Chapter three

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TW: Flirtatious & seductive behaviour and mentions of nakedness

When Y/N leaves the bathroom, she checks to make sure that Snape isn't nearby. She's just in a towel. That's right, her forgetful mind didn't think to bring some clothes with her before entering the shower.

She sighs as she quickly enters the bedroom. She's still at the door, listening for footsteps. None. Perfect.

She then finds some clean underwear and a t-shirt to wear to bed. The t-shirt she chooses is the one Vera got her for her birthday. That's right, the Snape t-shirt. Y/N grins to herself as she wonders what Snape's reaction will be.

She takes off the towel and puts on her underwear.

As she grabs the t-shirt, the door suddenly opens.

She quickly sits down on the bed, covering herself as best as she can with the t-shirt.

Snape looks at her, surprised. "I apologise, I should have knocked. Why did you not just dress in the bathroom?" he questions while raising an eyebrow at her.

Y/N's cheeks turn crimson red. "Well, I forgot to bring some clothes with me before I jumped in the shower" she admits as she gives a nervous laugh.

Snape smirks at her. "Tsk, tsk, you are quite forgetful, aren't you?" he asks in a playful tone as he goes to sit on the bed next to her.

She shyly looks away from him. He gently grabs her chin to make her look at him.

"You do not need to wear anything, you know that, right? I am completely comfortable if you wish to sleep naked" he tells her.

Now her cheeks are even redder than before. Why does he always make her blush?

Snape chuckles at her. "You may also put on your t-shirt if you wish to, of course" he says.

She shyly nods at him as she turns her back to him. She then puts on the t-shirt quickly, hoping he doesn't see anything.

Which of course he does, he just won't let her know.

As she turns around to face him, Snape is a bit taken aback by her choice of t-shirt. He can't help but smirk, though.

He leans in to whisper in her ear. "Do you often wear that when you sleep?" he asks, his voice a tone lower. She tries to calm herself down a bit as she shyly nods.

He then caresses her left, scarred thigh which is exposed to him.

"So, which book would you like me to read to you?" he asks her curiously.

"Honestly, you can read anything. Just as long as it's your voice" she mindlessly says as she can't think about anything else than his hand on her thigh.

Y/N then widens her eyes when she realises what she just admitted.

Snape chuckles at her confession. "You like my voice, huh? Well, how about we refresh your potions knowledge?" he suggests.

As she's about to say yes, there's suddenly noise coming from downstairs.

Y/N throws her arms around him, scared. "W-what was that?" she asks, sounding terrified.

Snape sighs, knowing what, or rather who, made the noise.

"I am not sure. Do not worry, I will check it out. Just stay here" he tells her.

As he's about to leave, she grabs his left hand. "You should probably bring your wand - just in case" she states. He nods as he takes his wand.

When he enters the living room, he's met by an angry-looking Lucius, a worried-looking Narcissa and a smug-looking Draco.

"What in Salazar's name happened here?" Snape asks as he looks at the Wizard Chess thrown on the floor. There are chess pieces everywhere.

"Draco cheated!" Lucius exclaims through gritted teeth.

Meanwhile, Draco throws his hands up in defence. "I did not, he is just a bad loser" he says, defending himself.

Snape actually facepalms. Did they really make that much noise over a game of Wizard Chess?!

"You scared Y/N" he says as he sighs. Now the father and son look a bit guilty.

Narcissa clears her throat. "Maybe you can tell her that the wind broke one of the windows? They are pretty old, anyway" she says as she gives an innocent smile.

Snape rolls his eyes. "I will, it is the best explanation I have. Now, please, no more noise" he says as he looks at Lucius.

"We will do our best, my friend" Lucius says in a reassuring tone.

Snape glares at him. That's not good enough. He sighs before bidding them good night and then returns to the bedroom.

"What happened?" Y/N quietly asks when he enters.

Snape sighs once more. "The wind must have broken one of the windows. I guess I should have them replaced with some new ones. Anyway, some potions reading before bedtime?" he asks. She gives him a shy smile as she nods.

He then grabs a potions book from the shelf. He takes off his shoes as he lies under the duvet, patting the spot next to him. Y/N lies next to him, snuggling closer.

He starts to read the book. About Draught of Living Death, Wiggenweld Potion, facts about Veritaserum.

After about thirty minutes, Y/N gets sleepy. Her eyelids feel heavy and she starts to yawn.

Snape notices and closes the book, levitating it back to the shelf. He uses a spell to open up all his buttons, taking off his shirt and pants. He wandlessly turns off the light.

He then wraps his arms around Y/N, pulling her even closer to him.

"Good night, Sev" she mutters, tiredly.

Snape smirks at the nickname. "Good night, princess. Sweet dreams" he whispers as he kisses the top of her head. They both quickly fall asleep.

The Keeper of the Diamond 3 (Severus Snape, Lucius Malfoy & Negan x reader)Where stories live. Discover now