Chapter 7: Stain.

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A/N: sorry I haven't been posting, been really tired and not up to do stuff, but hey I'm alive! Also some Fics on Wattpad will be transported to Ao3 as well if you're interested. My Ao3 name is in my profile description.

The students of Yuuei were now having their internships after the sports festival happened, the three top students revived the most offers, having Shoto Todoroki being the first with 4,123 offers and Bakugou getting second with 3,556 offers. Everyone were choosing an agency to have their internship with.

However one of the students, Iida Tenya, was feeling restless. His brother was put in the hospital by the Hero Killer, he didn't know what to think. Then his brother wanted him to take his hero name, which he's thinking on that offer still. He already knew what he wanted to do, he just doesn't know what anyone would think of this.

"Just your name? That's it?" Midnight questioned again as now two of her students have used their names as they're hero names. "Yes Ma'am!" Iida chopped his arms. "Alright then." Midnight sighed as she crossed her arms.

"Now starting up you'll be going to you're requested internships, if you want to change your hero name then you can come to me and make small changes, remember once you've made a name for yourself you can't change it back." Midnight had said to her students before leaving the class.


The internships were coming to view, and the two haven't been able to get time to hang out, with Iida's internship with Manual and with his brothers tragic retirement his emotions have been wild and unsure, and with Izuku helping with Hosu Hospital, they never had time to hang out.

Izuku was worried for Iida, he knew Stain was in Hosu and that Iida wanted revenge, anyone would. He denied it at first but as Iida had messaged him earlier on, stating he would to go Hosu for his internship he couldn't deny it any longer. He was nervous, his mother made sure to pack him self defense weapons when out on Hosu's streets.

'You could never be too sure, there's always going to be something that lurks' and he wish there wasn't. Stain was still active and he wanted to make sure Iida was okay during his stay. He just hoped Iida knew what he was doing.


"Midoriya dear! Can you get the bandages from the table over there?" A nurse called out to him, it was nighttime in Hosu. He was working with the nurses for a while now, however today was the day the internships started as he guessed from the reply he'd gotten from Iida.

"Of course!" He rushed to get the bandages, he's been nervous all night, he couldn't help but think something would happen. "Here you go miss!" He said as she took them from him and continued to work on the patient.

Suddenly, a loud crash was heard from outside, screams were heard from outside as people in the hospital began to panic. Midoriya looked out the windows to see fire spreading from building, and hero's in the streets. He knew something happened, that means Iida might take advantage of this situation, despite how he wishes he wouldn't.

Midoriya quickly sneaked pass the nurses who were rounding all the patients up and ran out the doors, he deduced that Stain would've been in alleys to avoid the public eye, Iida would search there first. He quickly routed into the nearest alley disappeared from the fire and eyes of the screeching Nomu's.


'HRK!' Iida grunted as his arm pierced Stains bloody sword. He fell hard onto the concrete as Stain approached him slowly, sword to his face as he grinned at him. As he tried getting up, he felt frozen, he couldn't move his body.

He was at Stains feet as he looked up with rage, seeing the malicious grin slowly appearing on the mans face. "You said you were Iida Tenya huh? You're brother was unheroic, I take care of fake hero's and stain my sword with their blood."

Iida tried to get up, with each grunt and rage the man just continued above him. "I bet you didn't even notice the stunned hero that was in front of me when you charged at me. You were too blinded by rage you completely disregarded him." Stain chuckled as he pointed his sword to the Pro hero Native.

Then his rage quickly turned to shame, as standing there was a very awake and terrified hero, who he, as a hero in training, should've saved. Tears were starting to build up, he didn't see how stain raised his sword, he couldn't hear the warning cries of Native.

'Hrk!' A grunt of pain was foggy as he heard metal clink on the ground, the sound of someone that was now above him panicking. His hearing returned as he heard Izuku, his Izuku, above him when he's in a dangerous situation.

Iida looked up to see Midoriya almost in tears as he dropped something in his hand. "Izuku?" He called out, the tears in his eyes fell down his face as Izuku held his face. "Hey, can you move? We only have a few minutes before he gets back up."

He tried to move again, he couldn't, he shook his head. He heard Izuku curse under his breath. "Do you have you're phone with you? Maybe I can send someone to help us." He nodded, "my pocket." He said as he watched stain jerk on the floor while Izuku took his phone.

"What did you do?" He asked, Native was still awake, trying to move himself. "I tased him, I heard Natives voice when I was in the alleys." He heard a pin from his phone, Izuku must have shared his location. "What were you doing in the alleys?"

"Searching for you." Izuku explained softly before turning stern. "Which were going to talk about after, I can not believe you did this!" Although he spoke softly, his attitude and voice spoke volumes on how he felt just now, adding more onto his shame.

"You." Their breathes hitched as a gravely voice spoke behind them, a hand on Izuku's back collar threw him into the wall. He looked up to see stain, again with his sword raised high above his head, he heard Izuku shout, when the alley grew hotter, flames bursted from behind him.

"I'm here!" Todoroki said as he blasted stain away with fire, he couldn't believe it, he was using his fire! Izuku quickly got up and rushed towards the two. "We need to get Iida and Native our of here without stain on us!" He said loudly as the fire caused a lot of noise. "I'll get Native, then you can make a thick jagged ice wall, that'll make it hard to cut so it can by us some time to get out of here!" Izuku explained.

Todoroki quickly got to work as Izuku rushed to the side to grab Native and bring him towards the others, Todoroki grabbed Iida and quickly blasted the thick ice wall towards stain. "Let's go." Todoroki said as they walked out of the alley, other hero's that were patrolling spotted them and quickly made their way.

"You two, over here quickly set the other two down." A hero said, hero's quickly gathered around to bandage everyone up. "You have a big gash on you're arm, what happened?" A hero asked Iida as he continued to have his head down. "Stain attacked us in the alley." Izuku rushed to say, quickly taking lead.

The hero's were shocked as they began to fret. "You are all very brave, I'm deeply sorry we couldn't get there." A hero said as he put bandages on Izuku's bruises and scraps. "It is alright." Izuku stopped his words early as he and a few others heard shouting. In the distance, Endeavor ran towards them. "WATCH OUT!"

'Arg!' Izuku huffed as he was grabbed harshly by something he couldn't see and was lifted in the air. He yelped as the claws holding onto him dug into his chest, he couldn't breath, he didn't know what was holding him, panicked cries and shouts were heard down below.

A loud screech hurt his ears as he was suddenly falling, he couldn't move, someone was holding him down on the ground. His nose bled as he tried to get a look at the person. "You, you're a true hero, you saved two people from my grasp and with minimum damage on both sides." He froze, not because he was already frozen, but due to fear.

Stain was holding him down. The hero's a few yards away as they panicked from the situation. Stain stared at them. "This is a true hero! I will KILL ALL hero's who exist for fame and glory! And make this society better!" He spat in hatred. "YOU ARE ALL FAKES THE TRUE HERO, THE ONLY HERO THAT WILL KILL ME IS ALL MIGHT!" Stain shouted into the night, bloodlust seeping through his veins.

Everyone was stunned into silence, bloodlust that turned to moon red, the air was damp and fear coursed through everyone's bodies, stain made his message clear as he ran into an alley and disappeared. For a few seconds everyone was still, for a few seconds everything was quiet.

For a few seconds, Iida thought he lost another person he loved dearly.

~~~~~~~~~scrolling space

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