Chapter 105: Explosion

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Don't mind the bees. I took down the queen and took control of them.

Katsuki rolled his eyes and shoved his phone back in his pocket. Izuku's texts were getting weirder, but he couldn't help feeling proud of the nerd. He hadn't heard Eraser announcing any of the in-between games, so either he was asleep, or Izuku was finally learning that he could ask the heroes for help and they would actually listen.

The games were almost over and Katsuki felt a small smile pull at his lips as Uraraka made her way toward him. Even though it had been a prank, most of the girls were still wearing their cheer outfits and Uraraka's fit her perfectly, emphasizing her curves while being long and full enough that she could probably fight in it if she needed to, not that she would need to. She could always just ditch the skirt and go with the matching shorts Yaoyorozu had made for her to wear underneath.

He didn't let himself stare long, but Uraraka's naturally pink cheeks seemed a little darker than normal, so he'd probably been caught. He had no idea what to do about that though, so he just ignored her in favor of chugging his water.

Uraraka shooker her head and nudged his arm, "Have you seen the matchups yet?"

"Yeah." Katsuki glanced up. "I guess they're pitting us against each other, huh?"

Uraraka grinned, "I guess so. Think you can win, Kacchan?"

Katsuki shrugged, "Don't need to. Still, don't expect me to go easy on ya, cheeks."

"If you do, I'll get Aoyama to glitter bomb your backpack." Uraraka threatened. "Don't you dare hold back."

"That'd be fucking insult." Katsuki rolled his eyes. "And stupid. If I don't go hard, how will all those recruiters see what you're really made of? I think I'd be pretty shitty support if I didn't help you show off."

Uraraka rolled her eyes, "You can win, you know. We both know you're stronger than me and I know you've got this whole, standing in my shadow strategy, but I won't be mad if you decide you wanna go on and try for first place."

"Nah, you can take the spotlight cheeks." Katsuki took another swig of his water. "Just don't make me look like an idiot, alright?"

"Alright." Uraraka bit her lip. "And you can call me Ochako, you know? We've been fighting pretty well together, so I'd say we probably qualify as friends now, don't you?"

Katsuki blinked. He hadn't really realized that, but yeah, they probably were friends at this point, which meant that he had somehow gotten a lot better at choosing his company since middle school. Those idiot extras couldn't even hold a candle to badass fighters like Shinso and Urar...Katsuki shook his head and gave her a teasing look, "Whatever you say, Cheeks."

Ochako punched his arm, "Alright, Kacchan, have it your way."

Katsuki grinned and went to take another drink, freezing when a loud buzzing started echoing around the stadium. Ochako glanced at him, then glanced up and Katsuki spilled half the water bottle on his hand as he crumpled the cheap plastic, "Oh fuck."

Ochako looked at him, "You don't like bees, right? Something about..."

"Not knowing who they're reporting to." Katsuki forced himself to take a deep breath, but didn't take his eyes off the swarm as it slowly blocked out the sun. "I think I know this time though, I just hope Izuku actually knows what he's doing."

"Izuku..." Ochako frowned. "Is that who you were talking to earlier?"

"Yeah." Katsuki nodded, hovering a hand against the small of Ochako's back so that he could push her down and protect her if he needed to. "If these bastards attack, I want you to run, ok Cheeks?"

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