Part 1 "the fear of the nightwings" chapter 1

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The moon's were falling.

Peacemaker watched helplessly as his home was crushed. tears flooded his eyes as he saw his friends dead on the ground their necks either squashed or bent at a horrific angle. his claws were stained with their blood and as he looked up he saw mountains of dead dragons. then the moons made contact with pyhrria and eradicated everything when the dust cleared there was nothing left but dust and stone on the now bear landscape of phyrria. than a roar came from under the ocean and the silhouette of a dragon bigger than a mountain rose laughing it fixed it's silver empty eyes on him and said with a voice that gave his shivers shivers "you have done your job well..... darkstalker"

Peacemaker woke with a start quickly looking down at his talons which were their normal black and sighed with relif

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Peacemaker woke with a start quickly looking down at his talons which were their normal black and sighed with relif. it had just been a dream.

Peacemaker had grown with astounding speed and was the size of sunny now even though he was only 4 he was as mature and intelligent as a 6 year old. it had been a year since the end of the war of sandwing succession and all was peaceful in phyrria. 

Peacemaker tried to forget the dream but the dream didn't forget him as everynight he would have the same dream exactly it got to a point where Peacemaker would only fall asleep because of exaustion. eventually he told his mother Hope what was happening everything exept for the last part.. his mother had a midely annoying habit of "protecting" him from old nightwing and icewing ghost story's and judging from the name "darkstalker" it would be one of the worst and he wouldn't know who it was so he kept it hidden from his mother. the day after he told his mother about the nightmares they visited jade mountain academy.

"Peacemaker! Hope!" Peacemaker smiled as he recognized clay's voice. Peacemaker tucked in his wings and divebombed clay and sent them rolling. "its good to see you Clay its been FOREVER since i was here!." Peacemaker was delighted to see the gentle giant Clay. "what bring's you here Hope? are you going to enroll Peacemaker into jade mountain academy?" Clay asked "actully yes i am clay Peacemaker has been having nightmares recently and i was hoping a change of scenery and your knowlege could help him". Peacemaker jumped up and down like a frog as he realised he would finally meet other dragons his age and maybe even make some friends! back at the village all of the dragons were grumpy ,sour old coots who acted like frogs or lions sometimes both so he had never wanted to make friends with any of them but the rainwings weren't exactly perfect friends either they were the definition of lazy sloth's given form and spent half of the day sleeping. Peacemaker didn't hold anything against them though but they weren't his type of dragon.

Since Peacemaker was a new dragonet and had arrived halfway into the year he was placed in the jade winglet's "hybrid" species {since so many hybrids wanted to attend jade mountain academy they had trouble placing them between their two types so they had made a hybrid species space for winglets and luckly he was jade's hybrid}. 

That night Peacemaker snuck into the libary and searched under D for the scroll on Darkstalker. after searching for sometime he found the updated scroll which was labeled "the legend of Darkstalker the immortal nightwing" curiously he started to unroll the scroll when he heard footsteps coming from the hallway quickly he utilized his black and color chaning scales to vanish into the shadows using the secret techniques he had been taught by deathbringer {originaly it had been so he could win hide and seek but he had later realised that he could use it for much more than just a game}. He watched as Tsunami entered the room and headed straight for the restricted section of the libary. Not risking anymore time Peacemaker snuck out of the libary without tsunami being anythe wiser.

Much to his disdain Peacemaker didn't get the chance to read the scroll the following week since he was a new student and the only rainwing-nightwing hybrid everyone wanted to know what he could do if he could breath fire, spit venom, both, neither, change all of his scales or none of them and how it felt. Peacemaker would usally enjoy the company but not the questions and his friends knew it so it didn't allow him to get away to his cave to read the scroll in secret. 

As the sun set on his 7th day at jade mountain academy Peacemaker decided that today would be the day today... or rather tonight he would read the legend of darkstalker.

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