Chapter 114: Captured

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Hitoshi knew something was wrong when Aizawa didn't show up. Sure, he'd said he'd be a little late, but Hitoshi was pretty sure an hour didn't fall into that category. Still, he gave it another half-hour just to be sure before calling him.

He didn't answer.

Hitoshi frowned and dialled Bakugo. Aizawa had been going to get Viridian, so maybe Viridian knew where he was. The phone almost went to voicemail before Bakugo picked it up, "What the fuck do you want, eyebags?"

Hitoshi barely waited for him to finish, "You have Viridian's number, right?"

There was a moment of silence on the other end, "...Yeah? Why?"

"Look, can you call him and ask if he's seen Eraserhead?" Hitoshi asked. "He was supposed to go grab him and meet me an hour and a half ago, but he still hasn't shown up."

"Fine." Bakugo huffed. "I'll call him, but you owe me for interrupting my patrol with Edgeshot."

Hitoshi rolled his eyes, "Whatever, just tell me what he says."

Bakugo hung up without another word and Hitoshi waited impatiently for him to call back, pacing the rooftop for what felt like an unreasonable amount of time, but when he looked at his phone it had only been about five minutes. Five minutes was long enough to contact a vigilante, right? Maybe he should call back?

The phone rang in his hand and Hitoshi almost dropped it in his haste to pick it up, "What's going on, did he answer?"

"Viridian isn't answering and when Edgeshot tried to make contact through Eraserhead's comm, it had been turned off." Bakugo answered tensely. "You need to get to the police station immediately."

Denki was really grateful for all the hours he'd sparred with Izuku, because this Gran Torino guy was just as crazy as he was. The first thing he'd done when Denki arrived was pretend to be dead, and the second thing he'd done was challenge him to a fight, so it had been an interesting evening. He'd only managed to get one good hit in so far and the only reason he'd gotten that much was because it was Gran Torino's first attack and he had electrified his whole body, so when Gran Torino kicked his back, he got shocked at the same time. He had currently switched to hitting Denki with a plastic plate, which he wasn't quite sure was an improvement.

Finally, Gran Torino stopped and Denki immediately doubled over, hands on his knees as he tried to catch his breath. Gran Torino just shook his head, "Your phone's been ringing off the hook kid. Might want to answer that when you get a minute."

"Ugh..." Denki dragged himself over to his bag and fished out his phone. "Kaminari here...'Sup?"

"Took you long enough to answer Dunce face." Bakugo answered gruffly. "Look, if Izuku's mom calls and asks where he is, he's with you, ok?"

"Umm, what?" Denki blinked. "I mean, ok, yeah, totally, but why?"

"Because Auntie Inko doesn't know he's Viridian, you idiot." Bakugo snapped.

Denki squeaked, "You do?!"

He could almost hear Bakugo rolling his eyes, "We grew up together, you idiot, of course I know. But you're fucking dating or whatever, so I told her that he was out with you on some last hurrah before your internships or whatever."

"I...I am not even going to question how you know that." Denki decided. "Uh, but again, why. He usually goes out after she goes to bed."

Another phone started ringing and Denki looked at Gran Torino, who waved him off, "I'll answer it, you enjoy your break while it lasts."

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