Chap 12

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I was only given 5 minutes before Toga forced me to get my wounds wrapped. I refused to talk to her, despite her asking what happened. Finally, she sighed and helped me in silence. I was left alone for the remainder of the day. Twice stopped by to drop off some food, but he never opened the door, simply leaving the food in the hall for whenever I felt like eating.

I didn't move from my bed the whole day. I simply stared up a the ceiling while my brain replayed everything that happened. I regretted not stepping in until the very end. I should have done more. I should have gained more information. I should have been better. Shigaraki was counting on me and I let him down. My father was still alive, and due to Shigaraki's scream as he attacked him in the end, my father now knows I've at least been talking to the League. I know my father won't out me to the police, cause that would mean admitting to having a daughter and that daughter being a villain. He'll try to keep me hidden for a while longer.

I only allowed myself 1 day to mourn in self-pity before I left my room again. The hideout was silent and tense, even the other villains who didn't see what happened were cautious and quiet. The look on my face as I walked through the halls caused the other villains to move out of my way on instinct.

Everyone froze as I walked into the bar. Shigaraki had his head in his hands, Kurogiri still behind the bar. Dabi leaned against the wall, his head hanging low with his chin against his chest. They were the only ones that didn't look up when I entered, everyone else kept a cautious gaze locked on me.

I banged my fist against the part of the bar closest to me. Shiggy and Kurogiri looked up at me. Shiggy seemed surprised at my appearance, but I ignored that.

We need to talk, I signed. Shigaraki raised a brow at me but got up from his bench regardless. I led him to an empty room before I turned and started the conversation.

I need to gather more information, I started. Shigaraki's eyes widened.

"You can't go back home," He rushed out.

This is my home now, and I'm not talking about gathering information from All Might. Aizawa's been curious about my and Yagi's relationship. I'm thinking I could feed him some information while I ask questions when he's not looking, I explained.

"What kind of information would you be giving him?

I'll start vague, get him interested so he keeps meeting with me. I won't tell him everything. He won't believe me if I do that, and if he does, then he'll be forced to take action and I can't allow that to happen. I'll tell him Yagi can't know I'm talking with him so All Might doesn't spill my cover, it was a foolproof plan, as long as I kept to the script then nothing could go wrong. Aizawa was a smart man, but I was an overachiever. I thought everything through and I wasn't going to allow him to get any more information than what I willingly give to him.

"You think you can do this?" Shigaraki asked, his hand reaching up to rub his neck like he wanted to scratch at it but was holding himself back.

Yes. I'll have to wait considering Aizawa's in the hospital right now. But unless the sports festival is canceled, we can use that to gain more information on the students so we don't mess up again, I ran my hand through my hair. It was quiet for a while.

"A-are you... ok?" He asked slowly, clearly uncomfortable. I looked up at him, surprised he would ask. Sentiment wasn't his thing.

I'm upset, but I'm fine. The things he said while fighting got to me. I just want the world to know what he's done. I explained.

"Give it time, we'll think of a new plan, this one better than the last," Shiggy encouraged.

I hope you're right

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