Chapter 8: Talk to Me

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Iida and Midoriya are in the hospital, it's been a day after the stain incident and the destruction of Hosu. Property Damage was big as multiple buildings and even the train was destroyed during the night. Since Todoroki had no injuries, he was allowed to go home. Since Iida had been stabbed and Midoriya's chest was almost crushed by the apparent Nomu, they're staying in the hospital until further notice.

Midoriya woken up before Iida so he was brought in for questioning and what he saw during the night. He described what he was doing, what happened, and what he did all in order for the detective. Iida woke up mere minutes before Izuku was walked back to the room they were sharing.

Todoroki came to visit Iida sometimes and even talked to Midoriya a few times, apparently the two had run into each other during the sports festival after Iida left, Midoriya was also the reason why Todoroki uses the fire side of his quirk now. Todoroki warned him that they're teacher was not happy with the stunt he pulled, which was given.

After Todoroki left, his teacher came in minutes later and scolded him, telling him about multiple consequences and in the end told him that due to stain escaping it wasn't that much of a deal. He was ashamed that he still never saw Native in the alley with Stain. Aizawa reassured him that Native was recovering fine in a different room within the hospital.

Midoriya has been quiet the whole time he entered back into the room, the two didn't talk when lunch was brought to them. Iida was concerned about everything going on. He still couldn't wrap his head around how he almost died twice the same night. He couldn't wrap around that Izuku almost died that night.

The thought twisted knots in his stomach, it made him want to stop eating before he would spit it out. He didn't see what happened, but he heard plenty. He heard hero's screaming, a pained yelp from across him and yelling from the air from his sweet boyfriend, then nothing after. It terrified him. Of course, he learned he got a concussion, but that still shook him to his very core.

He didn't know what to say, he picked at his food. In any other scenario, he would've scolded himself for picking at it. In this case however, he didn't have the energy. He didn't know where to start the conversation, a thank you for saving his life, twice. Then a sorry for doing dumb things, then what? An are you okay? They're obviously not okay so then maybe a I'm so glad you're safe?

He looked up from his fruit bowl to look at the boy in front of him, Izuku has his head down, but he's eating his food. Iida bit his lip, thinking of what to do, the silence in the room was suffocating him, he wanted to talk but he didn't know where to start.

He inhaled as he was going to speak. "Izuku?" He asked first. Izuku looked up to meet his eyes, they have small bags under them, Iida thought he probably had some under his eyes to. "I'm sorry." He said as he put his fork down, never breaking his eyes from the boy. "I was angry, and I let my anger control what I was doing. In the end, I hurt you and I'm deeply sorry."

He heard his voice crack at the end, his vision was becoming blurry, he was trying hard not to cry. Izuku still hasn't said anything, but he's more focused on Iida so he takes that as a good thing. "If it weren't for you, I would've died. So thank you Izuku." He ducked his head down and closed his eyes, still trying hard not to cry.

"Tenya." Izuku spoke softly, Iida felt a dip on his bed as he looked up, Izuku rubbed his back gently as he looked at him. "I'm glad you know what you did wrong. And I won't lie, it was extremely terrifying to see you almost die in front of me. I thought I was going to lose you, but I can see why you wanted revenge." He continued to speak softly as Iida's tears finally fell down his face.

"When- When you were in the air, I almost thought you did die, I couldn't see you. I heard you yelling and then it stopped and I was scarred." Iida finally broke down, his emotions from last night finally catching up to him. Iida grabbed Izuku and held him tightly in his chest as Izuku wrapped his arms around his head. Izuku whispering 'shh' continuously.

"I was to. When I came into the alley and saw stain sword just above you're head, I was scared that I'd lose you to. But we're okay now, I'm here and I'm not going anywhere. Neither are you." Izuku said, Iida nodded his head along with each word. "Me to, I'll never leave you."

"I know, I love you."
"I- I love you too."

A/N: Short chapter sorry. But we love healthy relationship talks !yay! :D

~~~~~~~~~scrolling space

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2022 ⏰

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