

"Hi my handsome little man." She cooed.

"I'm 3, not little."

"You are little." Miranda teased.

"Hi my other handsome man." Miranda smirked looking at Ben who was still coloring.

Ben looked up and smiled at her licking his lips.

"How did you sleep?"

"Wonderful. What are you guys making?"

"A book." Tuck responded.

"Ohh what kind of book?" Miranda asked pulling up a chair.

"Apparently our weekend book." Ben smiled handing her pictures.

Miranda viewed them one by one and smiled. They had drew out the plane and getting off the plane seeing Ben. His room and the pet store, to setting it up and them coloring now.

"Oh my goodness is that me and my butt is huge. What happened to kids drawing stick figures."

"I guess he wanted the picture to be accurate." Ben laughed.

"I can see that." She giggled.

Ben stood up and washed his hands before getting the items out to make dinner. He made shrimp pasta and garlic bread.

After eating Miranda cleaned up the kitchen and put the left overs away. She walked back into the living room and sat beside Ben on the couch. Tuck and him were watching cars.
"Okay come on let's go." Ben said standing up.

"Where are we going?" Miranda asked looking up at him confused.

"Out." Ben smiled and started helping Tuck put on his shoes.

Miranda slid into her sandals and grabbed her purse.

"You don't need that." He said genuinely.

"I know, but I need some type of identification."

Miranda picked up Tuck and she held Ben's hand as they walked outside. Miranda opened the back door and Ben stopped her.

"I got it." Ben said putting him in before opening Miranda's door. Then he ran around the drivers side and got in.

"Where are we going?" Miranda asked inquisitively.

"Somewhere. Can I just take my girlfriend and favorite guy out without being questioned." Miranda looked over and smiled.

Ben pulled up to the frozen yogurt place and got Tuck out before helping Miranda out. Tuck was so excited and Miranda was sure he thought it was ice-cream.

She got Tuck a small vanilla frozen yogurt and added sprinkles, gummy worms and Oreos. Ben got red velvet and he mixed it with cheesecake an added toppings while Miranda got brownie batter flavor with different toppings.

"Ben can you get me some more napkins." Miranda asked poking her lips out and doing the Bailey eyes.

Ben got up and walked to get the napkins. She turned to look at Ben before picking up his spoon and tasting his. Miranda moaned softly before getting some more. His was really good. She quickly put his spoon back how he had it and grabbed her own.

"Mommy ate yours Ben." Tuck announced as soon as he walked back to the table.

"Uh." Miranda said looking shocked at her son. "Heyy." She whined.

"She did?" Ben mused and Tuck nodded his head.

"My own son ratted me out." Miranda huffed.

Ben grabbed hers and took some smiling at her and Tuck laughed.

"Mmmhm. I like yours. It taste like you." He whispered the last part.

"Like me?" Miranda asked raising and eyebrows.

"Yes sweet and savory." He confirmed rubbing the inside of her thigh. He chuckled when Miranda gasp and closed her thighs tightly around his hand.

They sat talking, Tuck would talk about so many random things making them laugh. When he finished he had stuff all over his face. Miranda took a quick picture and Ben laughed taking a wet wipe out his bag cleaning his face off.

Once his face was clean Miranda took another this time one with Ben and Tuck together.

Tuck fell asleep on the drive back to Ben's apartment, so Miranda and Ben talked quietly.

Ben carried him to his room. "You want to wake him?"

"No. I will just take him a bath in the morning."

Ben nodded while Miranda pulled the covers back and he laid him down.

Miranda kissed his head before grabbing Ben's hand and walking out the room cracking the door.

They walked into the bedroom and changed clothes. Miranda sat on the side of the bed putting her phone on the charger when Ben pushed her back.

"What are you doing?" Miranda asked looking up at him.

"Nothing I just didn't get to kiss your lips at all today." Ben responded hovering over her.

"I know it. " she said softly wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him to her. Ben kissed her lips gently caressing her. Tracing his tongue across Miranda parted and their tongues did a soft dance drawing a whimper from Miranda. Pulling apart they looked at each other, not wanting to get carried away.

"Thank you for today. You were amazing with Tuck." Miranda pecked his lips three more times.

"Miranda I love you, so I love and like Tuck because he is apart of you."

Miranda eyes watered and she nodded before he kissed her lips again then nose. She turned on her side and Ben scooted in closer spooning her. He nuzzled his face in her neck and wrapped his arms around her kissing the back of her head.

