Chapter 44: Burn

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Izuku was used to heat. He'd gotten burned by Kacchan's quirk often enough that burns were about as common for him as stubbed toes or scraped knees for other kids . But still, Izuku couldn't ever remember more heat in his life than there was at the moment that Endeavor's attack hit the alcohol on the ground and the entire room practically exploded. Izuku desperately shoved himself away from the berserker and sprinted as hard as he could to get away but even with all his practice outrunning heroes these past few months, he still wasn't fast enough.

He screamed more in fear than pain as the flames finally caught on the alcohol that had soaked into his clothes during the fight. This was what he'd been hoping for, wasn't it? He was finally going to die. His mother wouldn't have to deal with having a quirkless kid. Kacchan wouldn't have to deal with Izuku following him around. Eraserhead wouldn't have to worry about him getting too involved in dangerous cases. Kaminari wouldn't have to pretend to be his friend.

This was exactly what he'd been trying to do...right?

The thoughts raced through his head within a fraction of a second, going through every emotion possible until they finally landed on determination. No! He wouldn't let this be the end! Izuku may be nothing but a quirkless weakling, but he still had things to live for! He still had to tell Eraserhead what he'd learned about All for One! He still had to teach Kaminari parkour! He still had to finish his classes so his mom's love and acceptance wouldn't go to waste! He still had to watch Kacchan become the best hero!

Izuku wasn't willing to die yet.

Izuku hadn't been to that many birthday parties in his life. He'd only been four when the kids at school stopped talking to him and he obviously didn't remember anything from the birthdays he'd had as a baby. There was a vague memory, however, from one of Kacchan's parties that Auntie Mistuki had insisted he be invited to when they were six. Uncle Masaru had lit the candles and then Auntie Mistuki had amazed them all by running her fingers straight through the flames! She'd laughed when they'd asked if it had something to do with her quirk before explaining that as long as she was fast enough, she wouldn't get burned. Of course, Kacchan had immediately tried it and ended up exploding the whole cake when the flames ignited the nitroglycerin on his palms, but it had been fun while it lasted.

Which meant that it was now a race. Could Izuku put out the flames before they built up enough heat to kill him? He immediately dropped to the ground, covered his face and started rolling to smother the flames. He spread a trail of flames as the alcohol on the ground ignited, but the alcohol burned away quickly, like that time their science teacher had poured hand sanitizer on on the desk and burned it away without even scorching the desk. Soon enough, Izuku had rolled to an area where either less alcohol had been spilled or it had burned away and he managed to put out the flames.

Izuku winced as he got to his feet. He felt like he'd gotten a really bad sunburn, and he'd definitely rolled in some of the broken glass, but he'd survived...for now. He still had to get out of the building. The berserker was down for the count from Endeavor's attack, but the remaining civilians, thankfully only a handful, were screaming as the flames burned tables, chairs, and everything else in sight.

Ok, he could deal with his pain later. Right now, he just needed to get the civilians out of here.

"Fire extinguisher...maybe in the back?" Izuku searched as best he could, grateful that his goggles were somehow still intact and protecting his eyes from the smoke. As soon as he saw a fire extinguisher hanging on the wall, Izuku ripped it off it's hooks and sprinted toward a section of wall that looked particularly fire damaged.

"If there isn't an available exit..." Izuku grunted as he adjusted his grip and staggered slightly under the weight, "then I'll just have to make my own!"

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