Chapter 5: Fame

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Shota tightened his capture weapon and pushed the villain more firmly against the wall, "It's illogical to resist, just tell me what I need to know."

"Dude, it's just some drugs!" The villain said. "If you have a problem with that then maybe you should get out more, I've got a couple samples that'd be good for a first-timer."

Shota rolled his eyes, "Yes, offer to sell drugs to the hero that's arresting you. And honestly, if it were just party drugs, I probably wouldn't care that much, but this is Trigger, so I'll ask you one more time, where do you get the drugs."

"Fuck you!"

Shota sighed, "Fine, have it your way." He dialed Tsukauchi and waited until the detective's half-awake voice groaned over the line. "Could you send a car? I've got a perp to bring in for processing and interrogation."

Tsukauchi looked up from his paperwork as Eraser walked in the villain he'd just arrested. The guy was probably a low-level dealer like the others that Eraser had brought in, but there was always the hope that the next villain would know who was behind Trigger.

"Interrogation room eight is open, Eraser. You can put him in there."

Eraser grunted in acknowledgment and dragged the thug toward the back of the station as Tsukauchi poured them both some coffee. He'd have to go interrogate the guy later, since he was one of the detectives on the Trigger investigation, but that could wait a bit until this paperwork was done. Leaving the perps to wait for a few minutes helped establish control of the situation anyway.

Shota finally sat down on the other side of his desk and grabbed the coffee, then grimaced, "Tsukauchi, you didn't mention that the station had switched out their coffee for paint thinner."

Tsukauchi just laughed, "Oh, you're just mad that Musutafu doesn't have your favorite cat cafe."

"What can I say, the Hotta brothers make a mean cup of coffee." Shota shrugged. "You got those forms? I want to get this over with as fast as possible."

Tsukauchi shook his head, but grabbed the villain intake form from the drawer at his right and handed it to Shota, who started to fill it out with both annoyance and boredom. Paperwork wasn't fun by any means, and Shota would rather be patrolling the streets looking for more info for the Trigger investigation, but the bureaucracy was a part of life, so he had to put up with it.

They kept working in companionable silence for a few minutes until the doors to the station flew open again and Amplifier came bounding in with a villain in tow and took him straight to the holding cell.

"Why is she so loud?" Shota grumbled.

Tsukauchi raised an eyebrow, "She hasn't even said anything yet."

"Exactly. Even her presence is loud enough to draw attention, it's annoying."

"Oh don't be a spoilsport Eraser." Amplifier grinned as she grabbed a chair to sit beside him. "You're just mad because you wouldn't be noticed by a rat."

"That's intentional, you know," Shota said as Tsukauchi handed Amplifier the villain intake form. "People don't notice me unless I want them to notice me."

"Maybe that's why you haven't run into our little vigilante guide yet." Amplifier said. "He just doesn't know you exist."

Shota rolled his eyes, "I think it's much more likely that UA is out of his comfort zone, and since I always stick to that area unless I'm following a lead, we just haven't had a chance to run into each other yet."

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