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Kol and I stepped off the elevator and found that we weren't the only ones who wanted to swim. Camille and Klaus were relaxing in the jacuzzi, Freya looked like she was sun tanning, and Natalie was throwing a football around in the pool with my sister. Everyone looked like they were having fun.

Following Kol we walked over to join Camille and Klaus in the jacuzzi. The bubbling water felt so soothing against my legs. Resting my calfs against the jets I realized how exhausted I felt from walking around the ginormous campus all morning.

However, I wouldn't trade it for the world, and I love all the new things I'm learning. Its inspiring seeing my peers and their own techniques and styles. Our instructor informed us at the end of the lesson that every Friday Donna would be coming in to take place as our instructor.

She sees it as the perfect learning opportunity. After all we are going to school to become better so why not learn from one of the best herself. It's so incredible to me that Donna will be joining in and teaching her own set classes.

It sucks it's only once a week but regardless that's one day a week I'm learning from my mentor! The woman I look up too, an icon.

"Davina?" looking up to see the three of them staring at me I felt my face heat up. Were they talking to me that whole time? Whoops.

"I'm sorry what?" I blurted not even sure who was even speaking to me. I tend to zone out a lot and I guess I didn't realize I was doing it now.

"She's so funny," Camille giggled to Klaus before turning back to me, "I heard from Freya that your first day at the institute went well?"

"Yes how did your first day go love?" Kol asked joined in on the questioning. Draping his arm across my shoulder Kol pulled me in to place a kiss against my temple. Smiling against his face I pushed him away jokingly and turned to answer Camille.

"It was so much fun actually! I made a cute little scrunchie tie. We were all kind of put on a spot but I think I handled it well. My scrunchie was cute, at least I thought so," I laughed a little more to myself than I did everyone else. I felt good, confident. I know I have a lot more I have to learn about pulling pieces together, and new styles and stuff. But I don't care. I don't care what it takes I'm gonna do everything I can to improve and become the best designer I could be.

"What're you thinking so hard about baby? You've not heard a word we've said to you huh?" Kol, pulling me out of my thoughts again, was staring at me whilst holding my face in the palms of his hands.

"I'm so sorry I just keep thinking about school," apologizing to them I decided to turn my thoughts off. I needed to stop zoning out and actually stay in the conversation. It was so rude of me to keep ignoring everyone.

"Can I ask you a question?" Klaus leaned up from his seat and stared at me, almost like he was searching my soul. Giving him a nod of my head he continued, "Why're you so worried you'll fail?"

Taken aback by his question I didn't know how to answer. No one has ever asked me that before and I guess I have never given it a second thought. Why was I so scared to fail? Was I even scared to fail or was I scared to fail myself?

"You know Klaus? I'm not sure, no one has ever asked me that. I think I'm scared to mess up or fail because I guess I always felt that I wasn't enough. Growing up I questioned everything, especially after I found out I got adopted," trailing off I licked my bottom lip and evened my breathing out before I continued, "After I found out I was adopted I questioned everything. Was this what my birth mom did? Is that why I feel like I'm pulled to fashion? Like it's my destiny to be successful is creating pieces and clothing that is mine. That was created by me and beautiful and that stretches to everyone. I want people to see my work and know who made it and know who I am when they hear my name. I don't know maybe it's dumb," trailing off I turned to look at Kol hoping he'd pickup my hint to change the topic. But Camille opened up before Kol could.

"Davina listen to me," reaching for my hand I let her take it in hers. Looking to Camille I watched her as she spoke to me, "You are enough. I wish I could tell you why your birth parents gave you up. I wish I knew and I wish you did too. But this being your calling doesn't have anything to do with your birth mother. This is al you Davina. You're amazing at it and you're creative and talented. Most people see a shirt and they see a shirt, but you, you're different. When you see a shirt I know how you think, and you look at it and think how can I change that? How can I make that better? Prettier? You're so much more than a lost girl searching for answers," giving me hand a squeeze Camille gave me one last look of appreciation.

I never knew anyone like this, like all of them. Looking to Kol I studied his face that wasn't focused on me, but Klaus instead. It was like they were discussing something but using only their eyes to speak. It was cool to see how well they knew each other.

"Davina come here!" Hannah calling out to me I excused myself from the three of them and walked over to the pool.

I lowered myself down to sit on the edge while letting my legs dangle in the cool water. It was a huge temperature drop from the jacuzzi to the pool. Almost a total shock.

"What's up Han?"

"Isn't this great? Us all living here, school is now in sesh! Think of all the shopping! I'm just so excited to start our life here!" Tuning Hannah and her rambling out I found myself staring at Kol and replaying Hannah's words.

I'm just so excited to start our life here.

Kol was talking with Klaus and Camille and he looked happy. Happy with where he was, where we were. Almost as if he knew I was staring he looked up over and flashed me his smile that I loved. Making a goofy face at me I laughed and turned my gaze to watch the water.

I'm just so excited to start our life here.

It just kept replaying. Maybe this was my destiny. Moving here, meeting Kol, reuniting my sister with her siblings, falling for Kol. Maybe this was what I was meant to do. Maybe this was the real destiny. Maybe it was fate that I met Kol and maybe that meant that I wanted a life with him.

Yes. I wanted a life with him. I want the full run. I want to go to school and learn everything I can so maybe one day I could be as known and loved as Donna is. You see her work and you know her pieces are loved and desired. Her pieces are being shown in fashion shows and big events and fame!

I could do it. I could be famous and have the life while balancing a whole other life at home. A life with Kol. A life with Kol could mean my husband and maybe kids one day? I didn't even care I just wanted him to be included in it.

I'm just so excited to start our life here.

Hearing Hannah's words in my head again I flashed Kol my best smile and blew an air kiss to him before I realized what was happening.

I was falling in complete love with him and I wanted more. I want to start our life.



Soooooo how are we feeling?

Do you think Kol is ready to start his life?

Do you think Davina is gonna tell him?

Vote and comment all your thoughts! Updating next chapter next week!❤️❤️

See ya lovelies!!

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