chap 2

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I closed the door to my room and started pacing, my hand furiously scratching at my neck. 

"This could be a trap, but why would she tell me?" I said, talking to myself so I could get my thoughts out. 

"Maybe she's lying? but the look in her eyes was so serious, and she looked scared when she first told me," I muttered, ignoring the dops of blood that came from my scratching. 

"Is this a setup? I really need information on All Might so I can take him down, but at what cost? She's quirkless! Why did I even allow her to join in the first place!? Really, I just wanted the other guy gone, and I knew Kurogiri wouldn't allow me to send both away," 

"If she's telling the truth this could give us a major boost! Maybe we can even lure him into a trap with Y/n! I need to talk to her, at least get her to tell me what I want to know, then I can fact check it later!" 

"I'll keep her out of the plans until I know she can be trusted!" I declared, a plan finalized in my head. 

I sat down on my bed and thought, a smile slowly growing on my face. This could be the beginning of me taking down All Might, or this could be the end of the League of Villains forever. I knew I needed to be careful now more than ever. I couldn't tell the other villains about her relation to the Symbol of Peace yet, I knew they would want her gone, or they would kill her on the spot. I could trust Kurogiri, I needed someone to help me act out the plan and keep everything running smoothly. 

This needed to be perfect otherwise our mission would fail. 

I considered bringing Master into this, but decided against it, seeing as I didn't know how he would react. I wanted to make him proud of my accomplishments, my winnings. I wanted to show him I could handle this and use it as an advantage without letting it knock me out first. 

Y/N was going to be my secret weapon, and I wasn't about to let her go to waste. 


I sat in my room as the tears overwhelmed me. This wasn't supposed to happen! I was supposed to keep my family a secret! I wasn't going to tell anyone as long as I lived, but of course, my stupid emotions got the better of me and I let it slip! Shigaraki was probably going to kill me in my sleep, or promptly kick me out as soon as convenient. Maybe he'll even tell the others and let them mangle my body into an unidentifiable mound! 

Whatever, I knew there was no way I would be going back with that asshole of a man, so if I died, maybe it was for the better. 

"Y/N!" Someone yelled through the door, and I could tell by his voice that it was Shigaraki. I sighed, then opened the door, taking in his guarded stature. 

"You're going undercover, you're going to get me as much information as you can about All Might directly from the source," He ordered, making me freeze. He still wanted me on the team? But he wanted me to be around All Might?

I told you he abused me, and you want me to go back? I asked, staring at him with wide eyes. 

"Yes, you leave tonight, pack up your things," He said harshly, then left. I stood in the doorway for a good 10 minutes, staring at the wall. How could I go back? As of now, he'll know I snuck out! He'll beat me! I'd have to leave this place, after just unpacking and decorating, only to go back to absolute hell! Was Shigaraki trying to get me killed? 

I already knew enough information! What more could he want?! I spent 18 years with him! I knew all about his damn quirk and his stupid weakness! This had to be a test, and I would pass.

I still wanted All Might taken down, even if it meant living with the bastard again, I just hopped Shigaraki would hurry up and see I'm reliable so I could leave as fast as possible. 

I know this chapter is short, but it sets things up for the rest of the story. I'll post the next chapter soon! 


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