Chap 14

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I stared wide-eyed at the woman. I didn't remember my mother, but this didn't feel right. My silence allowed her to keep talking.

"I missed you so much! I never wanted to leave you!" She cried out. Her comment snapped me out of my frozen state.

Wrong, I signed harshly, The "y" handshape hitting my chin forcefully. The woman ignored me.

"Your father stole you away from me! I had no say!" She sobbed. I furrowed my brow.

Wrong, I signed again.

"I tried so hard to convince that foul man to let me see you, but he refused every time!"

Wrong, I was getting tired of her comments, and I was sure it was showing freely on my face.

"What-what is she doing?" my mother asked.

"She's calling you a liar," Shiggy glared, standing close to me.

"And who would you be?" My mother glared back.

"Her friend," Shiggy responded easily. I smiled at his response.

"You know, from what little your father said about you, I didn't take you to be a slut," The woman's desperate face turned sour as she looked up at the 2 boys. My mouth fell open at her words, completely taken aback by her rude and random comment. Her emotions were like night and day, and she switched between them in a blink of an eye. 

"Excuse me?" Dabi asked threateningly, stepping forward. I held up my hand to stop him before he ripped the woman apart.

"Ohh, got them wrapped around your pretty little finger, too," The woman smiled with poison leaking from her words.

"What do you want?" Shiggy spoke up. My mother turned her glare to him.

"I want to talk to my daughter in private, so why don't you two shove off?" She asked, trying to shoo them away with her hands. Neither one of them budged.

"Do you know sign language?" Shiggy asked. My mother blinked at him.

"Why the hell would I know that?"

"Then you can't talk to her," Shiggy took another step forward so he was in front of me. The woman looked ready to throw hands, but before she could, Toga skipped back towards our little group.

"Hey guys, oh, who's she?" She asked, only then seeing the woman who was glaring daggers at Shiggy. Once my mother's eyes met Toga's her face changed once again. She smiled at Toga, a kind look on her face that matched the one she wore when first speaking to me.

"Oh, look at you, such a cute little girl. What are you doing with these heathens?" My mother asked. Toga looked between all of us before laughing.

"Who said I'm not a heathen myself?" she asked with a bright smile. My mother's smile turned to a frown.

"I know you're all trying to look tougher than you are, especially you with all the scars," My mother pointed a finger at Dabi who raised an eyebrow at her. "I doubt you've done anything more illegal than shoplifting or trespassing," she crossed her arms. A smile crept its way across my face.

Shoplifting?! You should be ashamed! I signed, turning enough that all 3 of my friends had a clear line of sight to my hands. Toga laughed at my words, Dabi sighed, and Shiggy rolled his eyes.

"And you, you little skank!" My mother started, grabbing my arm once again. I was getting real tired of her personality changes. I grabbed her wrist with my other hand and pressed my thumb between her blood vessels, causing her hand to go weak. I shoved her hand off of me with a harsh glare. "You think you're so tough! I bet living with your dad wasn't all sparkles and rainbows! That asshole deserved to have a bitch like you for a daughter!" My mother yelled, attracting a lot of attention around us. I felt a hand on my shoulder but shrugged it off, keeping my eyes glued on my mother.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2023 ⏰

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