Chapter 1: Older Brother!

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Contains gore, bad language, shaming, mentions of suicide, phobia ticking, death, murder, mental/physical abuse.


Tensei was just walking around for his patrol, he had recently been been in the mood for coffee, however with his afternoon patrols it really defeats the purpose. However since his agency had a conference about an upcoming battle for the week, he had the morning shifts for that week. He was filled with excitement to hear that, considering that there's a new café that just opened.

The café is called Ivory, makes sense since the building has the color pallet of a forest green and ivory. Tensei has never been to this new café, which is why he's joyed you hear he had the morning shifts. However, a few pro hero's and coworkers have been going there, saying it was very cozy. He heard the drinks there were good too.

Alas, he can finally try the café he's been dying to get to, his cravings have been off all morning due to his urge for coffee. However, now he may be looking for a few pastries to go along that. He had just started getting his hero suit on, his younger brother Tenya had left now and hour before him for school. Even though Yueii starts in two hours from now, he's always persistent in being early. Maybe he should take some notes from his brother on being on time.

Getting out from his room, hero suit on for his shift, he goes out and already can taste the fresh early morning air. The kind that's cold air, you'd need to gasp for more, that kind of air. The breeze flowing making it a nice chilly morning, perfect for a morning cup of coffee. He's already cheerful for his dismay, looking around to look out for some suspicious activity. However, nothing is occurring, he should ask his boss to give him the morning shifts instead.

He started heading the way towards the café, he had already been given the directions from this nice couple who had been talking about the place during one of his patrols. He wonders if his brother Tenya has been here yet? Probably not, he's always busy with school. Which Tensei himself has been trying to get him to lay back on, not succeeding however.

He gets there far more quicker then he imagined, spotting what looks to be a small little café next to a few other buildings. Just like others said, it looked very cozy, a little gate separating the tables in the front from the sidewalk and road, black and white parasols on the tables, and an ivory pallet colored room.

For some reason, he noticed food and water bowls outside next to the door. He'll have to question about that later. He walks inside and is immediately greeted by a sickly sweet smell. The café looks bigger on the inside, the hanging plants from the roof, and nice looking white couch chairs. He noticed one person, the cashier? The barista? Who knows. But one thing tensei knows for sure, is that he's cute.

"Oh! Hello! Welcome to Ivory Café, may I get you anything?" The boy turned around. Showing his messy green hair, his wide light green eyes, and his cute baby face with freckles. His smile blinding tensei as he clears his throat. "Uh yeah, let me get-" "Oh my gosh! Your the turbo hero Ingenium! Oh it's an honor meeting you sir!" The green boys eyes sparkle as he fan boys. He chuckled at the light-hearted scene.

"Well, the honors all mine, you work here alone? Also what would you recommend, I haven't came here yet, heh." He rubbed the back of his neck, flustered a bit. It wasn't often someone fanboyed over him, especially say it's an honor. The greenette brought his finger towards his lips, in the process of thinking. "Hmm, I would recommend the light peach tea if you don't have a strong taste for teas, or the swizzlers, if you like milky textures."

Tensei kept smiling as the boy explained each drink, he reminds him kind of like Tenya, he's always focused in what he's trying to do. "Alright then, I'll have the light peach tea, then I'll take the cinnamon muffin." The boy nodded as he started the drink, "would you like the spice cinnamon or no?" "No thank you."

Tensei sat down on one of the couch tables, looking through the window as he heard the boy humming a tune. He watched carefully as the boy worked, he wondered if the boy was single. Obviously not for him, because he was too old, but for his brother. He had always wanted his brother to go out more and experience things that he couldn't as an adult. But they look the same age.

"How old are you, not trying to sound weird or anything." The boy looked up from what he was doing. "Oh! I'm fifteen, turning sixteen in July." So Tenya is the same age. Great. "If you're working here does that mean you're school years ended?" "Oh no, Im enrolled in online classes, though I think if it were analysis classes then yeah I'd probably be done Hah." The greenette laughed to himself.

"You're good with analysis? Got any on me?" Tensei was excited, he's never really met an analyst, he wanted to know the kid more. "Oh I do! I think it's in my analysis notebooks I'll get them for you once I'm done!" He looked happy, excited as tensei. Once he was done with tensei's order he went into the back to grab his backpack. Sitting down next to tensei on the other side.

Tensei looked through the notebook, he was really impressed, the kid even knew the iida family's special move. This analysis rivaled many, possibly even near Nedzu's intelligence. (His body shivered at that thought) The journal was written as 'Hero analysis for the future 1. 12', tensei smiled, another great hero is soon to be born.

"What's you're name? Sorry I haven't asked that yet." He scratched the back of his neck again. "I'm Midoriya Izuku!" He said with a blinding smile.

"Cool, you probably already know me?"

"How do you feel about dating my younger brother?"

~~~~~~extra scrolling space.

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