Part 1 Chapter 3

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Midnight was flying in the night sky above the clouds. He looked as the world bathed in the moon's light. There. A hatchling was sorrounded by Humans yelping for help. With his supernatural vision he could see its mother trapped in a rockslide no doupt caused by the Humans. In an instant he divebombed the Human hunters moving so fast he was a blur before he even reached the hatchling the hunters were swallowed by shadow's and vanished. The hatchling looked up in fright and confusion tears rolling down her eyes Mommy? Midnight still a blur destroyed the rockslide completely reducing it to rubble. then pulling up from his dive he continued on his way. The hatchling looked to her mother "mommy was that the night dragon? from the beddy time storey?" The hatchlings mother a nightwing looked up at the night sky "yes i think it was him my little moonshroom the night incarnated forefather of nightwings midnight himself"

Starflight woke from his dream slowly. He could feel the sunlight warming up his black scales, he could hear the birds singing their wake up song. slowly Starflight got up on his talons. A new dream again about this Midnight. Starflight had been having diffrent dreams about being a dragon called Midnight for a while now ever since Darkstalker had been defeated at first he had been worried about them but eventully when he realised that there was no information on this Midnight  he concluded that it was just a dream irregular sure but something to worry about no. He walked over to his "the story's of Midnight immortal deity of the night" at some point Starflight had started to keep a journal on all of his dreams about Midnight he had decided it would make a great book once finished. If the dreams ever stopped. "Starflight! Starflight!" Starflight smilled as he heard sunny enter the room "what's got you so exited Sunny?" he could hear sunny jumping up and down like a rabit "you have GOT to come see this" starflight sighed as once again he was reminded that No in fact he could not see this. He reached up to his blindfold remembering that faithful night when he had been blinded by a volcano. "oh sorry Starflight" Starflight smiled "its okay what is it?" Sunny bounded over with obvious enthusiasm and grabbed his arm "follow me". 

Sunny took him to the area where they had been expanding the caves for newcomers. "what do you want me for?" he felt a cylander be pressed into his talons "we just found this while we were expanding clay thinks its like a gazillion years old!" Starflight shock his head "i doupt its that old sunny." he could almost feel sunny deflating he laughed "i reckon that its more likely to be maybe a couple thousand years old" Starflight returned to the libary with the scroll sunny stayed at the excavation when starflight asked why she said that she wanted to find more old treasure in the rocks. He slowly opened the gaurd case that sorrounded the scroll Starflight was supprised when he realised that the case must've been airtight because the scroll was in mint condition cautiosly he began to read.

"the Story of unum terram is filled with legendary deity's with powers beyond comprehension. but who are these deity's? this scroll contains all of the knowlage that we know about these immortals." 

This sentence was followed by an index. starflight brushed his talon on them until he found M.

"Midnight is the immortal incarntaion of night, it is unclear how Midnight was born but his actions speak volume's. multiple eye witness acounts tell us that Midnight has saved the lives of many dragons without discrimination of species but only at night many believe that Midnight may be nocturnal explaining his habits. Midnights existance is proven in all but one factor no one gets a real look at him all they see at best is a black and silver blur he is estimated to be faster than a skywing. on one occasion a group of 20 nightwings were nearly killed in a volcanic erupton Midnight is believed to have completely obliterated the volcano with a short burst shadow fire a pitch black energy that is similar to fire in effect but doesn't appear to be the same as it appears as a large laser origining from his mouth that in theory only requires a very small amount the size of a mouse to completely destroy a mountain."

Starflight clossed the scroll talons shaking he stumbeled over to his journal all of the rescues preformed by midnight were in his journal nearly word for word. uncretainty crept into his scales. Midnight had existed thousands of years ago and now Starflight was having dreams were he was Midnight. What was happening? Starflight like many dragons believed in reincarnation he came up with a theory one so terrifing he didn't even want to think about it. if he was Midnight reincarnated than that would explain these dreams but there was 2 questions if so why didn't starflight have these 'deity' powers and the only way to reincarnate is death so what killed Midnight what had the power to kill an immortal deity? Starflight layed down to sleep tonight again a dream came about Midnight but this time it was severly diffrent.

"Father! I know you can hear me! I demand you talk to me this instant!" Midnight felt weird yelling at the 4 moons and trying to give his father orders but he needed to know if it was true. "Whats wrong my son?" Midnight turned around as he stared into draconic's eye's even though he was standing on a small mountain he still had to look up at his father. "Is it true?" Asked Midnight "is what true?" Asked Draconic acting all innocent "is it true that you killed over 100 dragons, is it true that you caused earthquake joe IS IT TRUE THAT YOU WANT TO RULE THE WORLD?!?!?!?!" shouted Midnight hoping against hope that it wasn't true. Draconic just looked at him his next words shattered Midnights hopes "its true all of it"

"why father why?" Midnight wanted to know why his father one of the three elder dragon lord's would do such unforgivable evil

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"why father why?" Midnight wanted to know why his father one of the three elder dragon lord's would do such unforgivable evil. "because this world is in chaos, those bugs those insults who dare assume the name of dragon prance around like they own the place, they think they rule unum terram when they at our mercy! they don't deserve free will they live to serve and they will, my brothers and nearly all of my family is weak and pathetic! i will liberate the world and any who get in my way will be destroyed! that is why Midnight. i can sense the doupt in you, you won't  assist me now so LEAVE or i will destroy you. How dissapointing both of my sons don't have the will to do what is right." Draconic sensed hesitation in Midnight "leave or i will make good to my promise" without further hesitaion Midnight left flying as fast as he could he needed to warn the others of his father before it was to late.

Starflight woke at daybreak thoughts swirling through his head like a tornado could it have been Draconic that had killed Midnight? He had to find out. He got out of bed and ran to the libary looking for the scroll that he had read last night. there. he saw it on his bench.... WAIT HE SAW IT??!!? Starflight looked down at his talons then felt his eyes. HE WAS HEALED. momentarily losing himself in glee he shouted at the top of his lungs " I CAN SEE YAHOOOO!!!".

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