chap 6

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Staying in the Leauge of Villain's hideout was wild. It was never quiet, even in my room I could hear people yelling and laughing from the bar. Everyone checked in on me constantly, and it was slowly driving me nuts. Even Shiggy was keeping an eye on me, even if he didn't ask how I was, or physically check-in, I could see his eyes watching me every time I walked into the room. 

The crutches were also impairing my ability to communicate. It was awkward to have to remove the crutches from under my arms or balance myself just right so I wasn't applying pressure to my leg, so I could sign to someone or motion to what I wanted. 

While I was here, I taught some of the members a few common signs so communication could go a little smoother, and so I could talk to more people than just Shiggy, Toga, and Giri. I learned that Mage was fun. She, Toga, and I would have a girl's night and watch movies in my room. 

It was a lazy day, most of the members were off doing missions. The only people here were Shiggy and Giri. I sat at the bar, playing with my fingers as I thought. I wasn't really thinking about anything in particular, just whatever my brain generated. 

I notice Giri give Shiggy a look from the corner of my eye but ignored it. Giri soon left, talking about cleaning up the hideout a little before everyone came back. I offered to help, but he simply shook his head. 

Shiggy and I sat in silence for a bit before he turned to me. 

I've been thinking about the mission, He signed, not bothering to talk. 

What about it? 

I don't think it's a good idea for you to go back there. From the information you've given us, I think we can find another way other than standing idly while you get bruised and bloodied from that monster, Shiggy's signs became harsher as his anger rose. 

You shouldn't call off the mission for me, I said, looking at him sadly. 

We have enough information, and if we need more we can get it another way, you don't have to say with him, Shiggy tried. 

I didn't know you cared this much, I smirked at him, trying to ease the tension in the air. 

Fuck off, I normally don't, He glared, but I knew he cared about the members, at least the main ones. 

If it gets to be bad, or I stop getting information from him, then you can pull me out, I said, giving in. He looked more at ease with that and nodded. 

Giri walked in and looked at us. 

"Please tell me he spoke to you and didn't wimp out again," Giri sighed. I noticed Shiggy's face get red as he sent a mean glare to Giri. 

"I talked to her!" He yelled out, making me laugh silently. 

"And what was the decision?" 

"She's going to stay until it gets too out of hand, or until she can't collect any more information," Shiggy said, this time a little calmer than before. 

"I would say being stabbed in the leg would be out of hand," Giri said, glancing at me. 

Nah, I've had way worse, I signed, causing Shiggy to give me a worried look. 

Did you forget he cut my vocal cords? I asked, but I knew that wasn't what I meant. I've had many worse injuries than a stab to the leg, and I'm not just talking about the jagged scar that cut across my neck. Shigaraki seemed to take the answer though as he turned back to Giri. 

When will I be leaving? I told my dad a few days, I asked, having to tap the table for Shiggy to look back at me. 

"Whenever the risk for you not taking care of yourself drops to zero," Shiggy glared, and I gave him one back. 

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