Chapter 5: Tenya's Workout Date!

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During class at Yuuei, Iida was sat patiently in his seat as the class chatted away. Aizawa was opening the door when the class went silent, he sighed as he stood at his desk. "Next week is the Sports festival."

The class froze, they hadn't expected something like this. "The sports festival is to show how strong you've become by facing multiple obstacles. This week, you'll be training you're all for the Sports festival." Their teacher exclaimed.

"Go plus ultra, now get out." Aizawa said as he scurried out the classroom. The students were getting ready to leave, however Iida's phone went off. Momo saw how it looked like a text message, she went to tell him.

"Iida, you're phone is going off, just wanted to let you know." She smiled "Ah! Thank you Yayorozu for letting me know!" He checked his phone to see his boyfriend texted him.

Izu Darling: Are you excited for the sports festival!
Tenya: Yes I am! I'm ready to give it my all! How did you know about the sports festival?
Izu Darling: I watch the festival every year! I'm going to try getting tickets to come so I can cheer you on! And your classmates of course! >3•

Iida blushed at the message.

Tenya: I'll try getting you in by using student recognition.
Izu Darling: >:0 Tenya breaking school rules!? Impossible!

Iida laughed at the face. It's true he never broken school rules before, however he's sure this isn't breaking any school rules or policies. "Yo, Iida!" He looked to see Uraraka at the class doorway.

"Everyone left, Urm- you've just been standing there. I didn't want to get you out of your zone ya' know?" She laughed as she scratched the back of her neck. "Ah! Thank you Uraraka!" She smiled after walking away.

He looked back to his phone, sending a message.

Tenya: Only for you!


"Yo-You want ME to help you train!?" Izuku said nervously, flailing his arms everywhere. "Of course! You said you learned self defense a while ago have you not? Maybe you can help me learn a few things!" Iida added on to his sentence. "Plus this could be our third date! Work out date?"

"OOo~" Izuku cooed then laughed. "Tenya I would've said yes either way~ I'd love to help you win the sports festival!" Izuku gleamed. Kissing Tenya on the cheek before holding his hand and leading him somewhere.

"I know a few things, let me get my hero notebooks, and my laptop then we can go somewhere where I think is a great place to train! Then we can learn self defense and quirkless combat! Then talk about diet and quirk improvement and-"

Izuku started to mutter as he walked towards his apartment. Iida let out a light chuckle as he love gazed at Izuku.


"Huff! Alright! Let's get started so Tenya how does your quirk work, we can start from there!" Izuku said as he sat on a rusted old pipe, placing all his notebooks on his side as his laptop was on his lap, seemingly open on a tab for writing.

Izuku kept writing down things for Iida's quirk, how much time he can use it, how to upgrade it, Iida was, to say, thoroughly impressed. The first step was self defense, Izuku was a great teacher, Iida had learned different technics very easily.

It has now been a week, the two loved going out every day for Iida's training. Iida had learned quickly about self defense and quirkless combat which helped and improved his fighting a lot more. "Alright so now we can start with lifting and smashing things from this beach!"

"It seemed as if people moved some things here already? Are you sure we should move things here?" "Oh don't worry, some support course students come here to pick up trash sometimes, I used this beach to train myself a bit."


"Twenty! Twenty-one!" They were now doing push ups, Izuku was on top of Iida's back as he did his push ups. Iida only had three days left before the sports festival, today was the last day on training.

"And~ forty!" Izuku got up from his boyfriends back, as Iida huffed our large breaths. "You did well this week! I'm so excited to watch you win the sports festival!" Izuku cheered as he packed his things.

"About that. I have something for you!" Iida said as Izuku gave him his full attention. Iida took out a stripe of paper from his pocket. "I got you a ticket to enter Yuuei! That way you can watch in the stands!" Izuku's eyes watered.

"Oh my gosh! Thank you so much Tenya! I'll cheer you on as you win, I'll make you come pastries for a celebration!" Izuku said as he kissed Iida's cheek. Iida flushed a bright red as he held Izuku's waist. "I'll be sure to give you a kiss when you arrive."

"I'll give you many kisses as you're reward for winning!" Izuku giggled out as he hugged Iida tightly.


"I'll see you Wednesday for the sports festival alright! Be sure to get a healthy breakfast and a good nights rest for the next three days alright." Izuku said as he entered his doorway, Iida had walked Izuku home after his training to spend more time with him.

"Of course Izuku, I wouldn't want to upset you." He chuckled out as he gave a light peck on his boyfriends hand. Izuku blushed as he giggled, he hovered over Iida as he felt Izuku breathing on his ear, "don't forget you're reward for winning Tenya~" Izuku whispered as he kissed Iida on his lips.

"Urm- Y-Yes of course Izuku." Iida coughed in his hand, being a bright red from embarrassment. Izuku giggled, "good night Tenya, thank you for walking me home!" As he shut the door. "Good night Izuku!" Iida said to nobody as he blushed while holding his ear.

"Why can't I get my kisses now." Iida huffed was he scurried along home. The sports festival is in three days, and Izuku will be there at Yuuei to cheer him on. He wants to win, not only for Izuku's kisses, but to prove he can be a hero.

He's excited for what's going to happen during the sports festival.

~~~~~~~scrolling space

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