chap 8

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"Who are you?" Someone asked behind me. I slowly turned around to see Shouta Aizawa, the same man from before. 

I'm Y/n, I signed, remembering how he seemed to understand me when I was talking with Yagi. 

"Why are you here? You and Toshinori don't seem to be on the best of terms," He said, his voice low and to the point. I was shocked that he would just randomly ask something like that. 

"SHOUTAA! Stop harassing!" Someone else yelled as they leaned on Aizawa. "Sorry about him, he doesn't have very many manners, I'm Hizashi Yamada by the way!" He said, offering me a hand. 

I'm Y/n, nice to meet you, I smiled politely, but I could see Yagi's eyes staring at me from across the room. 

I have to go, bye! I rushed, noticing how Yamada seemed to understand me too. I rushed upstairs and shut my door. I knew Yagi would be mad once everyone left, but I was confused about why he would order me home when he knew people were coming over. 


I wasn't blind. I could tell something was up between Toshinori and that Y/n girl, and it wasn't some little argument. Maybe it was my teacher's senses, but I guessed something bad was happening. 

"Shouta! Are you excited about the USJ? I know 13 hasn't stopped talking about it once they were told they would be in charge of it!" Zashi said, still leaning off of me. I lightly nodded, not really caring one way or another. Something was still bugging me. 

"Hey Yagi, that one girl is here again," I said offhandedly, catching the attention of some other teachers. 

"Girl? Toshi has a girl? And I wasn't told this?" Nemuri said, placing a hand on her chest. 

"It's not like that, she's just staying with me for a bit," Toshi said, waving his hands. 

"Whatever dude, I wasn't aware you were housing a girl," Maijima (Power loader) said, slapping Toshinori on the back. 

"It's only temporary," Toshinori said, but I sensed a dark tone to it. 

"Where did she come from? I've never heard you talk about her!" Yamada asked, still leaning on me. 

"I've known her for a while, we just haven't always been on good terms," Toshinori said, shyly rubbing the back of his neck. I sensed that was a major understatement. 

"Is she still in school?" I asked. 

"Yeah, why?" I could tell he didn't like talking about her, but I didn't give two shits. 

"Ooh! She has to be in college, right? What's her major? Maybe we can help her!" Yamada practically screeched. 

"Medical stuff, I think, but she doesn't need help," Toshi said, trying to brush it off. 

"Oh come on! We all know a ton about medical stuff from hero work! Aizawa more than anyone!" Yamada laughed. 

"Yeah! If she's friends with you, then she's friends with us!" Nemuri shouted. 

"Everyone's friends with you, Nemuri, though, most of the time they've also been in your bed," I lazily looked over at her. 

"Well, what can I say? You're just lucky you found Yamada quickly!" Muri smirked as Zashi held me tighter. 

"Why did you guys even come? I wasn't aware we were having a party at my house," Toshi asked, looking around at all the UA teachers minus Nezu since he couldn't make it. 

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