War's rising

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Fathom charged at Darkstalker his vision blood red. HOW DARE darkstalker show his face no matter what form Darkstalker took Fathom could see him, he could see his magic aura the unique animus power that every animus had that appeared in their talons and on anything they have enchanted. This magic aura was how fathom had recognized Darkstalker and it was how Darkstalker would die.

Fathom's talon's went straight for Darkstalkers throat but Darkstalker had already moved with no intent to attack "Please i don't want to fight just listen to me!" Fathom didn't listen no matter what lies that Darkstalker told him he knew one thing Darkstalker would never change.

Using his animus magic Fathom teleported Darkstalker into his claws and halted any movement in his talons, arms, tail and wings. "You are pathetic" he spat "without your so called divine power's you are nothing but a scared little boy. A boy i will kill painfully." He opened his talons and extended them to full reach and stabbed them into Darkstalkers stomach and slowly ripped upwards. He heard a scream of pain coming from the academy... probably one of his fake friends. He dropped the lifeless corpse of Darkstalker and watched as it hit the ground with a small BOOM. Fathom didn't feel any better and sighed he had only done it twice but he still hated killing he began to fly back to the academy when he realised that the mountain was shaking? wait no the entire continent was shaking! Fathom spun around as he heard the growl of Darkstalker.

Fathom went pale with shock as Darkstalker {Now in the form at the top and now actully Darkstalker but not in form but as large as he once was} now in a diffrent form and much larger than any dragon he had ever seen rose from the shadow's its eyes blood red. "Fathom you old fool look at what you have done!" Darkstalker laughed a blood curling evil worthy laugh. Fathom managed to speak as he looked at the daunting figure "Darkstalker how.... what?" Fathom couldn't even form a complete sentence Darkstalker laughed "I am just as suprised as you traitor but i am not Darkstalker anymore i am Koshmar!" If possible Fathom went even paler than before realising what he had just done. Fathom tried to attack Darkstalker {i'm gonna keep refering Koshmar as Darkstalker but if i type Koshmar or Darkstalker it means the same dragon} but was knocked away by his tail like a fly "your power is still weak Fathom you are nothing to my strength" Fathom looked at a nearby mountain and shouted [shouting with animus spells make them more dangerous and harder to stop.] "Mountain, stones, boulders hear me attack Darkstalker don't stop until you are dust!" even if Fathom couldn't enchant Darkstalker directly he could enchant things to attack him which bought him valable time.

Flying as fast as his wings could he swooped down to the watching dragonet's who were to terrified of Darkstalker's new form to be angry at him for now "Clay! you need to fight him you are the only one who can defeat him!" Clay was shocked at the thought but nodded slowly "alright" 

Clay P.O.V

Clay roared gathering all of his remaining strength and transformed into his black eyed form.

Clay roared gathering all of his remaining strength and transformed into his black eyed form

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{i couldn't resist ¯\_(ツ)_/¯}

Clay charged at Darkstalker with the power of black eye's in his vains and pushed him straight into a mountain despite the size diffrence Clay was on equal footing with the behemoth. Darkstalker roared in pain and confusion for he was oblivious to the fact that clay was Black eyed but when he noticed he knew he was in trouble. The pair didn't fly around or breath fire at one another like Icestorm or Starflight did they just layed into one another all they cared about was killing the other they barely made attempts to defend themselves other than the neck. The brutal battle continued blood was everywhere and not just blood since both of them healed at immense rates there was enought dragon meat and limbs to belong to 20 diffrent dragons and counting.....

Clay was tiring he had never been in black eye's for this long or exerting himself this much before whereas Darkstalker was still full of energy and if anything was only growing stronger. Clay attempted to gore out Darkstalkers eyes but he grabbed Clay's talons and held him back. Clay struggled but Darkstalker's grip was to strong he readied fire but darkstalker thrust his tail into Clay's stomach and snapped his neck in one movement. Thanks to his black eyed power blood he was able to heal the neck rather quickly but by the time his body tried to heal the stomach it had lost to much blood Darkstalker knew that despite it's incredible power Black eyed could only heal one killing blow at a time and by the time it moved onto Clay's stomach he had lost to much blood to heal. "How pathetic this black eyed ragdoll thought it could defeat me?" then projecting his voice to the academy "I am Koshmar reincarnated! i am the Deity of nightmares and evil! and i will not lose to some pathetic mudwing" he then threw clay onto a river bank.... into mud. Clay saw out of the corner of his eye Darkstalker approach Jade mountain and ready a beam of nightmare flames. flames that he knew would kill everyone but Winter and Starflight. He struggled to get up every part of him hurt he couldn't let his family his friends die! He roared as Darkstalker released his nightmare flames at the cave.

Darkstalker laughed as the smoke cleared expecting to see charred dragon but instead he saw something else.

Darkstalker went white with fear as he recognized this Dragon it was Tamriel Deity of the marshlands, family, mud and volcanos

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Darkstalker went white with fear as he recognized this Dragon it was Tamriel Deity of the marshlands, family, mud and volcanos. 

Darkstalker charged at Clay who now had awakened his true power as the reincarnation of Tamriel roaring but without even opening his eye's Tamriel grabbed Darkstalker's throat and stared deep into his eyes not even flinching as Darkstalker desperatly tried to escape his clutch's. Without even saying a word he broke Darkstalkers neck which sounded like a tree breaking. Darkstalker somehow still conscience roared in pain and agony at the wound which was already healing as Clay leaned closer to Darkstalker "The awakening has Began Darkstalker and we both know what that means so go and tell your master 'i may not know what sealed you Draconic but i do know this, this time you will fail, you will die and you will be trapped forever in the moons above'" with those last words Clay threw Darkstalker into the air and watched as Darkstalker flew away then shifting his gaze to the rising sun knowing that today was the last day he could relax.

For the War had only just began.

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