Chapter 2: Dinner Fiesta.

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Tenya was just getting out of Yuuei, school ended and he was excited to go home to his family. Today, they're having pork cutlet for dinner. He's excited to tell his older brother about his day.

Walking with his friend, Ochako Uraraka. They were talking about how they're day was and what they were going to do for the weekend. Uraraka has said she was going to try taking strength classes.

Tenya thought, maybe he should try learning a few things to improve and be a better hero for Yuuei. He and his family was proud that he got into Yuuei, however he had only destroyed robots. He feels bad for those he couldn't do anything.

He waved goodbye to his friend as he walked towards the opposite direction. Going to the train station. He had wondered what his brother had wanted from him also. He had gotten a call saying his older brother, Tensei, wanted to talk to him.

His brother said it was something important, so he wanted to be on time to hear what his brother had to say. Waiting in line patiently for his train, he kept looking back at his northern text message he gave him.

He started getting anxious, he worried if he was in trouble of any kind. Or possibly he forgotten something? He started making scenarios in his head. His train arrived shortly after his questioning, thus taking off towards his home.


The train was quiet, good for Tenya to collect his thoughts. Recently, the Yuuei security door alerted a trespasser. That had been wild, everything scurrying out of the cafeteria. He got everyone settled however, using his many moves, and even got class president role!

Walking out of the train, he stepped out as the breeze flowed through his hair a bit. He took deep breaths as he walked, he didn't want to overthink about things. It was bad for someone's health.

Opening the door to his home, he took off his shoes and set his book bag on the floor. "Mother! I'm home!" "Welcome home Tenya!" His mother greeted him with a warm loving hug. Tenya loved his mother's hugs, they were always the best.

"For dinner we're having curry" his mother replied sweetly. "Ah, thank you, I'll put my stuff away then join you at the dinner table." His mother nodded before heading into the house. Tenya had went to his room to set up his homework for when he comes back from dinner.

He walks into the dining room and sits down. "Thank you for the food!" He said as he began eating, he enjoyed his mother's cooking. "Tenya, how's school been? Let me guess, Aizawa expelled someone already?" His brother said as he stuffed his food in his mouth.

He gulped his food before speaking. "Actually, no he didn't expel anyone! School had been amazing! Should've expected it from Yuuei of course!" He chuckled to himself. His brother hummed in acknowledgment.

It was silent for a while, they were peacefully eating and sitting quietly. However he happened to notice his older brother tensei was eyeing him the whole time. He coughed in his hand before gaining attention.

"Urm, brother, you've been eyeing me the whole time? Did something happen?" He heard his brother chuckle to himself. "Yeah, actually, something did happen to me." Tensei ended it like that. It was awkward silence. Their mother not getting involved.

"Say Tenya. How do you feel about dating?" Tenya chocked on his food before he settled down. "Wh-What?" "How do you feel about dating someone? Or dating in general?" Why was his brother asking this?

"Well, Umm, I feel like at this time students should've be looking for things like that, especially when training to be a hero. Settling on dating could risk chances or take a toll."

"Hmm." Tensei said lost in thought. Was that not the answer his brother wanted? "If it didn't ruin you're chances. If instead, it helped you and there were no rules on not dating. Would you?" His brother asked. He thought hard about this, it is a serious question.

"I'm not sure, I'd probably be okay if people try looking for me, though I'd probably not interfere. Though I would if it made me happy." His brother smiled. "Great. Have you thought of dating someone?"

He was starting to get worried, why was his brother keen on questioning him about this. "I have thought of dating, though not a certain person."

"Good. Because starting yesterday I got you a date."

"I'm sorry?"

He was shocked. His brother not a day ago was looking for somebody for him to date. Well he is a good brother, he didn't ask for that! "Wait what!?" "Yesterday I went to Ivory café right? I saw the cutest boy there. He's your age. He has similar traits like you, it's perfect!"

"B-But-" his brother cut him off. "You said so yourself, you'd thought of dating, and you would date if there were no rules. Yuuei doesn't have a no dating rule or policy. Plus when I dated someone it helped me boost my confidence. I'm sure it will boost yours."

His brother had it all planned out. He knew his younger brother like the back of his hand. "And before you start saying 'did you get permission from his parents' he already told his mother that he was going to meet someone."

Tenya was stuck. He needed more excuses, before he was checkmated. He lifted his finger and his older brother cut him off. "AND~ I already told him he'd see you at the mall tomorrow. I have his phone number and name, if you do not go you'll crush his poor soul, he said he's been looking for someone to date for a long time."

There was one more option before he was in checkmate. He turned towards his mother, she had a smile on her face. "You're brother told me already. I approve of that's what you're trying to get out of me. I saw a picture of him, he's adorable. And I want him in our family."

Now. Now, he was in checkmate. He sighed.

"Alright then. I'll accept this offer and go meet him for this date!"

~~~~~~~~scrolling space

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