Miranda woke up and expected Ben to be in bed still. Rolling over, his side was empty but she heard laughing and giggling in the kitchen.

She walked to the back of Ben's bathroom door and grabbed her robe. Putting it on she walked out to the kitchen. She smiled seeing them cooking breakfast. Tuck had a whisk and was stirring pancake mix making a mess.

"Good morning baby." Ben smiled putting bacon on a plate. Miranda hugged the back of him before kissing Tuck on the head.

"Good morning to the both of you." She smiled sitting at the counter.

"What’s on the menu today Chef Tuck and Ben."

"Pancakes." Her son cheered.

"Also bacon, scrambled eggs and grits." Ben added.

"Oooh sounds good and that reminds me when you come to Seattle in a few weeks lets go to Skillet Capitol Hill. It's one of my favorite restaurants especially for breakfast." She informed.

Miranda stood up and got their plates out and poured drinks for everyone. Ben put the food on the plate and they all sat down and ate breakfast together.

Ben cleaned up the kitchen while Miranda washed Tuck up and got him dressed for today. She restocked his book bag with snacks, sunscreen, and pull ups just in case.

She cut the tv on sesame street and went to get her self dressed after her shower. She put on some blue jeans, a white shirt and white Nikes. Then pulled her hair in a low ponytail.

Miranda laid across the bed on her phone while Ben was in the shower. She heard the door open and turned her head.

She glanced over his body a dozen time before meeting his eyes. God she wanted him and badly. This was torture. He was here and she couldn't have him. Not to mention it's been 4 weeks since she seen and had him last.

Ben reached for his towel and Miranda stood up abruptly.

"What's wrong?" Ben asked confused.

"I uh- I can't... I got to leave out." Miranda responded flustered. She knew If he were to drop that towel she would drop her clothes.

Ben smirked looking down her nipples were hard and she was hot and definitely bothered. He watched as she walked out of the room and shut the door.

After getting dressed Ben walked out to kitchen and laughed when he saw Miranda standing in the freezer fanning herself.

"Miranda what are you doing?"

"Shut up." She breathed heavily.

"What did I do?"

"Nothing I just- I'm just ughh." Miranda groaned.

Ben walked over and rubbed her back trying to soothe her.

"Stop that's not going to help. You're are only going to make it worst." Miranda pouted.

"Okay." Ben smiled softly and backed up from her.

"Yeah back up and keep all that sexual energy over there." Miranda huffed.

"Hey your the one with the sexual energy. I'm just being myself."

"Exactly, let's go."

Miranda got everything together, double checking so she didn't leave anything. She put Tuck on her hip, his bag on her back, and her Michael kors book bag.

After Miranda buckled Tuck in she turn to get in the car. Seeing Ben holding the passenger side open so he could close it when she got in.

Miranda reached into her bag pulling out a tablet. Turning giving it to Tuck and putting headphones over his ears.

Ben and Miranda made small conversation during the ride and Ben pointed out different things while she was site seeing.

When they arrived at Disney California Adventure park. Miranda took her seatbelt off getting out stretching her legs. Ben came around to her side of the car opening the door for Tuck and picking him up setting his feet on the ground.

Miranda smiled. "Grab Tuck's book bag for me."

Ben grabbed the bag and grabbed her hand while she held Tuck's hand. "Come on Mommy and Ben."

Miranda laughed "Don't rush us."

Ben bought day passes instead of a bunch of tickets and put a little wrist band on Tucks wrist.  Everyone's wrist band was the same color and had the same numbers so no one could kidnap someone's child.

When they got inside Miranda glanced around holding Tucks hand tightly. He was jumping with excitement and pointing at everything he saw.

"Ben where should we start?" Miranda asked looking around.

"Let's do Car land." Pointing in that direction.

"Is this why we watch Cars yesterday?" Miranda giggled.


They walked until they got to the cozy cone motel and Tuck was so excited to see Mater. Miranda took pictures of him with all the Cars. Everything in Cars land was authentic and looked like the actual town of Radiator springs.

Miranda was taking a picture of Ben and Tuck when a woman approached her.

"I can take your picture if you want to get in with your husband and son." The woman smile who looked to be about 8 months pregnant.

