Chapter 88: Awakening

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Ogawa was frustrated. He hated being in a coma. Most of the time, it was just like sleeping, and maybe it was because of how badly the doctors had messed with his brain and body, but there were times when he could have sworn that he could hear what was happening outside. It was weird and trippy and felt like he was listening to things from six feet under water, but it was better than being six feet underground. Too many times, the had occurred to him that he was just so desperate for something that he was imagining it, but if it was real, then Bakugo was his most frequent visitor aside from who he assumed were doctors and nurses. He couldn't really understand what he was saying, but it was comforting to imagine that it was something along the lines of if you don't wake up soon, I'll personally make sure you never do. It seemed like something Kacchan would say.

The only good thing that had come from the whole neverending sleep thing was that he had had a lot of time to get to know the shadows in his head. Well, they weren't really shadows anymore, more like blurry figures, like he was looking at his own reflection in a foggy mirror after taking a shower or something, and they were getting more and more solid the more he got used to them. They still couldn't talk to each other or anything, but he was getting more used to the way they communicated for now. He figured he may as well get to know them and maybe even become friends, since he wasn't stupid enough to think that whatever Sensei had done to him could be reversed. This was his life now, and he just had to get used to it.

The shadows weren't ever very active during those times when Bakugo visited. Sure, they were curious, but they didn't know him, not like Ogawa did, so they took a backseat and let him sit and enjoy the company as much as he could when he wasn't sure the visits were even real. It wasn't much, but it was consistent, which was what made the current visit so surprising.

The first surprising thing actually had absolutely nothing to do with the shadows. It was that Bakugo brought a visitor, or at least an unfamiliar voice, but that shouldn't have been a big deal. It wasn't a big deal! Except for the fact that the voice was only unfamiliar to him.

His bolder shadow reacted immediately and he felt almost overwhelmed by a wall of eagerness. He felt like he was practically jumping out of his skin and bits and pieces of emotions and even memories that weren't him flashed through his mind. He didn't know whether he should try to calm down or just roll with it, but he didn't seem to have much of a choice in the matter. His shadow was getting louder and more anxious and Ogawa literally felt like he was about to explode as they fought to get out or wake up or whatever they were trying to do.

The unfamiliar voice said something else and Ogawa was overwhelmed by a new wave of fighting and emotion from his shadow. There was so much energy that there was no place it could go, so it just went out.

Ogawa gasped as more memories that weren't his flowed through him and he suddenly knew exactly who was visiting, both recognizing and not recognizing her at the same time, "Mina..."

Mina stared at the guy in the bed in shock. She swore that he had never seen this Ogawa guy before in her life, but he pretty obviously knew her, and was apparently excited enough to see her that it was enough to wake him up out a coma. If it had actually been Auntie Dai in the bed, she would have been ectatic, but as it was...she didn't know how to feel. Was this whole thing supposed to creepy? Because it kinda felt a little bit creepy.

Unlike her, Bakugo apparently knew exactly how to feel, because he was pissed, "Waht teh fuck? You asshole! I saved your ass from those freaking bees and 've been coming here for weeks and you don't even flinch, but this stupid pink extra comes and all of sudden you're singing and dancing like you got a goddamn golden ticket or something?! Seriously?!"

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