Part 2 Chapter 2

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{i think this is the mudwing palace?}

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{i think this is the mudwing palace?}

Clay, ruby and peril remained quiet for most of the flight. supprisingly peril was to affraid to ask what had hapened but judgeing from the way clay was acting it wasn't good.

Clay looked arond the upper mud kingdom he had never been here before. He smiled as he saw the faces of fellow mudwings peek out from their mud balls. Then he saw the mudpalace it was like a tall spire with multiple little entrences for a mudwing to fly in on the top floor he saw an advance gaurd around someone who he guessed was queen moorhen. the trio swooped down with peril and ruby landing gracefully less so clay who landed flat on his face because he wasn't paying attention. The advance gaurd sorrounded clay instantly disregarding peril and ruby but in a matter that told clay they knew who they were. Clay was immensily confused as the advance gaurd pointed 40 spears straight at him. Peril immediately jumped to protect clay but was tackled but an adult mudwing wearing no armor much to there suprise the mudwing didn't  burn "what the heck get off me you bird brain you'll.... wait what?" the expression's on their faces mustve been prieceless as the strange mudwing who tackle peril laughed "suprised flame scales? i don't burn" The trio looked at queen moorhen for explination for what was happening. "Earthshaker here was born from a blood red egg clay is just like him immune to fire." Clay realised that it was true but he had never seen another blood red mudwing before but now wasn't time for questions he was sorrounded by soilders and Earthshaker was sitting on peril! "why are you doing this?" asked Clay "Moorhen i don't understand your actions so please release clay and peril they have done no wrong" Moorhen just looked at Clay and peril before looking back at her "the flame scales may leave but the blood red is to dangerous to be free i will inform you on what has been happening but then Clay the mudwing will be coming with us" 'so she does know who i am.' Earthshaker got off peril but stayed between her and Clay "don't even think about it" Earthshaker take clay and follow us the rest of you stand ready in case i need you and you mudslide go get Flameater and Groundshaper" Moorhen then jestured for Clay, Peril and Ruby to follow her into the palace they walked for a long time before Clay saw painting's and carvings in the walls he realized that this must be the history of the mud kingdom "I have no doupt you are wondering why i am acting this way but the answer can only be found far into our past" Peril wanted to protect Clay "why are you so aggresive to clay? he wouldn't hurt anyone he's a dragonet of destiny he's a hero!" Moorhen shock her head sadly 'maybe once but now he will never be the same again" she stopped in front of a carving featuring a large mudwing that made burn look down right cuddly. "there is a little known fact about blood red mudwings, they are granted great power but it comes at a cost in exchange for their great power, they are blessed but also cursed and that curse is why you are here today" Ruby gasped "the dead skywing's" Moorhen nodded sadly. Peril was confused the dead WHAT? "what does dead skywings and some ancient curse have to do with clay?" Moorhen looked at peril "you haven't figured it out?" "figured out what?" "Clay killed 15 skywings last night peril we found their blood on his talons" Ruby said reluctently. Clay winced as he remembered what he had done and then a thought occured to him "was it this curse that did this?" Moorhen looked at clay for a second and then said "you aren't as dumb as i thought. yes it was the curse but it's not exactly my place to explain Earthshaker you tell them" Earthshaker nodded and lead them to another carving this one again featuring the dragon from before but the left side was a normal mudwing face."Blood red mudwings are terribly cursed at birth a curse that has been feared for generations. its name is black eyed due to the pitch black shade of the blood red's eyes." he lead them to a painting this one with a mudwing morning a group of mudwings arond him "in this form a blood red is transformed into a beast nearly three times their previous size this beast gains enhanced senses far stronger than any normal dragon or any animal on the face of this planet they can regenerate at a increadible rate chop off their wing and a new one grows in 30 minutes it doesn't matter how old the wound is it dosen't matter if its a birth defect it will heal the only way to kill a black eyed dragon is either chop off its head completely of rip out its heart. the beast has no sense of self it only lives to satisfy its hunger of destruction it will kill anything that gets in its way." peril and ruby momentarily looked at clay "Is their anyway to control it?" Ruby asked Earthshaker stopped and turned to look at her "Only one way ,to gain the knowlege of the art to control themselves the black eyed must kill all those who it grew up with or in clay's case kill his friends then kill his entire family his mother, father, brothers sisters all of them must die to attain the knowledge to control it and believe me no ordinary dragon can kill a black eyed only an animus can." stunned silence filled the room "so now you see why clay must be locked up or he will endanger his entire family. Clay was horrified at what he had just been told when a thought came to him "if thats true and it applies to all blood red's then why aren't you locked up?" Ruby and peril immediatly realised what clay was saying but before they could do anything Earthshaker had clay pinned on the ground "yes it applies to all blood red dragons want to know what happened to my family i'll tell you I killed them all of them and i couldn't stop myself you may think you can control it you may think i could never do that but the beast is not you and no amont of will power can control it, it's not a matter of If its a matter of WHEN to many Black eyed have refused the training and then they pay the price" Ruby and Peril tried to get Earthshaker off clay but he was to strong but he got off clay himself thankfully. "training what do you mean?" Clay asked. Earthshaker looked at clay "when a black eyed kill its entire family its kin it learns an art called imperium diaboli litteraly translating to 'control of devil' this art can be teached to other black eyed before they kill their kin but every black eyed refuses because of how you learn this art" Ruby was inquisitive and the first to ask "how does one learn the art?" Earthskaker looked straight into her eyes "they must bathe in the most holy place in the entire mud kingdom the 'mons igneus sanguinis' the volcano of blood.

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