Chapter 11 The end

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James and Denise walk back to the main room. "Everyone..... The murderer was Rebecca!" Yells James. Everyone gasps. As James is about to speak when suddenly the sounds of sirens can be heard outside. James feels a vibration in his pocket. It was Shannon's phone ringing. A large bang echos through the room as the might doors are blasted open flooding the room with daylight. Splenda had walked all the way to a police station. As the police dashed into the building the animators started walking out. James then sees Splenda eagerly waiting for Shannon to walk out but as the last few animators walk through the door Splenda's smile fades. James makes eye contact with Splenda and slowly shakes his head. Splenda then drops to the ground and starts crying. James watches the police examine the bodies and the mansion for a while before driving to Jaiden's house. James finds Jaiden's spare key and enters the house. There is dead silence as James walks through the house. James is full of grief. He gets to Jaiden's room and opens the door... Ari screeches while climbing his cage. James reaches out and pets Ari. The little bird takes a liking to James and rubs against his hand. James picks up the cage and takes it to his car. He then drives back to his house. James brings Ari inside and then flops onto his couch. James is over run with emotions. He doesn't know how to feel. He lets Ari out of his cage and Ari flys around for a bit. James gives Ari some food and decides to go for a walk down past the lake. He finds a bench and sits on it for a while staring at the sunset... thinking of those who weren't there to see it.............. At the mansion police desperately look for clues as to what happened. But at the bottom of the burnt out room where James fought Rebecca.... A severely injured hand bursts through the rubble.........

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2021 ⏰

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