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"Oh my god," a blonde gawked up at the man walking past her as she and her friend were exiting a department store in the mall. "Who is that?" the blonde asked, her friend staring after the man while biting her nail.

"I don't know but I plan to find out," the brunette said, moving to follow after the guy and was seriously considering asking for his number when someone bumped into her.

"Watch it!" some dirty blonde chick snapped, a whole gaggle of both girls and guys following after the man who seemed completely oblivious to his entourage.

The man was tall, lean, and had a lot of muscle that clearly showed through his clothes. He wore black nice looking sneakers, black jeans that fit him from the waist down well by hugging his skin just enough, a tight white tank-top with a high neckline, and a black leather jacket. His dark brown hair was short and fluffy on the right side of his head and trimmed down short on the left, his bright blue eyes attracted a lot of attention against his slightly dark golden tanned skin, and the man who huge. At least seven feet tall and towered over all yet he looked young.

"He's so hot," one guy breathed, the crowd following this man around like a flock of ducklings trailing after their mother duck.

"He'll be mine. Just watch," one girl said and went to step forward but she was immediately yanked backward.

"Says who?" another girl snapped and an argument ensued, the girls looking ready to throw hands at any moment, when they heard a girl squeal.

"Keith!" a girl, about fourteen at least, called out to the man and was waving her arm in the air to get his attention. The man perked up and picked up his pace as he walked, soon closing the distance between them and collecting the girl in his arms for a big hug with her arms thrown around Keith's shoulders with her feet dangling in the air as he stood up to his full height while holding her. "It's been too long. I hate boarding school," the girl said with a pout as she was put on his hip as if she were a baby and he started walking with her like that. Normally, one would be afraid of bumping into others which would cause that person to fall but everyone gave the seven foot giant a wide birth while staring up at him in awe as he passed.

"You're the one who wants to become a big time lawyer like aunt Sally. That was your own fault," Keith said in a slightly deep but soft voice, kissing the girl on the temple who cuddled into his side.

"I know but boarding school is so boring~ You have to wear a uniform that I personally think is butt ugly, you always have to have your hair in a bun unless it's short like mine which has to be pinned up with hair pins, and because we're in dorms there's a stupid curfew which is at six o'clock. That's dinner time! Don't even get me started on the disgusting food," the girl said with a groan, falling slack in his arms with Keith having to hold her up who rolled his eyes with a chuckle.

"If you fall, it's your own fault," Keith said, adjusting his grip on her waist as he continued to walk through the mall and was getting increasingly closer to the food court with his flock of ducklings behind him who were eyeing the duo curiously.

"Hey! You wouldn't drop your baby sister, would you!?" the girl snapped, shaking her fist in the air.

The girl was short, especially compared to her older brother, and had the same dark brown hair as him which was pulled back into two pigtails with her bangs swept to the left side of her face. She had light makeup on which made her even prettier than her natural beauty, light purple brush strokes over her brown eyes that were currently glaring up at her brother who stuck his tongue out at her, and she was wearing a very pretty blue dress with plain blue leggings underneath giving her a very bright look about her.

"Keith! Emily!" a voice called out and both brunette's looked up to see a tall and broad blonde fellow ahead of them who was waving his arm over the crowd. He was at least six foot-three and he was also attractive, his own little crowd staring up at him in amazement at his dashing good looks.

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