Chapter 4: At-Home Second Date!

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Tenya had no idea what could be for a second date. He really had no idea how this relationship thing goes, he only knows the basics. However, Aizawa-Sensei has pointed out about a major event taking place in Yuuei a couple weeks later. Though he wasn't too worried about that.

He was worried about his boyfriend however. They had been chatting about how they've been doing, occasionally Izuku would give him selfies of where he was or pictures of things he was near. Last image he got was yesterday when Izuku showed him a goose in a pond nearby him.

Another one of his photos was him at the hospital, which slightly worried iida however he was told his mother was a nurse so he helped around the hospital sometimes, which eased Tenya. He really liked how Izuku was easily comfortable with Tenya, he showed how he was trustworthy which filled him with happiness.

However, today was another date, the second date they've had. He got ready in more casual clothing, because last time he noticed the clothing choice and decided to dress comfortably this time. He didn't know where they were going today, he knew that Izuku was excited for today.

Izuku said they'd meet up at Musutafu train station. Iida thought that is probably where he lived. He wondered what Izuku will have in store for him.


"Tenya~!" He looked up from his phone to see his boyfriend waving excitedly, smiling as he ran over towards him. He stopped to get his breath, "huff, ready to go!" He cheered.


They were walking side by side holding hands. Iida didn't know where they were going, however he thought about this date being a supposed surprise, Izuku looks very excited with how he's vibrating.


They arrived, at a apartment complex. Iida was confused, what on earth would they do here? He wondered if Izuku has something for him to do. "Izuku, are we going inside the apartment complex?"

He saw his boyfriend get shy. "Well Umm, you said you wanted to meet my mother right? I thought this was a great time to meet her? How does that sound?" Izuku scratched the back of his neck, was this not a good plan?

Iida froze. Meeting his boyfriends parents. He dressed in casual clothing, why must his luck be winded. It was his time to make a fabulous impression on himself and his family. He didn't want to screw this up.

"Ah! That's perfect because my family invited you to dinner tonight! I forgot to tell you. My apologies." Iida's face flushed, he felt so embarrassed. Izuku giggled, "it's fine Tenya people forget sometimes, I'd be happy to meet them!"

Izuku opened his apartment door. "Mom! I'm home! I brought someone you'd like to meet!" "Thank you for having me!" Iida replied as he took off his shoes, as well did Izuku. He heard footsteps from a room, then out appeared a nice green haired lady.

Iida thought the last resembled his boyfriend a lot. "Oh~ who's this Izuku?" His mother looked towards Izuku. "Okay! Mom, this is my boyfriend. Tenya, this is my mother." Izuku exclaimed as the two looked at each other.

"Hello madam! I am Iida Tenya! Pleasure meeting you!" Tenya said as he bowed, extending his hand out. "Ah, Izuku you got yourself a gentleman, I raised you well. I am Inko Midoriya, it's so good to meet you." She shook his hand as she patted her sons head. Both flushed in embarrassment as the mothers doing.

"Mom~" Izuku cooed as his face was red. His mother giggled. "Alright boys, you can look around, I'll make some tea for us." Inko headed back to the kitchen, however Izuku stopped her midway. "Oh! Tenya's family invited me to dinner, is it okay if I go?"

"Oh course Izuku! Just use protection!" "Mom! I'm sixteen!" His mother retorted back. "That didn't stop me and you dad being teen parents!" Izuku fled into the hallway before she could continue again.


"Th-Thank you for having me!" Izuku froze into place as he bowed, calling out to no one in particular. They are now at Tenya's household for dinner. They're having leftovers for dinner.

Tenya's mother appeared to the doorway, mixing up some vegetables in a bowl. "Ah, hello sweetie. I heard many things about you from both my sons, you look so cute~" his mother cooed as Izuku's face flushed.

"Tenya dear, can you set up the table? We're having leftovers with fruit and vegetable salad." His mother said as he quickly nodded and scurried away into the kitchen. "You can look around if you'd like, Tensei is here as well." His mother said as she went back into the kitchen.


It was very peaceful, everyone was sitting at the table, eating and having a conversation. "So, what school do you go to?" Tensei asked Izuku. What? He wanted to learn about his younger brothers boyfriend.

"Ah, I don't actually go to school anymore. I dropped out so I can get a job. My middle school was rigged, they kept changing my answers to fail me, they had the balls to do that on the final exam too." That concerned the Iida family.

"Aww, sweetheart. Why did they do it?" The mother asked. Izuku paled as he panicked a little. "Ah, well, Urm- I'm quirkless. And, with my middle school being quirkest, they did a lot of things." Izuku scratched the back of his neck.

"You know they can go to jail for that right? The school can get shut down if you file a case. I'd be happy to set one for you." Tensei said as he swallowed his food.

"It's okay! If anything, they made me a lot smarter and stronger. I took a knowledge test somewhere due to my teachers. Turns out I had a higher knowledge than most third year high schoolers! So it's a plus." Izuku giggled out.

"Well I'll be damned. That's impressive." Tensei said as he sat back down and began eating again. "Yeah, so I thought there's really no point in going to high school, so I dropped out."

"How smart of you. What about your mother?" Izuku looked towards his boyfriends mother. "Oh, shes never really home because she's a nurse. She partakes in sickness and wounds, some of the hospitals allow me to help around so I know quite a lot."

"How kind of you." She said before starting to eat again. The brothers had kept in mind that katsudon was Izuku's favorite food. They family also learned that Izuku likes to bake.


Izuku ended up staying the night. He texted his mother about spending the night. Which she agreed with. Tenya sat on the end of his bed waiting for Izuku. They both were tired, Tenya had school, Izuku had work.

Izuku came out of the bathroom in one of Tenya's hoodies and a pair of shorts as the two got in bed. Tenya turned off the lights as they snuggled close. "Hmm, love you." Izuku said as he drifted off.

"Love you too Izuku." Tenya said before falling asleep.

~~~~~~~~~scrolling space

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