Chapter 91: Shock

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Denki tumbled to the ground and landed in a rough roll. Yaoyorozu and Jiro were already on their feet and dusting themselves off, but he couldn't see any of their other classmates anywhere. He activated his quirk and let a small amount of electricity coat his body as he got to his feet, "Where are we? Where is everyone else?"

Yaoyorozu pointed to the roof, "We're still in the USJ, but I don't know where the others ended up."

"All over." Jiro's earphone jacks swiveled around as she listened. "They're all still inside, as far as I can hear, but that's not our problem right now. We've got company."

The three of them shifted into battle stances as villains started coming out from behind the rocks. There were a couple dozen from what Denki could tell, and all of them looked ready to attack. He wasn't ready for this.

"Jiro, what weapon do you want?" Yaoyorozu said softly. "I'm making a quarterstaff for myself."

"Um...something sharp?" Jiro said. "Like a sword or something?"

Yaoyorozu nodded and her hand started glowing, "I'm making it from carbon fiber, so it'll be a little different than a traditional sword, but if I make it out of metal, Kaminari will just pull it out of your hands as soon as he starts using magnetism."

"Cool." Jiro said. "You might want to ditch your belt too."

"Yeah." Yaoyorozu said. "Good idea. Kaminari, pull the villains close and either take care of them yourself or pass them off to us. Sound good?"

Kaminari let One for All wrap around him, "Yep."

Jiro slashed her sword, "Let's do this."

Uraraka coughed up a last mouthful of water as Mineta slammed onto the deck next to her, "Thanks for the save, Tsu."

Tsu nodded, "Sure thing. You think everyone's spread out?"

"Yeah, probably." Uraraka nodded. "And if their areas are anything like ours, they're surrounded by villains as well."

"These guys can't seriously be here to kill All Might!" Mineta screamed. "All Might's super strong, so he'll save us, right?"

"If Iida can get to him in time." Tsu pointed out. "But we need to be focused on not getting tortured and killed."

"K-killed?!" Mineta's eyes widened and he started sobbing, "No! I can't die! Not without touching Yaoyorozu's boobs!"

Uraraka rolled her eyes, "Tsu, how far can you jump?"

"Not all the way to shore, especially not carrying anyone else." Tsu shook her head. "And landing in the water would put us in the middle of the villains."

"And if the two of us are weightless?" Uraraka suggested.

"I'd still be too heavy..." Tsu thought for a moment. "Unless you canceled my gravity after we had momentum. That'd make it harder to land though."

They screamed as the boat jerked and was cut in half by one of the villain's quirks as they got impatient. Uraraka took a deep breath, "Still less risky than staying here. Let's go."

Inasa grinned and wiped the rain from his eyes, "They don't know our quirks!"

Tokoyami nodded seriously, "If they had, they would not have sent me to the shadows or you to the gale."

Kouda's eyes widened and he shook his head and pointed to some of the villains pouring out from the streets and alleyways around them. Inasa frowned. Kouda was the only one at a disadvantage here, since there was no way any animals would be out in a storm like this. Inasa used the wind to blow the villains away and buy them a little time, "We need to get out of here."

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