Part 1 Chapter 4

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Starflight rejoyced his vision was back! He ran out of the cave. Straight into Tsunami. "starflight? whats gotten into you?" Tsunami didn't notice that Starflight blindfold was gone and he was looking straight at her because there had been no warning to this miraculous devolopment. though it was pretty obvious when she did notice. she announced it to the entire mountain instantly "Your eyes! They've healed! when did this happen? Is animus magic working again?" Starflight was exited but now the rush of adrenelin was fadding and his usual attitude was taking hold once again "it happened this mourning i have no idea what happened the blindfold was just lying next to my bed when i woke up i didn't even notice until i got to the libary". Tsunami rolled her eyes typpical Starflight not noticing a miracle until he got to the libary "have you told the others?" Starflight shock his head "i didn't have to apparently you did the job for me" He jestured behind Tsunami to reveal a large group of dragonets including Sunny, Clay and Webs. Once the exitement had died down and Tsunami had gotten the dragonets to return to their Caves they contacted Glory and waited for her arrival before asking Starflight what had happened this morning.

"...... and that's what happened" Starflight anxiously waited for their reaction's as he finished explaining what had been hapening to him the last couple of months. They sat in eerie silence for a while all wanting someone else to speak irronicly it was clay who broke this silence or rather his stomach "GRHHHAAAPH" Clay blushed as everyone looked at him like he had suddenly turned pink and grown fur "anyone up for lunch?" they all laughed and gladely took the escape road out of the awkard situation. 

Starflight was looking up at the night sky wondering if his dreams or visions were real. They sure felt real but how could they be? He didn't know what to feel as far as he knew nothing like this had ever happened to anyone else. The sun was now gone completely and the land was light up not with moonlight but with starlight the 3 moons were all dim and covered by the nighttime clouds. He breathed in the fresh cold and crisp night air ever since the dreams had begun he always felt more alive when night came. as he thought of this he heard sunny's voice 'i hope starflight is alright it must be so confusing for him right now with noone knowing what he's going threw' Starflight looked around he was at the top of jade mountain. he got up and looked around but saw noone? then he began to hear other voices they swirled around his head. so many voices. 'its a wonderful name.... and its not a villans na...' 'i wonder what moon was talking about when she said there was another mi..' . The voices were to loud to loud to loud there was to many of them. Starflight clutched his head and images began to swirl in his head two: the father of draconic standing over jade mountain, a blue eye made of energy, a dragon with scales made of metal with energy making up its skin. The pain was searing almost unbearable and impossible to stop Starflight felt like he was going to lose his sanity. now he was rolled up into a ball his wings and talons covering his head which he pressed so hard it hurted more. Then right before the welcoming wings of unconscieousness could wrap around him a cold stone was pressed against his left wing and the voices stopped shortly after so did the images and pain. 

Starflight stood up and uncovered his head with his wings. He looked wondering who had stopped the pain and saw Moon. "thank you moon" Starflight looked at Moon wondering what she was doing here. Moon's eyes widened as she looked at starflight "uhh Moon what is it?" Starflight was confused which seemed to be his new default emotion nowadays "your scales their changing." Starflight looked down at himself and saw that it was true some of his scales were changing from black to silver like the scales under his wings "wha?" Starflight couldn't even form a complete sentence. "you're becoming a Psychic nightwing" "a what?" "a nightwing that can read minds and see the future like me" Moon explained. 

welp it was offical Starflight's mind was officaly overcooked. 

Starflight looked at moon with at first disbelif but then his mental gears began to turn that would explain what had just happened "come with me i need to teach you how to use your powers" Moon lead Starflight away from jade mountain and took him to a hill in the middle of no where. "can i have the skyfire now Starflight?" Starflight started as he realised unconsincely he had been holding onto the rock he now gave the rock to Moon and braced for the voices but nothing happened no visions came. Moon than put down the skyfire and opened her mind to Starflight they spent the rest of the night there as Moon taught him the basics of mindreading and future sight, how to block people out, how to step out of your visions, how to 'rumage' threw someones mind and all that she had learned from darkstalker and from numerous scrolls. Much to their suprise Starflight learnt this so quickly it may have just been reminding him on how to do it.

When morning came Starflight wasn't exactly being responsible with his new powers and was using them to find out where the dragonets had hidden scrolls and used his mind reading to find out were the students had set up traps to prank someone and turned it on them. By the time lunch came around Starflight had pranked 14 students and found 43 'lost' scrolls. He looked out of the libary window chewing on a small pig reading on a scroll of mindreading from the old nightwing kingdom wondering what to do next when he felt a vision coming. not wanting to be disturbed he attempted to block it but the attempt was in vain. A single image appeared in his head phyrria covered in ice and snow as far as the eye could see. an icestorm at the centre of this eternal winter and in the icestorm at the core there was a dragon. white with ice crystals for talons, spikes, teeth and skin. then as fast as the image had appeared it was gone but it was burnt into his mind the snow, the icestorm, and the dragon. The dragon who Starflight realised with shock looked like Winter.

 The dragon who Starflight realised with shock looked like Winter

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