"Thank you." Miranda smiled walking over to the firetruck character and stood beside Ben with Tuck in front of them.  They smiled for two pictures and Miranda thanked the woman.

"8 months and a girl." Miranda asked.

"Yes how did you know?"

"I’m a surgeon, I've seen a lot of pregnant women, but girls are carried higher than boys. Is this your first or second?"

"Second girl." She stated blowing out a breath. "My husband and Chastity are riding that ride over there. I wanted this baby to be a boy so bad so I could be done, but another girl."

"So you are trying again after." Miranda acknowledged.

"Yes one more. Do you want any more kids?"

"Mmm I never thought about it because my career takes up a great deal of time, but I wouldn't mind one more. I would love to have a girl." Miranda looked back over at Ben with Tuck. She knew he wanted kids.

"It was nice meeting you Charity." Miranda smiled as she saw the woman's husband and pretty little girl walking towards her.

"How did you-- oh my necklace." She laughed thinking and Miranda nodded.

"I'm Miranda." Miranda stated introducing herself.

"Nice meeting you too Miranda. I hope you enjoy the rest of your day."

"Thank you. You as well."

Miranda and Ben let Tuck ride all the rides he wanted to until his heart was content. She was absolutely tired and tired of walking. She just wanted to find a bench in the shade and let those two continue doing stuff.

Ben had already won her and Tuck stuffed mini and mickey mouse’s and she was satisfied, but not necessarily the satisfied she wanted to be.

"Do you see anything that you would like to ride?" Ben asked her.

Miranda eyes traveled down his body and stared at the center of his pants. She looked back up at him slowly.

"Baby." Ben groaned.

"Hm-mm. You asked. " Miranda said innocently.

"You know what I meant." He huffed. "Do you see anything that you want to do. This is your first time too."

"Um… How about the Spinning Teacup?" Miranda suggested without looking around, most amusement parks should have the ride which couples get to sit in cups and have a spin right? At least that's what happens on the movies.

"Alright! That sounds fun right! Tuck we are going to spin." Ben looked around for the amusement park's directory and they walked over to it. Once he found where to go, Ben quickly grabbed the amusement park's map that was provided at the directory.  Putting Tuck on his shoulders they walked to find it.

The Spinning Teacup attraction was quite crowded despite the time. They stood in line.

Miranda knew exactly what she was doing. The ride was near the entrance.

After getting off the ride. Miranda was ready to go.

"Baby are yall done?" She asked checking her watch reading 530. The lunch they ate earlier at Flo's dinner was dwindling.

"Yeah we are going to ride flicks fun fair and then we are done."

"Okay I'm going to wait here." Miranda said sitting down.

"Did you have fun today?" Ben questioned talking to Tuck and Miranda looked up to see them approaching.

"Yes. Are we coming again tomorrow?" He asked excitedly.

"No, but Disney world is next time." Ben said letting him down gently.

Getting home Miranda walked to the kitchen and started making spaghetti and garlic bread.

Tuck and Ben were coloring more pictures to add to his book.

She knew her son was tired and would be sleep right after dinner and sure enough he was.

Ben laid him in bed and cut the lights to the fish tank on. He cleaned up the kitchen before going to take a shower.

Miranda laid in bed and groaned. Ben was currently in the shower and she couldn't take it anymore. She walked to Tuck's room and checked on him before cracking the door. Walking back to the room she shut the door. Removing all her clothes she walked into the bathroom shutting that door as well.

Ben looked up into the foggy mirror and saw Miranda's figure. She quietly slid the shower door open and stared at him biting her lip.

Miranda stepped in  and closed the door behind her. Ben looked her up and down and wasted no time.

He pressed her against the tiled shower wall and dropped to his knees. Miranda shivered and looked down at him. He took her legs and placed it on his shoulder so he could get access to her center. She was wet and not from water. Ben's mouth latched onto her center as he started to lick her firmly.

Miranda could feel herself getting closer to her orgasm as she was writhing against the wall.

"God Benjamin." Miranda moaned thrusting her self back and forth on his tongue.

Ben pulled her clit with his lips and sucked hard. Her moans were getting so loud that she tried to bite her lips to suppress them.

"Baby shit-- I'm gonna cum." Miranda yelled cumming as quickly as the words left her lips.

