Chapter eleven

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TW: Alcohol, swear words and mentions of kidnapping and zombies

Laura and Vera both groan as they slowly wake up. Where are they? The last thing they remember is that some people emerged from the bushes in the woods.

Vera looks at Laura, panicked. "Where is that Daryl guy? Do you think we have been kidnapped by those Saviors?" she asks.

Laura is in deep thought. It has to be the Saviors who have taken them somewhere. Probably to the Sanctuary. As for Daryl, she has absolutely no idea. She hopes that he's okay.

"Yeah, I bet we are at the Sanctuary right now. Maybe they have locked Daryl up somewhere?" she says after thinking it through.

Vera slowly nods. This is not good. Though, if they really are at the Sanctuary, then the Trio, Snape, Lupin and Black should be here, too!

Vera then walks towards the door. She tries to open it. It's locked, of course. Vera huffs in annoyance. "Ugh, I was really hoping that it wasn't locked. What now?" she asks in frustration.

Before Laura can give an answer, the door suddenly opens. In front of them is a man with blonde hair and a scarred face. It looks like he has been burned.

"The boss wants to see you" he simply says. Both girls look confused. The boss? Is he referring to that Negan guy? They follow the man nonetheless.

As they walk through the building, they see a lot of people. Some of them are staring at the two girls and the blonde man.

They then walk up some stairs and enter a room. In the room are some leather couches and something that looks to be a bar. There's lots of alcohol on display.

As they take in their surroundings, they suddenly notice they are not alone. At the bar are six women, all dressed in black dresses and high heels. They don't look too happy.

One even seems to be drowning their sorrows and problems in alcohol. That's not a healthy way to tackle life.

They are suddenly startled by a male voice that doesn't belong to the man with the scarred face. "Shit, Daryl boy was with you two girls?" the voice asks.

They look at where the voice comes from. On one of the leather couches sits a man with black hair wearing a black leather jacket and a white t-shirt. He's holding a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire. It looks like he's polishing it? At least he takes care of his items.

He suddenly stands up, walking towards the girls. He chuckles. "I didn't know he liked the company of two young girls. Damn interesting. Now, what are your names?" he questions while leaning backwards quite a lot. Doesn't his back hurt from doing that?

Laura decides to answer as she can see that Vera is quite intimidated by him. "Well... This is Vera. I'm Laura" she simply says. The man is also intimidating her.

The man grins at them. "Holy shit, Vera and Laura, huh? I take it that you know those wizards? They caused us a lot of trouble. Hell, they caused each other trouble. Two of them simply can't stand each other. I thought they were going to fucking kill each other. Anyway, welcome to the Sanctuary. I'm Negan. And this is Lucille" he says as he points to his baseball bat. Seriously, he named his weapon? He's clearly crazy.

Both girls blink at him. How did he know that they know the Trio and the others? Did the others tell him about them? The girls wonder if he knows about Y/N and Lucius, too.

They suddenly realise something - doesn't Y/N like Negan? Of course she does, she always likes the villains. For some reason. They kind of saw it coming, though.

All they do is nod at him after a while. He then claps his hands. "Well, let's go and pay them a fucking visit, shall we?" he asks, not waiting for an answer as he starts to leave.

The girls then follow Negan and the man with the scarred face. They still don't know his name. Negan then looks at the girls. "Oh, by the way, this is Dwight. He was probably too fucking rude to introduce himself. Isn't that right, Dwighty boy?" he says as he looks at the blonde man. Dwight huffs at Negan who just laughs.

They are suddenly standing right outside a room. "Well, let's hope they didn't fucking kill each other. They might be wizards, but they didn't seem to know how to fucking kill the dead" Negan says as he opens the door.

In the room is one bed, a night stand, a dresser and a few chairs. On the bed are Hermione, Ron and Harry sitting.

On the chairs are the three grown wizards sitting, Lupin in the middle, Black to the left and Snape to the right. It's probably good that Black and Snape aren't sitting right next to each other.

Like Negan said, they would kill each other if they did so. The girls are surprised that none of them are covered in bruises.

The girls are suddenly pushed into the room. "Well, you'll stay right fucking here with them until we decide what to do with you" Negan says as he's about to close the door.

"Wait! What happened to Daryl?" Vera exclaims.

Negan smirks. "Let's just say our damn special guest gets damn special treatment" he says as he finally closes the door. It's then locked.

Sighing, the girls turn to the people in the room. The Trio, Lupin and Black are smiling. "Vera! Laura! Thank Merlin you guys are here!" Hermione exclaims as she hugs the two girls. They immediately hug her back.

"Thank Goodness you guys are okay. Did they hurt you?" Laura carefully questions.

Lupin shakes his head. "No, they just put us in this room. It is pretty crowded. I was honestly more worried about these two" he says as he gestures to Black and Snape.

Black huffs. "Well, it is Snivellus' fault that we are in here in the first place!" he exclaims.

Snape glares at him. "Really? It was not ME who went straight up to the Muggles trying to use magic when we clearly cannot do so in this dimension" Snape calmly states while raising an eyebrow at him. Black huffs in annoyance once more while crossing his arms.

Harry then looks at the two girls. "Would you like to sit here on the bed? We can scoot over, there should be enough space" he offers. They both smile while nodding as they sit next to them. Laura sits to Harry's left while Vera sits between Ron and Laura.

Ron then turns to look at them. "So, do you know anything about this bloody dimension? Maybe something that can help us escape?" he questions.

Vera sighs. "I don't know about Laura, but I don't. I know absolutely nothing. The only thing I know is that there are zombies which they apparently call walkers. At least some of them do" she says in defeat.

Laura nods. "Yeah, I don't know anything either. If only Y/N was here" she says as she sighs.

Harry then looks at them, worried. So does Snape, even though he's good at hiding it. "Where is Y/N? Is she okay?" Harry asks in a worried tone.

The girls nod. "Don't worry, she's with Lucius Malfoy. He joined us on this mission. Y/N was really happy to see him" Laura says, smirking a bit.

Vera laughs. "Yeah, she really was. You should have seen how emotional she was. When she hugged him, he almost dropped his cane!" she says.

They all can't help but laugh at that. Even Snape chuckles discreetly which he hides with a few coughs. He can only imagine Y/N's happiness when she saw Lucius. He will need to use Legilimency on one of them to see that memory.

"Do you think they will come and save us? Y/N and Malfoy?" Ron questions, hopeful.

Hermione nods. "They definitely will. It is their mission after all. I wonder how soon they will come, though" she says.

The answer to her question will be answered a lot sooner than she would expect.

The Keeper of the Diamond 3 (Severus Snape, Lucius Malfoy & Negan x reader)Where stories live. Discover now