Ben waited for her leg to stop shaking before he let her down. He stood up and turned Miranda so that her front and breast was to the glass door. He caressed the sides of her breast and pressed his member against her smooth ass. Miranda pushed against the door and heard the clink of the tracks. She created a perfect arch making her ass come out further, trying to get herself closer to him, trying to get Ben to slip inside her dripping wet center. She was so close and so desperate to have him enter her.

He whispered in her ear, "How do you want it?" Miranda didn't hesitate to answer. "Rough. Fuck me Benjamin."

Ben took this opportunity to thrust inside of her wet vagina, pinning her body to the glass door as he took her. He could look across to the mirror and see her perfect breast smashed against the door as well as her face. He wish he had a damn camera because this was picture worthy.

His hands over her hands as they moved as one. Miranda cried out in absolute pleasure"Fuck Bennnn." Ben's body was the only thing keeping her from collapsing to the wet shower floor.

He continued pushing into her forcefully from behind. "Yes yes yes God." Miranda moaned and her hands was trying to stay up to keep the impact of her and the damn shower door minimal. They were going at it so hard the door was slamming into the top and bottom track with every thrust. Miranda slid down the glass some and Ben pulled one of her legs to wrap around his waist while the other was planted on the floor. Her hands pushed against the glass, palms flat and slippery.

"Fuck oh God Ben Warren, you feel so good." She shouted finally pushing back on him.

"Fuck Miranda." Ben groaned digging his fingers in her ass.

He turned Miranda around and took her lips in a deep kiss.

Trying to get more access he turned her half way and pulled her leg to a split resting her heel against his shoulder.

"Mmm Jesus... I'm not going to last much longer." Miranda moaned throwing her head back resting her wet curls against the door.

"I know baby." Ben groaned he could feel her walls clamping around him.  Ben leaned forward and sucked her hard nipple into his mouth.

The added pleasure to his thrusting hips caused Miranda to cum.

"Oh God." She moaned as her juices were flowing around his penis. Miranda gripped his neck tightly before kissing his lips aggressively and she heard Ben's muffled groans in her mouth and he came pounding into her until he was done.

"Ben…."She squealed as he threw her on his shoulder carrying her to the bedroom and dropping her on the bed.

They were already naked considering they just took a shower. Ben crawled on top of her and straddled himself on top of her, his length lying on her stomach. She looked down at it and up at his face smiling.

"What do you want to do?" She asked slowly rubbing him, but not in a sexual way just for the sake that it was lying on her stomach.

"I mean we could watch a movie, sleep or." He moved to her ear, "Do it again."

She turned his face to look at her and smiled before smashing her lips to his. She wasted no time in gliding her tongue in his mouth. They began to play with each other's tongues. Ben pulled back, smiled, and licked her tongue before they started kissing again. He began grinding himself against her and she couldn't control her moans. She thrust her hip up trying to make him put his length in her but he wouldn't.

She pulled back, "Benjamin …what are you waiting for?" Attitude forming.

He didn't respond but began to kiss down her stomach. He bit at her hip bone and she softly moaned as he moved down to her inner thighs. He looked up at her as he licked her inner thigh moving closer to her throbbing center. She knew he was teasing and she hated every second of it, she hated when he did that, it was torture.

He moved closer to her center and licked it and pulled back.

"Are you kidding me?" She asked as if he was delusional sitting up some.

He laughed and she glared at him, "Why the hell did you stop?"

"Just to see your reaction now lay back down."

She rolled her eyes and fell back against the pillow. He moved down to her center and blew on it and felt her shiver. He smiled to himself as he glided his tongue into her wet hole. Ben thrust his tongue in and out at an erratic pace and she gripped the headboard.

"Ben…"She moaned. He moved his tongue faster and swerved it all around her making her moan even louder. He softly sucked on it as she let out a loud moan, "Fuck baby."

He smirked to himself and slid a finger into her as she arched her hips, but he kept them down. He slipped his other finger in knowing she liked when he did that so she shoved them into her as she arched clearly off the bed, moaning.

He thrust his finger in side of her curving them roughly his thumb hitting her clit, "Oh my god Benjamin." She yelled. He thrust his finger and his tongue faster and felt her walls clenching and knew she were close. Miranda was so vulnerable when under his touch. She tried to reach for something and felt Ben's hands and immediately interlocked them, squeezing them as she grew closer.

"Benn…." She yelled as she released in his mouth. She heavily breathed and he crawled back up to her and kissed her.

She kept trying to catch her breath, "You good?" Ben asked.

"Yeah." She said swallowing the lump in her throat and let out a breath.

"You ready?" He asked.

She nodded and he crawled on top of her. He began to kiss up her neck to her ear licking softly.

He got off of her and stepped off the bed, "Where are you going?" She asked about to get irritated again.

"Nowhere, come here."

She stood up and began to get off the bed when he stopped her, "No, stay at the edge."

"Ohhh." Miranda smiled eagerly quickly realizing the position they were about to do. She knew she needed a pillow, blanket, or something to cover her mouth because this was one of her favorites.

She sat at the edge and waited for him, but he was just staring at her.

"You are absolutely the most beautiful woman and completely mine." Ben stated glancing over her thick, naked, and wet frame.

"All yours. Now take me." Miranda said softly in anticipation.

He grabbed her legs holding them before he slowly pushed into her and she groaned. In this position, it made her wider and easier for Ben to push deeper making it more pleasurable for them both.

"Oh my god Ben." she groaned licking her lips as she squeezed her eyes shut.

"Fuck Miranda." He shouted. She took her arms and held her legs up wide in the air.

Ben pushed into her hard stroking her deeply. Miranda dropped her hands and Ben chuckled. She bent her legs at the knees and Ben took his hands and kept her legs spread wide, bent and all.

Miranda reached up and grabbed his arms gripping him hard as he continued to thrust inside of her.

She had begun to breathe heavily and gripped his arms even harder and tightened them around him.

"Deeper Benjamin."

He erratically thrust harder and further into her causing her head to fall back at the arch she created and let out a loud moan.

"Fuck Ben, so close." He moved her legs placing them around his waist and gripped her legs tighter and moved her closer to the edge to push deeper. They both constantly moaned, breathing became uneven, new scratches appeared on their bodies as they both came. Miranda released her arch and fell back against the bed and dropped her legs from him. He crawled in with her as they got under the covers.

"I can't feel my legs." Miranda heavily breathed.

"Was it worth it?" He asked. She weakly smiled and nodded. She was so exhausted and crawled on top of him, nuzzling her face in his neck, falling in deep slumber.

Miranda felt tiny taps at the top of her breast. She opened her eyes to see no one other than her son. She wanted to shoot up, but she was indeed naked.

"Hey baby, what's the matter?" Miranda cooed taking her foot and kicking Ben awake.

Ben looked over and saw Tuck standing their sleepily while his mother sat up wrapping the covers tightly around her naked frame.

"Can I have something to drink?" Tuck asked looking up at her.

"Of course you can. Just give mommy a minute. " she softly smiled and watched him wipe his eyes.

"Find me something to put on Ben." Miranda said turning to him.

Ben grabbed some sweatpants and lifted the covers up to slide them on. He walked to Miranda's things and grabbed a white nightgown. He handed it to her and she took her hand shielding Tuck's eyes and Ben pulled it over her head. Getting one arm in Miranda switched hands over Tuck's eyes to pull the other side down.

Standing Miranda picked Tuck up and placed him on her hips walking to the kitchen. She gave him some apple juice before taking him to the bathroom. After he used it she took him to his room and laid him in the bed. She got onto the bed and sung softly to him until he was sleep again.

Miranda waited a few more moments before walking back to Ben's room. She saw him laying down, but he was awake probably waiting for her.

"This right here is why we can't have sex." Miranda gritted out sitting down and putting her hands on her head. "He was just 30 minutes from walking in on us with me at the edge of the bed legs in the air and you pushing into me deeply.

"Miranda you could have stopped at sex. I know what we did 30 minutes ago." Ben laughed.

"It's not funny." Miranda said sternly.

"Miranda you initiated sex. I was taking my own shower and you came and got in with me."

"You should have took a shower earlier while I was making dinner. Not when I'm just sitting on the bed and you are a few feet away naked and water all over you." She huffed crossing her arms.

"Miranda are you really mad? Ben questioned. "He didn't see anything."

"I know but he could have and then what?"

" and then we will cross that bridge when we get there."

"Stop making everything sound so easy."

"It is easy." Ben responded quickly.

"Ben." Miranda huffed.

"Miranda, really it is. When you and me are together. We will figure stuff out every step of the way. We just have to be determined and I’m determined for this to be easy because I love you."

"Well I love you too." Miranda dragged out with a whine before pecking his lips

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